Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1818: Who is the power?

How could this be? If there is himself in the mirror, who is looking at the mirror here?

Sun Hao only feels confused and unclear.

In the mirror, Gerland was very close to himself and embraced himself.

I took Gellan myself, on the lake, stepping on the lotus, flying with the wind, over the small lake, and the true silver bell-like laughter of Gerland.

Sun Hao feels that this is an incomparable truth story. He is indeed at the side of Gerland, accompanied by Gerland.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe it's just a moment, maybe it's been a long time.

Sun Hao saw the mirror and himself and Gerland stood the lotus, facing the sun, standing side by side, and the picture was fixed.

At this moment, in the soul of Sun Hao, the criminal sorcerer came up with the sentence: "Be kind to those who lead you into the imaginary..." This time, this sentence, the sorcerer repeated ten times, for fear The body forgets the general.

At this time, just after the completion of the phlegm, the Dapeng garuda, which has not yet perfected the soul, also came up with a thought: "This is the day of the future."

Sun Hao was suddenly shocked.

The picture that I saw myself, and Gerlan in the mysterious world of the witches, and the picture of each other, from the future?

It’s something that hasn’t happened yet, but it’s actually being shown to you in advance.

Sun Hao instantly understood two things. One is that he and Gerland are very good in the future, and the friendship is not allowed to be faked. The other is that there is a peerless ability to display the supreme magical power, so that I can see this sub-picture. It is very likely that the power of the words that told Wu Yi that year was re-applied.

Well, its intention is no doubt that you want to be kind to Gerland.

So who is this power?

Sun Hao still didn't completely understand this problem. The water mirror slammed and the shadow of himself and Gerland disappeared. The witch Wang Vigna did not find it at all. He did not feel the slightest feeling. Above.

Gerland's body appeared in the water mirror.

Sun Hao’s eyes are unfortunately no longer found in his own figure.

And on the little head of Gerland, there was a lavender outline.

Vignia's finger outline, whispered: "Looking at the hill, the spirit of our witches is strong and weak, it is reflected in the **** wheel, Xiaolan's **** wheel, showing lavender, which is not enough concise, hurt Performance, you pay attention to it again, Xiaolan’s **** wheel lacks a right ear, which is a manifestation of his insufficiency.”

Sun Hao cleaned up his mood and saw that the huge shock that appeared in Xiaolan’s side was put aside. He whispered: “Witches, how can Xiaolan need to be treated before they are fully recovered?”

Vigna’s face showed a regretful expression and shook her head gently: “In theory, as long as Xiao Lan’s spirit is enough to concise, then we fill her ear again, she is completely recovered, but, actually, this Basically can't do..."

It is more difficult for the witches to consolidate their souls. It is cultivated a little bit. It is easy to break up and difficult to rebuild.

And if you fill the gap, don’t think about it until you re-consolidate it.

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