Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1820: Who is the power (2)

Masters may be better than Sun Hao in pharmacy refining, but their cultivation time is much longer than Sun Hao and their experience is extremely rich. After starting to speak, everyone has some ideas and some unique insights. . Burning novels?`

Sun Hao also found that although the male and female witches have a lot of ills in the management system of male and female divisions, they also have a big advantage, that is, the monks are more harmonious.

The combination of men and women, work is not tired, this is the case.

After listening to the speeches of the masters and masters, Sun Hao also began to think.

The situation in Gerland is quite special. From all kinds of signs, her broken soul is likely to be hidden in some way or by earth-shattering secrets.

Maybe, one day, the remnant will wake up. With the powerful means of ancient power, once you wake up, you will not be good in Gerland.

The strength of the Dapeng garuda, Sun Hao has a lingering fear.

Moreover, the situation of Xiaolan is completely different from that of Dapeng Golden Wingbird. The recovery method of the two people must also be different.

Dapeng Golden Winged Bird escaped from the soul, but the body part of the soul was set by him in the indefinite wind domain. The essence is still two-in-one, but it is only temporarily separated, with the condensate liquid, it can be Forcibly integrated into one.

Therefore, for the Dapeng garuda, the condensate is enough.

Different from Keerland, Gellan is the reincarnation, and the power is divided into parts, but the other part is reincarnate as Gerland, and has produced independent personality and personality. In this case, even if it is found The remnant soul left by the mighty power, I am afraid it is difficult to really make it solid, and maybe there will be a difficult battle to finally determine the belonging of the soul.

Often, the losing party will become the memory of the other party like the old Zhong Xiaohao, but the independent personality is lost.

Sun Hao doesn't know who the power is. However, since this person may hurt Xiaolan, Sun Hao has to find a way to circumvent this.

The disc must be master's point of view, coincide with Sun Hao's ideas, follow this line of thinking to find out, to find a way, perhaps can find practical ways.

The Queen Vignia’s face has a stern look: “There is also a simple way to find a place to hide in the ancient powers, and then...”

She didn't say what then, but everyone understood what she meant.

That is unceremonious, defeating the ancient souls and letting Gellan digest, so that not only the problems of Gelan can be solved, but the soul can be filled, and many souls can be absorbed. Nutrients may be more helpful to their cultivation.

After most of the monks had expressed their opinions, the Panhe Grand Master looked at Sun Hao and said: "Small hill, talk about your thoughts."

Sun Hao took a deep breath and his body glimpsed a little, and his mouth whispered: "First talk about my condensate, I am now giving Xiaolan the condensate, called the original liquid. On top of this, there is actually a kind of condensate. The ultimate form."

Sun Hao recalled the colorful condensate that he had refining for the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, and clearly stated it in his mouth: "The ultimate form of condensate liquid is to take the soul of the family as a medicine, and smelt it into the potion. After that, the effect of the medicinal agent doubled. If the ancient remnant soul was defeated, then I can guarantee that the ultimate condensate liquid can definitely complete the condensing. However, the ultimate condensate liquid is dry and the hill has not been refined..."

Within the palace, it was a little quieter.

The bridegroom whispered softly: "Hill, I know what you are worried about, but if you really need the witches and monks to do the medicine, the problem is not big. You told me earlier, this is only a small matter, not afraid of the hills, I As a witches ritual, there are indeed many witches and monks in the hands of the war. If they can take medicine for the monks in the family, they will fulfill their loyalty..."

Sun Hao looked at other monks and didn't look surprised on his face. Apparently everyone knows that, with a smile on his face, Sun Hao said sincerely: "Well, that hill can safely give Xiaolan a refinement." The ultimate condensate liquid, other medicinal materials in the hills there is still a spare, the feminine adults just give the hills to the soul."

Panhe patted his hands and laughed. "Well, with the ultimate condensate of medicinal properties, then we have a solid foundation for what kind of approach we take. Let me summarize it first. Let's take a look at my summary. Get the bit no..."

Panhe integrated everyone's opinions and came up with a set of more reasonable treatment methods.

First of all, use Blu-ray dreams to let Xiaolan fall into a deep sleep and continue to restore the soul; then, take two ways to try treatment.

The preferred treatment is to find the ancient remnant of the soul, and then digest it after defeat.

The second treatment method is to find the method of peeling off the soul, cut off the connection between Gerland and the ancient spirits, completely separate the spirit of Gellan, and then use the ultimate condensate to fill the spirit of the other witches.

The Panhe Grand Master outlines and puts everyone's opinions together, and co-ordinates the advantages of all parties. It is a set of useful treatment plans.

Sun Hao also had to sigh that everyone gathered firewood high.

Let Sun Hao come alone, definitely can't think of such a perfect way so quickly.

Moreover, among these methods, some secret techniques are also involved. Sun Hao comes alone, fearing that it is impossible to do it at all.

After Panhe finished, everyone should start the action without delay.

The first ceremony of the bridesmaid stood up and said: "Since everyone decided to deal with the ancient power, then I will first explore his position. If you can find it, then it is the best way..."

After that, the hand turned over and there was a small jade bottle with a little blood inside.

The jade bottle was thrown up, the cockroach blew open, the blood drips out, the female ritual has a word in it, the eyes under the shawl burst into blue light, rushing up to the blue ball in the hand, reflecting from the ball , hit the blood drop.

The blood blasted and the blood was foggy.

The ritual screaming in the mouth: "Overhead."

The blood fog swayed like a mirror, and there were all kinds of scenery inside, but it was difficult to stabilize. It seemed to be constantly changing. There were mountains and rivers, green mountains and green waters, and women’s mouths scorned. In the fog, spit out his own blood, and the scenery inside the blood fog gradually becomes clear.

Everyone is stunned and waiting for the final result.

However, the body of the bridesmaid swayed gently, as if there was a heavy pressure on the body, and it seemed to be under great resistance, trying to maintain the blood fog.

Persevered in less than ten interest, the blood and fog scenery has not been fully stabilized, the female sorrows screamed and fell on the ground, the body undulating, the big mouth gasping, after half a ring, the sound of the female ritual came out: " The strength of ancient power is not very strong Unfortunately, he is not in the virtual, the bigger possibility is in the lower bound somewhere, with my ability, but it is difficult to calculate his Where."

Usually, the reincarnation will be in the same world!

But I did not expect this powerful power to be so powerful, actually sent the remnant soul to the lower bounds, the bottom of the virtual world, tens of thousands, of which not directly controlled by the witches.

The power of the disability in the lower bounds means that everyone can't find his place.

Panhe sighed: "The sigh of the bridesmaid is the most powerful tracking technique for the male and female witches. Since you can't do it, then we can only take measures to forcibly cut off the relationship between Xiaolan and the ancient spirit. Then use the **** of the hill to condense."

After saying this, Panhe continued: "In fact, before that, I also thought of the way to separate the soul of Xiaolan, but Xiaolan was not stable at the time, so he could only wait and see. Now the conditions are ripe, everyone will arrive. I have to try, my idea is like this..."

The Panhe Grand Master threw out a kind of singer that Sun Hao had not heard of, and he needed a master-level pharmacist to refine the refinement: "God and Devils."

A kind of medicine that can really cut off the connection between Gelland and ancient powers. However, the refining of this kind of medicine is also quite difficult. One is that the medicine is difficult; the other is that the medicine is difficult.

A medicinal agent that may exceed the level of the sacred liquid, with the name of the demon, will be simple. Panhe Grand Master also had to say: "The refining elixir of this pharmacy is quite rare, and it is quite difficult to collect the elixir..."

The Panhe Dashu teacher did not finish, and within the palace, a clear voice came out: "As long as you can find a way, this seat will personally take the shot and do everything possible to collect the elixir."

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse and looked at the gate of the palace. The monks around him were already in the same position: "I have seen the Witch King..." (To be continued.)

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