Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1823: Brave death

At first glance, the body of the grass poisoned person looks like a scarecrow whose human farmer is tied in the farmland. It is dry and thin, and the walking movement is relatively dull, like hay.

The body is like a hay, the body is poisonous, and the grass is poisonous, which is why it is named.

Sun Hao did not directly sneak into the poisonous death zone, but resisted his own discomfort. He found a place in the field of the poisonous glazed dish and registered himself with the identity of the human race on the hill. He lived.

Although the grass poisonous people are more exclusive, they are also intelligent races. There are certain rules and regulations within their own families, and they will not scream and kill.

As long as Sun Hao is allowed to operate within the scope permitted by the rules, and is not guilty of the poisonous monks, it is relatively safe.

The relationship between the grass poison and the human race is still good. Sun Hao, through the normal way, according to the methods recorded by the male and female witches, just paid part of the resources, and then entered the cultivation area of ​​the grass poison people, and began to learn some simple, can be passed on to the outside. "The technique of grass poisoning."

In the middle of the virtual, talking about the understanding of toxicity, but also really push the poisonous people, learning some knowledge here can undoubtedly improve Sun Hao's chance to find a chance within the poisonous death zone.

After truly entering the state of learning, Sun Hao is now, every big family who can stand in the middle of the virtual, absolutely has its outstanding place, and definitely has its own reasons.

The grass poisonous person is based on poison, and naturally he has his reason.

Moreover, some theories of the grass poison people also make Sun Hao, the master of the pharmacy and the master of alchemy, one of the brightest. In a sense, the technique of grass poisoning may be regarded as a very different kind of medicine. And the composite technology of alchemy.

The most basic theory of the grass poison people is: "It is a three-point drug, ten poisons and nine drugs."

In the classics of the grass poison people, it is pointed out that any plant is actually toxic, but the toxicity is different in size and the toxicity is different. The classics of the grass poisoner specifically point out that any medicine, or any kind of medicinal agent, pharmacy In fact, at least three points of toxicity, and those seemingly highly toxic, are all available drugs.

The three faces of the grass poison people represent three different cultivation branches of the grass poison people.

The grass green face is the most, representing the most common types of cultivation of grass poisonous people. The technique of green poison, this kind of grass poisonous person, advocating the poison of natural creation, rational allocation, producing strong toxicity, improving self-cultivation The focus of their research and practice is the poison of natural plants and natural living creatures.

The red face of the rose is a poisonous warrior. Their way of practice is to emphasize the refining, to cultivate various poisonous gases into the body, and to turn into their own powerful offensive and defensive capabilities. Usually, for the more militant grass poison people, the poisonous grass people In the middle, there are also many.

Black face, that is the really horrible grass poisonous monk, this kind of grass poison, also known as "drug addicts", they pursue the idea of ​​natural poison, far less powerful than artificial poison, therefore, they Throughout my life, I have always devoted myself to the cultivation and growth of all kinds of poisons, and I am proud of cultivating unsolvable poisons.

The black-faced grass poisonous person is a group of real poisonous fanatics. According to legend, the poisonous death field is the result of the murder of a black face after the seedling has been offended.

In the classics of the grass poison people, Sun Hao also saw the record of the poisonous death field. The description is like this: "The seedlings of the dragonfly finally angered the black face, and on that day, the grandfather turned into a black from the glass dish. The smoke is shrouded in the sky above the seedling field. Everything cannot enter and exit. The road to the domain is completely isolated. In the black smoke, it seems that there is a terrible horror. Ten years are not endless. Ten years later, the black smoke dissipates. Agong disappeared, and the seedling field completely became the domain of poisonous death in Zhongxu..."

The focus of the three cultivation branches is different, and the most weird and powerful ones are undoubtedly black faces.

However, it is not easy for a poisonous person to cultivate a black face.

Sun Hao quietly practiced within the field of glassware. The number of black-faced poisonous people he met was not much. Of course, this was related to the lower level of poison that Sun Hao learned.

The description of poisons by the grass poison people's books is very comprehensive, and it has a very clear grade. Everything in the world is poisonous in the grass poisonous people. According to its toxicity, it is divided into one to six levels, corresponding to each. A slightly toxic, two mild, three poisonous, four very poisonous, five-pole poison, six highly toxic, it is said that there are two toxicity levels up, but this is not a theory that foreign monks can reach.

What makes Sun Hao very amazed is that the grass poison people put forward a very specific theory, that is, the level of toxicity of poisons is different for different races.

For example, Sun Hao saw the arsenic, which was marked as extremely toxic in the definition of toxicity to the human race. However, the labeling of the male and female witches was only toxic, and the labeling of the barbarians was only mildly toxic.

This method of distinction is quite practical. Moreover, Sun Hao is surprised to see that almost the middle-class race, that is, the race with large domains, has a corresponding toxicity scale.

Good guy, Sun Hao can be sure that any large-scale race who has offended the grass poisonous person will be found to deal with the targeted poison.

It is no wonder that the grass poison people have no friends. This toxin level corresponds to the table, which makes other races very taboo, and the feeling that the weakness is in the hands of others is not good.

More importantly, many ethnic groups even suspected that the savage black faces of the grass poison people quietly caught their ethnic monks to test the poison, or else, how could there be such a precise scale.

If it weren’t for the poisonous people, it’s really weird, and there’s no oil and water in the other races in the grass-drinking area. Maybe there’s a strong race that’s not used to being a poisonous person, and it’s a big hit.

Sun Hao’s study is really open to the eye.

Because he is a human being, Sun Hao focused on the analysis of toxins harmful to the human race.

For the Terran monks, the sixth-grade toxicity is only marked with strength and weakness. In addition, there is a detailed analysis of the toxicity categories, which makes Sun Hao stunned and feels that the industry has specialized.

For the human race, the main toxicities are blood poison, botulism, nerve poison, sinister poison and sinister poison. If you don’t come to the grass to poison the big field to learn, Sun Hao really can’t systematically master the poisons harmful to the human race. While learning the knowledge of these poisons, Sun Hao has a scalp numbness. Once he is really stared by a black-faced grass poison person, it is estimated that the days will not be too good. Even if he is not dead, it is estimated that he has to peel off the skin.

In the past, Sun Hao felt that he was distracted and powerful, and he had never poisoned it. He didn’t even think that poisonous death could make himself.

When considering the poisonous dead zone, the problem is also relatively simple.

Later, when he came out from Kelman Hill, when Panhe carefully advised Sun Hao on many anti-drug knowledge, Sun Hao suddenly felt that it might not be easy to poison the dead domain, and he suddenly remembered a crucial issue. In the middle of the virtual, the distracted monks are indeed the level of power, are old monsters, but for a huge race, there are still some distracted monks.

The famous name of the poisonous dead domain makes people talk about the change of color, so the simple reasoning is that the poisonous dead domain can also be poisonous.

This is also the root cause of Sun Hao’s stealth poisoning.

Really ignorant fearless, the more you know, the more timid people are. Within the large field of glassware, Sun Hao has been studying for three years. He has mastered a large number of poisonous people who are the easiest. After the inheritance, Hao has already battled against the poisonous dead zone that he is about to carry out.

The danger of poisonous death is reflected in two aspects, one is poison; the other is not dead.

Poison, the strongest and most fierce performance is that it has formed a unique poisonous law similar to the wind domain. After entering, the monk's defense is invalidated and the anti-virus is invalidated. It must rely on the inherent strength of the body to resist toxicity and the strength of the refining body. Weak monks, if not for a moment, can be turned into a thick water.

Of course, some elixir and detoxifying agents with good detoxification effects can also support the monks in the poisonous dead zone for a long time. Sun Hao is not aware of his own Mudan and the dead wood gods in the poisonous dead zone. Some effects will be forcibly terminated by the peculiar laws of poisonous death.

Undead is the powerful undead creatures that the unyielding souls are able to be free from toxins after being extinct. These creatures live in a toxic environment all year round, and their bodies are full of toxins and difficult to get around.

After three years of practice in the large field of the medicinal glass, Sun Hao was ready to lead the grazing to the Flora Bridge on the border of the large glass.

A rushing river rushes down from the large area of ​​the glass.

Within the large area of ​​the glass, the river cheered up the white waves and passed the lower half of the bridge of the Flora Bridge. The color of the river instantly turned into darkness.

The river also seems to no longer flow in an instant, but like a viscous liquid, slowly creeping down.

On this day, a human race boy, with a soil dog, curiously came to visit the poisonous dead zone. Unfortunately, one accidentally fell from the Flora Bridge and fell into the poisonous dead zone. Disappear.

The onlookers of the poisonous monk sighed: "Oh, another poor man..." (to be continued.)


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