Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1825: Toxic smoke Zhang Tian

At the moment, the animal husbandry can only turn the eyeballs, and the heart breaks open: "Boss, can't you make it clear at a time? Rely on, and lie to the dog..."

It is estimated that the side of the animal will not be able to slow down for a while, and Sun Hao’s face with a faint smile began to test the intensity of the poison gas in the poisonous dead zone. r?anwen??????????`???

A wrist flashed and a piece of animal meat appeared on the hand.

Just appeared, the meat of the beast immediately entered the oil pan, and it nourished, and there was a burst of blue smoke. However, the three-way kung fu, the beast meat had turned into a mist and disappeared in front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s heart could not help but feel a little stunned.

The level of this piece of animal meat is not at the end, at least it is equivalent to the body of the refining body of the level of the gods. Even the three interest can't resist it. It is a terrible poisonous death field. You must know that this is still Sun Hao just entering, and If you don't go deep into the area, once you get into the core area of ​​the poisonous dead zone, the toxicity is strong, then what is it?

After a series of trials, Sun Hao came to the conclusion that if he wanted to walk directly into the poisonous domain, he would not be able to live for about six hours at most, perhaps with his own gradual advancement and persistence. It will also be shorter.

No wonder the dead domain.

Sure enough, the average monk can come in.

This time, I have been lying for a long time.

After a whole hour, this gradually restored the ability to move, slanting, standing on the ground, and licking in the pastoral: "Sun boss, you have to take the side to test the poison, you said straight, you actually lie to the dog, you are too wicked ......"

While saying that the darkness of the animal husbandry also thought: "I actually lie to the dog, I will not tell you, this black fungus is absolutely sinister", can you? Up to now, his small Ding Ding is still hard, and the moment of poisoning is absolutely fluttering, and the dog is dead.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The more poisonous the dead field, the stronger the toxicity. Since you have come in, you really need to strengthen your anti-drug ability along the way. Besides, you are not always afraid of people. Stew the dog whip? This time, you will turn to the poisonous death field and turn around with a little toxin to see who dares to stew you..."

Bianmu couldn't help but shine: "Boss, you are so wise, right, right, I will eat it all the way, eat a poisonous dog body, see who else dares to touch me, Wang Wangwang ......"

Be careful to walk the poisonous dead domain, Sun Hao speed is not too fast, while the animal husbandry is what to catch what to eat, what is dare to smash two, of course, it is often poisoned to four feet to move.

However, in general, Sun Hao found that as the two deepened, the anti-toxicity of the animal husbandry increased rapidly, the frequency interval of the fall was longer and longer, and the time required for recovery was shorter and shorter.

One person and one dog continued to walk for four or five days before they actually saw the poisonous death.

The ones that have passed in front of it are only the surrounding areas affected by the poisonous dead zone. Sun Hao and Bian Mu are now in the direction they are in, but they know that the real poisonous death is ahead.

The real poisonous dead field looks very beautiful.

Sun Hao and Bian Mu saw it, it was like a rainbow of huge condensed smoke, shrouded in front, at first glance, the golden light in front of it was a big hit, and suddenly fell from the air, as small as a projectile gradually drifting, as large as The wheel suddenly broke, non-虹虹霞, five colors all over the field, the aroma is pressing...

Bianmu looked dazzled, and Wang Wang cried: "Boss, what is this suffocating? It looks so beautiful."

Sun Hao said thoughtfully: "This is suffocating, it is a mixture of a variety of poisonous gases formed by the suffocating gas, the sin of the poisonous domain, the ordinary monks into it, one and three moments, can be turned into blood, while animal husbandry, you can Try to absorb a little and adapt slowly. I also need to see how long the golden body is in the air and how long it can last."

If the poisonous death domain is just the poisonous gas in the air in the front, Sun Hao’s golden body is not much lost, and it can be supported for a long time. However, after the suffocation, the situation is different.

Helium is very corrosive, and the golden body needs to compete with it. The golden body will also be under pressure and cannot be completely resisted indefinitely.

Sun Hao needs to know how long his golden body can support in his anger.

Brilliant in the golden light, Sun Haozhang eight gold body out of the body, into the suffocating, began to try.

Bianmu also took a sigh of suffocation, holding his stomach, screaming on the ground, and began to twist and twist.

A very strong suffocation, the soil is not convinced, the world's second dog is not convinced.

Sun Hao was sitting cross-legged in the area covered with suffocation, and began to earnestly understand and understand the suffocating gas against the toxic knowledge he had learned.

Among the books of the herbicides, there is a detailed description of hernia, and there is a very clear classification of hernia.

There are three classification methods for the season of the sputum, the nature of the occurrence, and the cause of the occurrence.

According to the season of occurrence, spring is called grass, summer is called yellow plum, autumn is called new grass, and winter is called yellow.

According to the symptoms and nature, it is divided into cold, hot, dumb and so on.

According to the cause of the occurrence, there are osmanthus fragrans and chrysanthemum scorpions named after the plants, and the animals are named after pythons, peacocks, crickets, duck worms, wasps, etc., as well as Putian, Mengsha, leeches, etc. ....

Sun Hao sat in his arms and felt a long time, and his face showed a thoughtful expression.

The poisonous dead zone is really a poisonous dead zone.

The suffocating air over the poisonous dead zone is a kind of compound suffocating gas, which is very powerful. If it is to be named, it is a bit like the "five poisonous cockroaches" recorded in the records of the toxic people.

The venomous scorpion, the scorpion venom and the five scorpion venoms are the three most typical hernias recorded by the grass poison people.

Among the three types of radon, the most powerful one is actually the five poisonous cockroaches.

The combination of 10,000 poisons and hundreds of poisons, the combination of five poisons into five poisons, the five poisonous cockroaches, strong and unmatched.

After Sun Hao decided to lock his seventh scorpion on the poisonous attribute, he also seriously studied the poisonous property of the beast, the record of the classics, the strongest, but the poisonous dragon with weaker strength in the dragon family, and it is not toxic. Strong, but the strength is stronger than other poisons.

The poison that is really famous for its toxicity is highly praised in the records of the grass-toothed people: "five poisons."

Five poisons, grass poison people are referred to as scorpions, snakes, crickets, crickets and spiders.

Among the aristocratic classics, there are also five poisonous records: "Dragon Boat Festival, the weather is hot, ‘five poisons are awake, uneasy,' but slightly different, the human race books replaced the spiders with “geckos.”

Sun Hao carefully analyzed the classification criteria of human and grass poison people, and found that there are some differences in cognition. The human race talks about five poisons, while paying attention to its toxicity, and considering its medicinal value, geckos can be used as medicine. Spiders, but can't be used for medicinal purposes.

The grass poison people, but purely in terms of toxicity, no doubt the spider's poison is far greater than the gecko.

The starting point is different but from the perspective of toxicity, the grass poison is obviously more professional.

Five poisons are actually a very large category.

For example, snakes have pythons, green snakes, white snakes, golden snakes, silver snakes, five-step snakes, water snakes, fire snakes, etc.

Among the snakes, there are actually famous people, even there are no more than the existence of the Taikoo Lei Beast and Kun Peng. For example, the snake is also a snake, and the snake is said to be able to fly without a foot. The powerful existence of the clouds.

However, these two snakes are legendary creatures, even if they are in the virtual, they may not be able to see them. Even if they are, in fact, they are not famous for their toxicity, but they are the same as the poison dragons. The existence of strong, especially the Pakistani snake, its typical characteristics are similar to the small fire, are all devour of the magical powers, completely incompatible with the poison.

The scorpion is not particularly powerful. The strongest one may be the scorpio. In the eyes of the grass poisoned people, the scorpio is the first of the five poisons. Therefore, among the five poisons, the scorpion ranks first, and the scorpion venom records. When the sky was full of gods and drove the sun **** car to chaos, the humans, animals, and plants on the ground were either hot or frozen, and the sky was dark and the voices were filled.

In order to stop the sun **** car, the gods released a poisonous cockroach, biting the ankle of the driver, and killing it, and the world was restored to peace.

That poisonous scorpion is the legendary scorpio.

Sun Hao thinks that if the legend of the grass poison is true, the Scorpio is so poisonous and can poison the legendary gods, and it is the best choice to catch a soul.

However, Sun Hao feels that he will not be so lucky, and will encounter poisons that will appear in this legend.

There are also top poisons among crickets, crickets and spiders. However, when it comes to the degree and reputation, it is worse than the snake. (To be continued.)

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