Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1836: Encounter

The giant spider is the first poisonous thing found by the side. ??火然文?????????

The shape does not conform to Sun Hao's aesthetic, directly skipped, Sun Hao did not alarm this big guy, quietly wearing the past from his site, continue to sneak into the poison domain spider.

Species are gradually becoming more and more abundant. Every day, competition for hunting and survival is staged in front of Sun Hao.

A variety of poisons have evolved in the extreme environment to have many unique viability and to maintain themselves in the toxic domain.

Sun Hao witnessed the battle between a vicious cockroach and a green monitor lizard.

He was obviously superior, waving his own thick claws and cutting off the big half of the monitor lizard.

The giant lizard broke the tail and actually stole the eggs that had just been laid and fled.

He was furious and violently spewing venom around, and as a result, a large swamp was smashed and muddy.

The vicious cockroach is very toxic, but in the same way, Sun Hao looked disgusting and passed by.

After a few months of swaying, Sun Hao found a difficulty that he did not expect.

Within the poisonous death zone, there are quite a lot of highly toxic substances, especially the genus of five poisons. Each has its own weak toxicity. As long as it is a poison that can dominate one party, at least it is not weaker than Feng Peng, but These poisons all have the same characteristics, and that is ugly.

One is more ugly than one.

Sun Hao has already degenerated the six souls, each with its own characteristics, but no matter which soul, it looks very pleasing to the eye, even if it is a transparent sneaky, there is also a sense of ethereal, and even if it is a worm-shaped ice silkworm, It also gives people a crystal clear ice jade feeling, and the headless witch is also very powerful, but there is really no one that looks dissatisfied.

However, if Sun Hao chooses to form a genus of five poisons, the image will be completely absent.

Sun Hao still loves his feathers very much. If the toxic attribute does not reach the true level of Sun Hao's real heart, these five poisonous genus are hard to impress Sun Hao.

Incarnation of sneaky, with the rabbit and Han Yujin, and quietly moving forward, Sun Hao unconsciously in the toxic domain, the farther and farther.

The deeper you come in, the deeper the feelings of Sun Hao’s heart. After coming in, the ghosts are like water, especially after refining the dark purple grapes, they enter the poisonous field, even if they don’t drive the rabbits, they only need ghosts and grandchildren. Hao can basically walk the poison domain.

These circumstances all indicate that among the poisonous areas, among the five poisonous cockroaches on the top of the head, they are full of yin and cold attribute toxins.

This is slightly different from the poisonous death field that Sun Hao expected.

The research on toxins by Caodu people is very thorough and thorough, and the classification of toxins is carried out in all directions. The most typical one of the basic classification methods is to divide the toxin into yin and yang properties, yin and yang.

Under normal circumstances, like the dead zone of poisonous death, the poison is rampant, and the poison is everywhere. According to Sun Hao's understanding, the toxins of both yin and yang properties will be very powerful.

But who knows that when they came in, it was found that poisonous sinisters occupied an absolute dominance, while positive toxic toxins were rarely seen.

It is no wonder that Miha said that there is a flaw in the toxic field. Just this point can be seen as abnormal.

Naturally divided into yin and yang, the balance can be established.

If the yin and yang are not balanced, there will be big problems.

It is no wonder that the seedling domain will be turned into a dead zone. At the same time, Sun Hao can also guess that it may be the poison of the dead zone.

With the vigilance, Sun Hao gradually touched into the poisonous death zone.

From the time of the death of thousands of people, for more than a year, Sun Hao has smashed many places, and also killed some poisons that can be used for medicine in the books of the poisonous people. It is a surprise harvest of the toxic field.

Not to mention, many special toxins that can be used in medicine are really only found in the poisonous dead zone.

A year later, Bianmu took Sun Hao and once again found a poisonous poison, but this time it was not a poisonous thing, but a huge "Angel" flower.

This is described in the book of the poisonous people: "What can be more pleasing than the voice of the angel? In fact, the pain it brings is even more endless..."

There are also grass poison people who call the name of the angel "the devil trap."

The Angel's No. is a herbaceous plant that blooms brightly and looks like a trumpet-like milky white flower. On a flower plant, it usually blooms nine times, and it stretches out on all sides. It looks beautiful and refined, but in fact, it is a powerful one. A poisonous flower that can affect the soul of a person.

After Sun Hao approached a certain distance, there were various illusions in the knowledge of the gods. The nine angels became the nine beautiful women, and they danced and styled, seduce Sun Hao.

Bianmu this guy, even out of the old man's drowning.

Sun Hao smiled and shook his head, and woke up the side of the animal husbandry, the right index finger extended, and the sacred sputum appeared at the fingertips, gently popping up, and the sacred **** was like a meteor, falling on the root of the angel's flower, and began to scream and burn. .

The biggest flaw of plant strains is that they can't move freely. Sun Hao's powerful scorpion inflammation comes over. The angel's name can't be avoided. He can only wave his own nine flowers and leaves, and keep slaps the scorpion. Try to extinguish the flame.

However, after a thousand years of tempering, the gods are powerful and unparalleled, and they are unmoved. It only takes half an hour to burn the angel's flower plant, and the nine angels are shaking, with bursts. The enchanting floral scent, as well as the scorching smell of being burnt by the scorpion, fell to the ground.

Sun Hao’s face was smiling and drove the soul.

Among the poisonous deaths, in addition to the five poisons, Sun Hao has a more reliable choice direction, that is, the plant strain, like the powerful poison plant of the Angel, although it is still difficult to move autonomously, but the birth is simple The soul of the soul is very likely.

Poisonous plants are not only more pleasing than the five poisons, but also the toxin properties are very strong, but it is a cost-effective choice.

However, what makes Sun Hao more puzzled is that this Jiuhua Angel has no signs of any soul, and Sun Hao drives the soul-sucking technique without any reaction at all.

Is it difficult to say that poisonous planting is difficult within the toxic domain? Or is this angel number a special case?

Sun Hao didn't want to understand this problem, and he drove the sacred sacred fire. He broke out the strong fire, destroyed the angel's plant, and collected the four well-preserved angels. Sun Hao took the grazing and began to the toxic domain again. Advance in the depths.

After half a month, I encountered a huge embarrassment.

This time, Sun Hao no longer detours, erupting his own powerful power, and his life will be defeated. However, after trying to seduce, Sun Hao once again regretted that this iron north sky was not able to give birth to the soul.

This is a bit erratic. The five poisons are gods, especially the five poisons that have been cultivated to a certain extent. There is definitely a powerful soul control, but it seems to be an empty shell.

In order to verify this fact Next, Sun Hao has killed a few more powerful poisons. Unfortunately, Sun Hao really could not find any poisonous objects.

Why is this happening? Sun Hao is puzzled.

If this has always been the case, then how can Sun Hao find the soul of poisonous attributes?

Is it possible that only the poison with a certain level of strength will have a soul? With such doubts, Sun Hao is farther and farther in the poisonous death zone. There are more and more poisons, more and more, and the toxicity is getting higher and higher.

Sun Hao gradually became more careful.

About a year later, Sun Hao shouldered, and she shrugged her nose. The mouth said: "Weird, I smelled different general tastes in the air, yes, boss, I seem to smell the grass poison. The taste, boss, do we need to go around? Or go see them?"

Sun Hao thought for a moment and said softly: "When it comes to understanding and researching the poisonous death domain, the grass poison people are second to none, and the grass poison people who can come here are of extraordinary strength, and their understanding of poisons is more than I am a lot, side animal husbandry, you see if we can do this..."

Bianmu listened to Sun Hao and finished his eyes. His eyes were slightly radiant, and his mouth said: "Okay, then according to what you said, I also want to see how the poisonous people make poisonous poisons."

After four or five days, Sun Hao and Bianmu sneaked into a huge jungle.

Speaking with Bianmu, a few words, Sun Hao's body became more transparent, his eyes also converge, and the whole person turned into a form of a ghost, wearing it into the jungle.

The ghost is slowly moving forward without aim.

In the woods and grass, a small black face stretched out and a horror: "Yeah? It is really rare to see a ghost, an undead dog..." (To be continued.)

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