Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1840: Xiang Liu Tianyi

Blackwood looked at the five poisonous cockroaches in the air. r?anwen??????????`???

Sun Hao also felt this time.

The soul of the black widow of the human face is indeed absorbed by the five poisonous scorpions in the sky in a way that it cannot understand. It disappears, just like in the sky, there is a huge black shadow, and it is swallowed at any time. The spirit of the domain is average.

Perceive this change, Sun Hao's heart began to think, what do they need to do, in order to eat from the five poisonous mouthfuls, in order to receive the poisonous spirit under the eyes of the black wood?

If you can't find an effective solution, then even if you encounter a source of satisfaction, you will not get it.

Especially the Scorpio, if it can really meet, it is only slightly weaker than the Suzaku Dragon, with a level of the wind dragon and even stronger the existence of the ancient silkworm.

If you have no way, then you will regret it.

Sun Hao saw it, the main intention of black wood to catch five poisons, or the toxicity of five kinds of poisons, the soul of the poison is not very important, therefore, black wood is actually not enthusiastic about how to catch the poisonous spirit.

Sun Hao thought about this meeting, and Blackwood once again used the compass to locate and take everyone to the direction of Zhengnan.

The distance traveled this time was far, and it took more than a month. The speed of the flying compass slowed down. On the compass, the two black-faced poisonous people were not idle.

Heimu Agong continued to concoct the border grazing, and tried to graze various toxins while grazing, while the grazing was in the dark, constantly enhancing its anti-toxicity.

Kobe Komaki began training Sun Hao, the "stupid ghost" in accordance with the requirements of Blackwood, training some basic gestures and simple instructions.

Sun Hao made up his mind to go to steal the spirit of the gods. At this time, it was very compatible with the black day Kom, just right, understand some of the most basic instructions.

The terrain that appeared this time was a large swampy swamp, a small black water grass scattered on the wetland. In many places, there was a deep pool hidden under the black duckweed.

Blackwood threw a small poisonous frog down, and the black duckweed was smashed into a half inch thick to see the dark swamp.

After the poison frog went in, a series of bubbles appeared and disappeared silently.

Throughout the endless swamps, the mist was transpiration, and the suffocating suffocating, black wood came down from the five poison pans, and slammed the drums for a few days. Actually, I could not see what snakes were in the swamp.

Among the swamps, there is more than one kind of toxicity, and several strong toxic blends make the black wood a bit unclear.

After thinking for a long time, I have no choice but to take the technology and work directly.

Let the black day take Sun Hao and Bianmu back a little further, and Blackwood launched an attack on the swamp. In an instant, the whole swamp in front came alive, and nine huge snake heads rushed out from the swamp and spit. Snake letter, spurting a burst of suffocating, fighting black wood.

"Nine snakes?" Black Day Komaki said: "How is it so much, is there not only one of the five poison kings? No, these nine heads are connected..."

Between the words, on the big swamp, nine huge heads were connected together. The huge snake body rose from the swamp, and the air fluttered wildly, twisting, and roaring toward the black wood.

The small black body is like a black smoke. It floats between the nine huge snake heads. Various toxins are thrown out and the snakes are dyed colorful.

Nine-headed snakes, waving their heads and tearing the little flies in front of them, but the speed of black wood is too fast, one and a half will, nine heads waving, but also black wood.

Sun Hao, Black Day Xiaomu clap his hands and said: "I know, it turned out to be a Hydra."

Sun Hao's heart can't help but move. The Hydra is also famous in the snakes, especially in the Xia Swamp people's classics, with a mythical status.

In the legend of the Underwater Marsh, there was once a gold band hero named Herak, whose greatest record was to kill the demon Hydra.

Hydra is extremely poisonous, so the water of the swamp is stinky for many years, and the surrounding land turns brown. It also often devours past pedestrians and harms one party.

Herak took the Hydra with a rocket and the two sides fought each other. Whenever the hero cut a head of the monster with a sword, another new head was born again.

Herac burned the neck with fire and the head could not be reborn. In the end, Herak cut off the head eight and one by one, and used the giant stick to knock down the main head in the middle, buried it in the soil, and pressing it with the big stone, it was considered to eradicate this scourge.

It can be said that the spirit of the Hydra has a lot of appeal to Sun Hao. The Hydra is at least the level of the six-color Golden-winged Dapeng bird. In the poisonous attribute, it is almost a little weaker than the Scorpio. The West Balman tarantula, which is highly regarded by the grass poison people, will not be much weaker.

If you can collect the spirit of the Hydra, it is also a good choice.

The battle between Blackwood and Hydra continues.

In the marshes, the mud is full of clouds, the dirty black water, splashing out, falling on the ground, suffocating.

On the day of the battle, the black priest squatted up: "No, how is the Hydra so fierce, and playing for a day, how did Agong not take any advantage?"

Sun Hao heard the words and could not help but move.

Touching the dragon is slightly weaker than the Hydra, but it is not weak. According to the truth, the black wood should have taken the upper hand in the day, but the current situation is still stuck, and the black wood temporarily takes the Hydra. No way.

Is this Hydra too strong? Or what other reasons?

After three days of fighting, Blackwood still failed to achieve much advantage.

The black-day priest kept on, and Sun Hao’s heart was even more puzzled. According to the truth, the Hydra must not be so powerful.

Seriously observing, Sun Hao found some traces. Unlike the ordinary Hydra, the Hydra is not particularly afraid of fire. Moreover, after the injury, one of the skulls can give himself to himself. The treatment method, the snake body smashed the swamp, and the nine heads repeatedly attacked, it seems that it is not particularly difficult.

Seriously analyzing the different kind of Hydra, Sun Hao suddenly remembered an ancient animal of the ancient age in the record of the human race, and could not help but brighten his eyes.

Among the tribes of the tribes, there are also records of the different beasts of the nine-headed snake. However, unlike the swamps, the nine-headed snakes and other beasts recorded in the tribes of the human race have another name: "phase willow."

The phase of the Liu, recorded in the aristocratic classics, has been in the age of the Hydra recorded by the swamps.

And the talents recorded in the aristocratic classics are far superior to the Hydra.

The Terran "Shan Hai Jing" records: "The minister of the Gonggong 曰 phase Liu, nine, to eat in Jiushan. Xiang Liuzhi arrived, 厥 is Zexi. Killing the willow, its blood, can not plant five kinds of grain禹厥之,三仞三沮, is the platform of the emperors, in the north of Kunlun..."

In front of this Hydra, I am afraid that I have already cultivated the power of Xiangliu, otherwise it will not be so If it is really Liuliu, this is the toxin attribute, which is not weaker than the powerful existence of Tianzhu. Compared with the wind attribute of the beast, it is also equivalent to the wind dragon, but slightly weaker than the Suzaku.

That is, it is only slightly weaker than the four sacred beasts. It is similar to the existence of the heavenly elephant. This is a sacred soul. If you can get it, Sun Hao’s goal of poisoning the dead domain is achieved.

Putting the characteristics of Xiangliu to the front of the Hydra, it is well understood that the black wood is not cheap in a short time.

Sun Hao got the spirit and prepared himself.

Once the phase is defeated, Sun Hao will immediately try it out, even if it is exposed, as long as you get the soul of the willow, it is worth it.

Similar to the soul of Liu Liu and Tianzhu, such poisons are actually only appearing in myths and legends. Sun Hao is very satisfied. As long as he gets it, he will immediately go away.

There are many researches on the Hydra, but the Liuliu, which is recorded in the ancient Chinese mythology, is rare in the ancient mythology.

With its own extraordinary strength, Heimu gradually explored and played for 13 days, and gradually mastered some of the characteristics of Xiangliu, and played for ten days before he gradually took advantage.

It was half a year after the real suppression of Xiangliu and the cover of Liuliu with Wudu Ding.

Kobe Komaki has completely looked at it, and Sun Hao can be sure that this is undoubtedly.

At the same time, the black wood took the five poison Ding and put away the body of the willow. The black day Komaki threw out the bundle of **** ropes. At this time, Sun Hao, who had been quietly moving, couldn’t help but secretly shot, and the soul-sucking force was fully driven. The soul of the willows bundled with the ropes of the gods is sucking.

The bundle of **** ropes jerked and rushed to the dark day. The black grazing was a little puzzled. It was strange that this time, how could it be so fast, and it’s hard to live a busy life? (To be continued.)

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