Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1843: 5 poison king

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Beng, Sun Hao’s illusion of the yin wind hit the cheeks formed by the five poisonous suffocating spurs. After a loud bang, Sun Hao’s body fluttered openly, and the five poisonous suffocates. Slamming a meal.

Black Day Komaki cheered at this moment, had picked up the small porcelain bottle, quickly put away the spirit of the gods, the wrists, I did not know where to go.

Sun Hao’s body flew to the side of the dark day, and he was hesitating in his heart. Is it right to rob the Kosovo?

Over there, the black wood that has been put away by the five poisons, laughed: "Well, Komaki is good, actually received the soul of the Scorpio, a good Miao, actually really raised the top poison, Xiaomu received Well, the soul of the Scorpio, maybe, we can use this bait to see the real strongest poison in this world..."

After that, Blackwood looked up at the sky.

Above the sky, after losing the breath of the sky, the huge worms of the five poisonous scorpions snarled for a while and gradually recovered their calm.

The real strongest poison in this world?

Sun Hao, who is waiting to be started, feels a little stunned. At the same time, his heart is full of surprises. Isn’t Tianzhu not the strongest?

Sun Hao wondered this time, Black Day Komaki asked the same question: "Agong, isn't Tianyan the most toxic one?"

Blackwood looked at his own five poison Ding, haha ​​laughed: "Yes, for the virtual world, Scorpio is indeed the most toxic existence, but you can know that it is only the result of natural creation, hahaha, You have to remember that poison, the biggest difference with other attributes is that poison can be synthesized..."

The black wood in a good mood began to compare the five poisonous tripods of his own, and popularized the toxicology knowledge to the black grazing.

Sun Hao, who was listening, couldn’t help but feel that it was bright.

The poison of Lei Fengbing is often referred to as the four major linguistic roots in the monk world, but the toxic properties can be listed separately and have been controversial within the human race.

The root cause is that the representative nature of the poisonous attribute is weaker than the other three attributes.

The strongest Scorpio, but also a level of the wind dragon, is much worse than the Taikoo beast, and the number is extremely rare.

Therefore, many people think that poison is actually just like this. It can be seen as a variant of Mulingen, but not enough to be single.

Sun Hao has been studying for a long time in the grass poison people. He found that the poisonous nature of the animal is not the same. Therefore, in the past, Sun Hao has always felt that the poisonous attribute is really weak.

But today, after listening to the black face of the public to teach the black day Kom, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that he may not have learned the true poisonous essence of the grass poison people.

In the mouth of the black-faced agong, the toxic attribute is not only weak, but in a sense, the toxic attribute may be more powerful than other attributes.

The reason for this is because of the particularity of the toxic properties.

Different from the other three attributes, it seems to be weak, and there is no toxic attribute of outstanding representative. In fact, there is a strong and secret attribute, that is, fusion.

When Komaki and Sun Hao heard it like to understand, the black-faced Agong finger's own five poison Ding, proudly said: "Kom, you can imagine, I now put away five poisoned flesh, know what will happen next ?"

The black-faced aunt smiled and said: "You will know immediately, five poisonous gods, give me out..."

With his hands shaking, Blackwood threw a small black ganoderma lucidum into the five poisonous tripods, which happened to be in the middle of the five poisons.

Ganoderma lucidum into the tripod.

The five poisons inside were suddenly disturbed, and there was a buzzing sound between them. They wanted to go and swallow Ganoderma lucidum. However, they were very jealous and could not arbitrarily throw them out.

The strongest Scorpio finally failed to hold back the temptation, wielding his own huge double tongs, deterring other poisons, and slowly approaching the five poisonous Ganoderma lucidum.

The other four poisons are not to be outdone, but also instinctively approaching slowly.

The five poisons themselves have their own weak intelligence, and their souls have been taken away. At this time, the shells are all maintained by the magic of the five poisons, and only the instinct is retained.

The powerful attraction of the five poisonous Ganoderma lucidum makes them unable to resist the temptation, and they are all close to each other. The deterrent power of the Scorpio is simply unable to stop the temptation.

When the cockroach rushed to the ground and prepared to bite the Ganoderma lucidum, the black widow of the human face squirted out of the spider silk and spit it into the Scorpio.

Within the five poisonous tripods, the five poisons suddenly fought each other and bitten.

Heimu smirked and said: "This is called the five poisonous kings. The five poisons are killing each other. The last winner is the real king of five poisons. At that time, the new poison king that Agong cultivated will definitely exceed its toxicity. Scorpio, so, Xiaomu, do you understand that there is no strong toxic attribute, but it is not a natural creation, but an artificial cultivation of us."

Black day Komaki eyes brightened: "Agong, you are too strong, haha, five poisons gather together, five poisons contend for the king, when the time goes up, the poison will be your opponent, oh, the poison of the public, It will surely resound through the world, the world is poisonous..."

Sun Hao’s heart could not help but move, and instantly understood the meaning of the black face.

Yes, the five poisonous Ding in front of you, the five poisonous kings, the black face Agong may really cultivate the most poisonous things in the world, but unfortunately, this poison has no soul, or the soul is not born for the time being, Sun Hao is even taking it. When it comes, it seems that there is no big use.

"Resounding through the world, the world is poisonous?" The black-faced aunt looked at the five poisons in the battle of the five poisonous tripods, and looked up at the five poisonous cockroaches in the sky. The mouth sighed leisurely: "Kom, in fact, the world will be the most It’s not the family of the poisonous people, but the seedlings who can match the five poisonous cockroaches.”

Black Day, the little shepherd, said unbelievablely: "No, the seedlings are just our vassal races, they are disobedient, and they have been killed by the previous generations of black-faced aunts. How can they be more than our grass-toothed people? Great?"

Heimu said: "History is written by the victors. Ah Gong tells you that the reason why the former generation of Agong will kill the seedlings and turn the seedlings into poisonous areas is that the root cause is actually the seedlings. Cultivate the horrible poisons that the grass poisonous people can't reach. Seeing that the poisons are born soon, the former generation of Agong forced himself to self-detonate the poisonous spirit, and turned the seedlings into poisonous deadlands..."

Black day Komaki stayed a little.

Sun Hao’s heart is thoughtful.

The scene briefly calmed down, and there was a screaming scream in the five poisonous trips. Several poisons had already become a group, fighting, and every poison had signs of colorful poisoning. However, they have given each other their own peerless poison.

Originally, the five major poisons were only for the fight for the five poisonous ganoderma lucidum, but when they were playing, they became red-eyed, and they were not dead, and five poisonous Ding, the smoke was filled with poisonous smoke, and the poison gas kept hitting the wall. The sound is loud.

From time to time, there were poisons that were attacked and slammed into the wall of the five poisons.

Blackwood watched the situation gradually tightened, and there was no thought to continue to explain the ancient history. Instead, he focused on the five poisonous tripods. From time to time, he shot a series of handprints to Dingbi, and displayed his own secrets of refining poison, interfering with the five poisons. Fight between the two.

Sun Hao discovered that the poison of the black wood itself is actually a scorpio. Intentionally or unintentionally, in the use of secret techniques to help the scorpion to avoid other poisons, I want to make the scorpio win.

But at the same time, Sun Hao also found that this kind of interference actually has limitations and fame, at least Blackwood will not interfere with Scorpio poisoning, that is, when other poisons take their own venom to attack Scorpio, Blackwood is I will definitely not help.

The five poisonous kings contend for the king of toxicity, but they are not poisoned but lose the meaning of fighting for the king.

The poisonous warfare in the five poisonous dings is getting stronger and stronger, and the poisonous fog is getting denser and denser, as if it is going to break out.

Black wood's black face flashed a hint of surprise, reached out to take out the top cover, jingle, covered in the five poison Ding, one hand on the ground, five poison Ding vacated, black wood palms uncled The ground, slamming toward the five poisonous walls, prompted the five poison Ding to keep spinning in the air, the speed is getting faster and faster.

Rotating to the end, the air has seen a dark black mist, and you can't see the five poisons.

Next to the black fog, the sound of black wood came out: "Kom, take your stupid and stupid dog and quit five hundred miles..."

Kobe Kommu did not dare to neglect, with Sun Hao and Bianmu flying back quickly.

After half a ring, just retreating to the specified distance, I saw the front, and a soft muffled sound broke out in the area where the black wood was, a layer of faint, like a yellow ripple erupted from the middle and spread rapidly around.

The ripples are silent, but they show the toxicity of Sun Hao for the cold. (To be continued~^~)

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