Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1846: Nursery nursery (2)

Oh, the hole in the mountain is also.

Next, Sun Hao followed the black day Komaki and flew through the poisonous dead zone.

The black-faced grandfather concentrates on finding the poisons in his mouth in various ways.

From time to time, he also let the black day Komaki take out the soul of the Scorpio, driving the secret skills to feel some.

However, the power of attraction in the air is everywhere. The five poisonous scorpions cover the sky, and the location of the poison is indeed a bad judgment. After several unsuccessful results, the black-faced Agong took out an ancient sheepskin roll and began to study.

On the sheepskin scroll, there is an ancient text that Sun Hao does not know. However, when Sun Hao saw the sheepskin roll, he immediately understood that the black face and the hands of the public should be the topographic maps of ancient seedlings.

The river is full of mountains and rivers, and various poisonous patterns are also marked.

Sun Hao noticed a bit, the poison pattern is a total of thirteen, I do not know whether it is inevitable, or coincidence, Sun Hao remembered, the skill of the mature seedlings, also happens to be thirteen branches, carefully recall, Sun Hao also found that the mature seedlings described The thirteen branches of the scorpion are exactly the same as the thirteen poisons on the topographic map.

螭蛊, snake python, gold silkworm pupa, cymbal cymbals, scorpion scorpion, mud scorpion, sinister god, sputum, swollen sputum, epilepsy, yin snake scorpion, raw snake scorpion, three corpses.

Among them, the most snakes, epilepsy, snakes, nymphs, and snakes are serpentine.

However, Sun Hao vaguely remembers that the mature seedlings rely on the most, and the most powerful aphids are golden silkworm cocoons, which are venomous silkworm cocoons.

Sun Hao recalled the information this time, the black-faced Agong has finished finishing an ancient text, and read it in his mouth: "I am a Miao nationality is a nation that is constantly being driven or even destroyed, but we have not given up our lives, we have always remembered our ancestors, we waded through the mountains. After thousands of hardships, fleeing everywhere, looking for hometown in the sundown, raising ancient songs and myths with blood and tears, using cliffs as homes, terraces built on mountains, worshiping everything, worshiping nature, and praising ancestors Thanks to the enemy..."

Somehow, when I heard the words of thanking the enemy, the ancient text on the sheepskin scroll suddenly began to bloom with a faint golden light.

The black-faced grandmother slammed into the body, and the scorpion smashed, and the viper came out from his body, as if he were a big enemy, and his dark eyes also ooze black blood...

Scared a big jump, the black-faced grandmother slammed the sheepskin roll and screamed in his mouth: "The curse of the seedlings, the gods, the ghosts, the broken..."

The sword in the hand pointed together, pointing forward sharply, a black light hit the sheepskin roll.

The ancient seedlings on the sheepskin scroll gradually recovered their calmness. The black-faced grandfather snorted and picked up the sheepskin roll again. The mouth said coldly: "A race that has been eliminated has dared to let it go before the public." How can the cultivating scorpion venom in the district be able to compare the inheritance of the sinister people for hundreds of millions of years, hehe..."

There was no recurrence of abnormalities. The black-faced Agong translated the contents of the remaining sheepskin rolls and flew up. After a long recognition, the mouth said: "Kom, this direction should be the location of the nearest nursery. You must continue to carry Are these two fools?"

Black day Komaki's dark face reveals a smirk: "Agong, keep two stupid things, maybe you can explore the road, anyway, no waste of power..."

The black-faced grandfather glanced at Sun Hao with a glimpse of it, and said in his mouth: "That's yours, come up, let's go."

The five poisonous compasses were flying, and the black day Xiaomu jumped up.

Sun Hao felt the gaze of the black-faced agong, with a slight warning and examination, and his heart could not help but feel a little stunned. His own abnormality should have been found by the old poison.

However, although he thought so, but Sun Hao did not hesitate to hesitate with the side of the black animal after the black animal, and jumped on the five poison compass.

Bianmu’s ability to hide the dog is actually more powerful than himself. Although it shows unusual anti-drug ability, Sun Hao can see that, so far, Bianmu has not caused any doubts about the black face. It is myself, although the two shots are secret, but it is estimated that it has caused a deep suspicion of the black face.

Then you have to be careful.

The poison of the grass poison is the most intangible, and he is turned to the ground by accident.

Quietly floating behind the black day Kombe, Sun Hao is nothing unusual, but the body Mudan is quietly driven, ready to deal with the poison that may quietly fall on himself.

Although not found, but Sun Hao has the reason to have to accompany, the soul of the gods in the hands of the black day Kom, the more powerful king of five poisons in the hands of the black face, and there may be more powerful poison in the poisonous death.

These things are the source of the poisonous attribute that Sun Hao expects in his heart.

Not to mention the poisons that have not met, it is said that the king of five poisons, the two different forms of combat make Sun Hao stunned, once you transform yourself, you may be able to play many unexpected magical effects.

Of course, Sun Hao is more troublesome. When the five poisonous kings are in the form of battle, and when they are in combat, the shape is a bit disgusting.

Once the avatar is incarnate in the future, it is estimated that this image will be destroyed in an instant.

Now, in any case, I have to follow the black face for a while.

Since the black-faced aunt has not turned his face on the spot, it may only be two situations. One is just suspicion, but it is not certain that he is a ghost. However, according to the person who is poisonous, he would rather misappoint one thousand and not let go of one person’s conduct. It is estimated that this possibility The second is that he may be used for some special occasions, and he will be deliberately left behind by the black face.

People count tigers, and tigers also think about hurting people. If this is the case, Sun Hao will be more careful.

The wages of avarice is death.

For the sake of the monk, the fight will have to fight.

Sun Hao is not moving, carefully guarded, always standing behind the black day Komaki, motionless, black face Agong to deal with Sun Hao, it must be bypassed the black day Xiaomu talent, Sun Hao invisible, one more piece shield.

The five poisoned compass quickly flew to the ground. After three days, it flew out of the Gobi. For more than half a month, on a high mountain, the five poisonous compasses came down.

The black-faced Agong took out the topographic map and kept comparing it, but it is estimated that it was a long time and the terrain changed too much. After a long time, the black-faced agong still could not accurately locate.

Sitting cross-legged in the five poison compasses, the black-faced agong carefully thought about it, his wrists shook, and several poisons were made.

The poison was thrown high in the air, and it spread out under the five poisonous compasses. The black-faced agong mouth screamed: "Give me a burst..."

The murder of the poison blew completely, and it turned into a tens of miles of blood rain, which fell to the dense and dense jungle below.

In the air, the moment is full of pungent **** breath.

There is a word in the black-faced agong mouth, and the hand keeps shooting down **** gas spreads far away.

The whole jungle was full of blood and hurricane, and the tip of the tree was covered with minced meat. The leaves were covered with a little bit of blood.

The jungle was a little quieter, as if there was no breath.

But in an instant, the entire jungle moved, and in all directions, there was a sound like a worm crawling. Lin Haiqi burst into a tree, and the sound became louder and louder.

The black-faced grandfather looks down to the bottom, and his eyes are not concerned about it.

Sun Hao looked at the position of the map pointed by his finger, and felt the dense worms in the jungle below, and thought it in his heart.

Above the map, the terrain of this place is a creepy big otter, and Sun Hao remembers that in the mature seedlings, this is the symbol of swelling.

Undoubtedly, the black-faced grandfather should find a place where the nursery field once was a nursery. If it is not, it will not be the place where the mountains and the mountains are.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the poisonous flesh that fell on the woods was eaten.

The big otter quickly retreated down the tree, and the black-faced agong carefully observed for a while. He touched the five poisonous compasses at his feet and came to a jungle to cover the place where he could not see the slightest abnormality. He reached out and pressed down.

The trees below broke down and were torn apart by the black face, and there was a huge hollow.

Looking down from the hollow, the black-faced Agong’s body trembled slightly.

In front of Sun Hao, Koji Komori has exclaimed: "Agong..."

Sun Hao looked at it and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Amazing seedlings!

The canopy was smashed, revealing the scenes in the jungle. At first glance, it was discovered that the huge branches were smashed, and there was a dry corpse, like a soldier, which was placed on the upper and lower layers and neatly hung above the branches. (To be continued.)

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