Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1855: King of Poison (6)

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The bronze altar was surrounded by four sides.

Under the gloomy sky, the blood of the corpse is above the sea, the wind is horrible, the screams of poisons, the devils of the undead seedlings, and the whole bronze altar is like a ghost.

Sun Hao couldn't help but sigh. The monk's life is hard, and it is difficult to find a way. If you want to go further, you will actually experience what the scene will be. The nightmare-like purgatory scene is enough for the timid monk to remember his life.

A weaker monk encounters such a scene and is afraid that it will fall on the spot in an instant. For example, it is very uncomfortable to attack the bronze altar. But when you see a foreign object, it will launch a storm, and the animal husbandry is also attacked. The list.

The bigger poison rushed to the side of the animal to keep biting, trying to tear the side of the animal husbandry, while the animal husbandry was immersed in the black face, a lot of poison, the body has a strong toxicity, many poisons bite the side of the animal husbandry After that, the poison was killed and fell on the side of the animal husbandry.

The small poison attack was very strange, and it was drilled in from the five senses of Bianmu. After a while, there are all kinds of strange phenomena on the side of the animal husbandry. The belly is like a pregnancy, and the head is like a watering... In short, it is not normal. Fortunately, the little animal is a good hand, and the body is also very different, although each Kind of change, but after a while, it will automatically return to normal.

However, what makes Sun Hao laugh is that the dead dog will involuntarily put out the shit, and the stinky **** taste gradually fills the bronze altar.

On the whole altar, in addition to the thick suffocating scent of poison, there is another stinking stench.

In the war, the black-faced Agong Black Day Komaki inadvertently frowned, but it was not very good, but after careful analysis, it also concluded that the stinky fart was non-toxic, and he no longer took care of the border animal husbandry, and continued to use his heart to fight against the seedlings.

Sun Hao incarnates the sneaky, lost his limbs, and squats on the ground completely. The five poisonous things can't feel the existence of Sun Hao, often rushing from Sun Hao's side and rushing to the battlefield.

However, Sun Hao’s days were not good, and he had to play a 12-point spirit to resist the poisonous gas and venom that pervaded the entire bronze altar.

Black kosher's ubiquitous black stinger kills the five poisonous things, and will turn into pus and blood overflowing on the bronze altar. Under Sun Hao, inevitably, this highly toxic pus can also occur. Moreover, hundreds of millions of poisonous locusts have been attacked from the **** seas. Above the bronze altars, the suffocating atmosphere is everywhere, and Sun Hao is sloppy.

Even if it is a sneaky sneaky, if you are not careful, you may be poisoned to death. In the space of the soul, Miha once again cooperated with Sun Hao to start driving the tombstone, constantly continually digesting all kinds of severe toxicity and helping Sun Haodu. Go through the storm.

A strange poison dead zone.

Deeply hidden in the ancient nursery of the earth.

Who knows, there is a **** sea here.

Who would know that there were several monks who had an earth-shattering battle of life and death.

The thick five poisonous scorpions will cover up this battle.

The thick five drug lords also turned this battle into a battle cage that never dies, only the only winner can go out.

Sun Hao crouched on the ground and quickly judged the situation of the war.

To be precise, the war at this time was divided into three forces, grass poisonous people and seedlings who are fiercely confronted, and secretly lurking themselves.

Among the three parties, their own strength is weak, but fortunately they can sit on the sidelines and take advantage of the benefits of the fishermen.

The best way for you to finally make a profit is to promote confrontation between the two sides. Otherwise, once any party has the upper hand, your life will not be too good.

How does Kobe Komaki make himself poisoned? He is still unclear until now. The strange seedlings and locusts also make him a little scared. He must be careful, or he may not be able to intoxicate and lose some of his next moment. Fighting power, and finally into a hard battle.

The black-faced agong and the seedlings are now fighting hard.

The two men turned to the sea on the bronze altar for three days and three nights, still difficult to win.

In the **** sea, Sun Hao also saw another battlefield. There, a group of golden light, and the black body of the black grazing, that is, black wood also set off blood waves, entangled.

The current state of Heimu makes Sun Hao even more shocked. This guy has become the king of the five poisons, that is, the form of Xiaoyan, the size of the change.

He is fighting the king of poisonous drugs. It is very likely that the golden silkworms of the golden silkworm cocoon will not be able to completely separate the winners and losers.

Sun Hao understands that in any battlefield, any battlefield, if any party wins, it will completely control the situation.

The fierce battle continued, and three days later, Sun Hao discovered that the two battlefields basically had a tendency to win or lose.

On the bronze altar, the black grazing gradually gained the upper hand, and the seedlings called the five poisons more and more weak. The magical law of the black grazing also fully occupied the upper hand, and hundreds of thousands of ghosts were gradually swallowed up by him.

It can be seen that it is only a matter of time for Kobe Komaki to win.

But what is quite different from this is that the **** sea and the sea, the king of golden light and poisonous also began to completely suppress the black wood of the king of the five poisonous kings, the golden light bursts, chasing the small sky into the ground, constantly escaping, winning is only Time problem.

Another fierce battle.

On the bronze altar, the black day Xiaomu palm turned black clouds, the poisonous thorns rose into the sky, the law of heaven and earth stunned, and exploded, and after a loud bang, the poison on the altar, the undead warrior in the air was swept away.

The seedlings sighed and sighed, and the sound of the sharp woody leaves sounded in the mouth. A golden light came out of the air and floated on top of the head of the seedling.

Until then, Sun Hao only vaguely saw the actual shape of Jin Guang.

This is indeed a venomous golden silkworm, the size of the disc, no wings, a pair of tongs, a scorpion, the body of the silkworm, the same back of the scorpion, three pairs of spider legs, golden body, sparkling.

Xiao Yan followed closely, and also flew over, floating in front of the black day Komaki, Sun Hao carefully observed, found that one of the nine heads of Xiaoyan, has become a dark black face.

The seedlings were stretched out, and the golden light fell on the hand. The mouth said faintly: "This is the poisonous golden silkworm, which is the king of poison in your mouth."

Black Day Komaki looked straight into the venomous golden silkworm, revealing a greedy, naked desire, and said in a low voice: "Give me the venomous silkworm, I will turn around and never bother you. How about the rest of the Miao nationality?"

The seedlings and the public eyes showed the expression of grievances. They looked at the sky and said in their mouths: "You are the most greedy and poisonous people in the grass. If you believe in your words, it is better to believe that the sun will hit the west and get gold. Silkworm, you let the horse come over and see if you have the ability. Today, I am still thankful that you have awakened me. I am not afraid of you knowing that today, in the First World War, I will represent the seedlings of millions of people who have been maimed and poisoned you. People, discuss, one, public, road..."

Almost every word was finished, and the seedlings were kneeling on the bronze altar. The prayers of devout prayers resounded throughout the **** sea: "The dead spirit, listen to the whisper of my seedlings, The **** of poison is about to come to the world, to eat my flesh and blood, to repay a hundred times, to hurt my people, to destroy his whole family..."

When the seedlings prayed, the black grazing and the black wood looked at each other, and there was a black smoke on the rushed to the seedlings, but they were silently ignited by the opposite Stop.

The magical law of the gods and gods raised their own big pliers and slammed down.

The venomous gold silkworm also raised his own big tongs without hesitation, and slammed a loud bang. The scorpion flew backwards, and the venomous golden silkworm body shook slightly and fluttered steadily. In the air, still firmly in front of the body of the seedlings.

Black Day Komaki turned and looked at the direction of Sun Hao's fall to the ground. He shouted in his mouth: "Dao You, are you still not shooting? Help me stop the golden silkworm, fast, not then unpredictable..."

Sun Hao was not moved, and he did not move to the ground.

Black Day Komaki said in a gloomy voice: "I know that you have solved the poison of my ghost, don't pretend, you and I will fight against the enemy. After the war, take what you need."

Sun Hao is still unmoved.

Black Day Xiaomu Yin said: "Well, since you pretend to die, then you really give me to die, the king of five poisons, see you still can't stop..."

In the voice of the voice, he slammed his hand and shot Xiaohao in his hand.

The prayers of the seedlings were still going on, and a black blood was sprayed from the mouth and sprayed on the suspended scorpion.

Sun Hao was on the ground, motionless. (To be continued.)

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