Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1858: Destroyed Golden Silkworm (2)

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Floating in the air, the black day Kombu glanced at the king of five poisons, and said in his mouth: "You must be careful with the Taoist friends, don't take the slow-moving plan of the seedlings, once the ruins of the golden silkworms digest the last gods, you I will become a snack, hehe, don't be afraid to tell you, the technique of the worms of the seedlings is also divided into three or six, etc. As long as the level is slightly weak, you still can't grasp the control of the golden silkworm, and God knows Will this old seedling pass your true worm..."

In one hand, the hand did not stop, and the dark right hand was on the bronze square.

The road of the seedlings and the patriarchs of Sun Hao was interrupted in an instant.

Sun Hao’s heart is moving. Whether it’s the technique of the worms from the seedlings, it’s true or false. The level is high or low, but there will always be some effects. At this time, it is not to be interrupted by the black day.

As soon as the gods moved, the sorcerer’s body suddenly appeared in the air, and the tall and strong body slammed on the bronze altar, kneeling on one knee, holding the hammer in one hand, and holding the shield on the ground, majestic Standing in front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao said in a faint voice: "Black day friends, please don't just do it."

Kobe Komaki looks at the headless days of tall and unrecognizable, his body trembles slightly, and his heart screams damn. This kid has a lot of means, but is this stupid big one able to stop his own toxins?

In theory, when the monks are distracted and fighting, the distracting strength will be greatly weaker than the ontology. The stupid big man does not have a golden body and should not be able to stop his own toxins.

The hands kept on, and continued to hold on to the bronze plaques. The gods knew a little bit, and the silent toxins rushed to the sorcerer.

On the body of the sentence, the blood flashed, and the infestation of the toxin was sensed. It was quite arrogant and the Tianjin immediately rotated itself, and the whole body was instantly tightened.

There was a roar in the mouth of the navel, and the fierceness of the headless and fierce was instantly provoked. The shield circling, slamming into the past, the big stepping meteor, striding forward a few steps, the big hammer in the hand Fallen, just fiercely cast a strong attack on the black day Komaki.

Black day Xiaomu brows deeply wrinkled.

In front of this headless body, the body of the headless man can actually use his own poison as a nutrient and refining into the body. He can rely on the power of the flesh to resist his own toxins, a strong cultivation practice, and a powerful refining practice. Why, is this the opposite of the ghost's body?

Between the thoughts, the attack of the sinister sorcerer has been continually coming down in a tidal wave.

Kobe Komaki had to frown and fight, and his body turned into a black smoke. In the headless and fierce attack, he flew flexibly and attacked the criminal sorcerer from time to time.

The seedlings were slightly calm on the face and continued to teach Sun Hao the technique of the worm.

The technique of the worm is not the technique of the five poisonous refining mites of the seedlings, but it is a secret technique of how to manipulate the mites.

The golden silkworms are also aphids, and they are also made by the seedlings. According to the truth, the golden silkworms are bound to be controlled by the techniques of the worms, as long as Sun Hao learns and understands the technique of the worms. It will be able to control the extinct golden silkworm that will be born to a certain extent.

Over the bronze altar, the magical law and the warfare, the two sides come to me, it is difficult to win.

The magical law of Kobe Kommu itself is higher than that of Sun Hao's three heads and six arms. However, Sun Hao's three-headed six-armed gods have a higher level than the Scorpio. The two have been fighting for a long time and are evenly matched.

Near the bronze square, the black day Komaki and the headless fierce fight.

The cultivation of Kobe Komaki also fully prevailed, but it was not able to take advantage of the arrogance of arrogance and arrogance.

The biggest feature of the sacred warfare is that it relies on instinct to fight. Therefore, the toxins of the black grazing that affect the monk's state are not able to return.

The anti-drug performance of the sacred warfare itself has been continually broken up and rebuilt for thousands of years. It has been very strong, and it has a very brave and savage temperament. The toxicity of the black grazing is also strong. Failure to reach the point of completely destroying the corps of torture.

The grass poisonous people are very vicious and extremely powerful. Generally, the monk meets the grass poisonous person and is willing to hide far away. However, the grass poison person has a huge defect, that is, during the cultivation process, he attaches great importance to the accumulation of toxins and attaches great importance to it. The cultivation and development of various toxicological toxicities, when confronted, the use of toxic warfare has almost become the instinct and nature of the toxic person. However, once the opponent who has the ability to resist the poison is met, once the poison is not dead, the opponent is not weak. The grass poison people were exposed as relatively mediocre weaknesses.

Sun Hao’s combat strength is good, but when he meets the power of the fit period, it can’t be played so vividly, especially when he meets the medium-term power of the fit. Under normal circumstances, it will definitely be pressed and beaten. The situation may only be a share of escape.

Regrettably, after careful calculation, the black day Kombu, who is good at poison, lost his toxic ability, but he would not be able to swear by Sun Hao for a while.

Until Sun Hao completely accepted the technique of the seedlings of the seedlings, the black grazing still failed to suppress the fighting spirits of the fighting spirits, and it was even more difficult to refine the bronze scorpion to suppress the seedlings.

After the seedlings passed down the worm, the mouth said in a loud voice: "Daoyou, you may wish to try the imperial concubine. Although the golden silkworm is now evolving, it still has some effects. The secret that this biography has given you. Natural is authentic."

Sun Hao's heart and mind, quickly rubbing the magic of the insects, in less than a while, it is really able to use, mouthful of words, a violent drink: "Golden silkworm orders..."

The golden light that was being wrapped in the black smoke suddenly slammed, and Sun Hao felt a sinful and chilly atmosphere with his own connection.

The seedling Agong said loudly: "This is the case. The Taoist friend has already felt the venomous silkworm. As long as it completes the last evolution, it will evolve into the most powerful golden silkworm, let the earth tremble, the sun The ruin of the golden silkworm, the place where it passes, the poison of the cloth, is enough to kill everything, the Taoist friend, as long as you keep the current suppression situation, at most half an hour, the soul of the golden silkworm can be destroyed. Fully generated..."

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly moved.

The soul of the golden silkworm is undoubtedly the soul of the most powerful poison that you really need.

According to the king of the five poisons, the king of the poisonous king surpassed the king of the five poisons, and the order of the extinction of the golden silkworm, the evolutionary body of the king of poisonous, was speculated, then, the rank of the golden silkworm, I am afraid that it is at least the level of the Taikoo beast. Maybe, in a sense, it can still compete with the Dapeng garuda, but the direction is different, but it is the ultimate existence of one direction.

Then, as long as you win the soul of the ruined gold silkworm and successfully get out of it, the task of coming to the poisonous dead domain will be completed satisfactorily.

Black and Japanese Komaki screamed and attacked the sorcerer and sorcerer, and gradually suppressed the sorcerer's day, but the stubborn punishment of the sorcerer was still unruly, the endless battle, the perseverance, and the relentless submission, the black grazing can suppress Can hurt, and even a large area to defeat the body of the punishment, but no matter how serious the injury, no matter how the battle develops, the ridge of fighting will never bend strong fighting will, always support the prisoner's body firmly Entangling the black day Komaki, so that he simply could not even suppress the seedlings.

The seedlings passed on the technique of Sun Hao’s worms. After Sun Hao’s trust, he sat on the floor with his knees and sighed again.

Sun Hao listened with his heart, not the prayer that was interrupted before.

However, it should be the secret technique of the auxiliary class. Among the seedlings, the golden light of the king of the black five poisonous spurs the spirit and the recovery speed is obviously accelerated.

Kobe Komaki finally couldn't help himself, and shouted again: "Daoyou, never let the soul of the golden silkworms be formed, or else you and I will die without a place..."

The seedlings and aunts read a word, and they said loudly in their mouths: "Don't listen to him. The golden silkworm has already contacted the Taoist friends. How can it not attack the Taoist friends? Please also cooperate with the friends. Let us destroy this heartfelt speculation. The grass poisonous."

Kobe Komaki: "Daoyou, the seedlings will never keep their promises and cooperate with them, no doubt with the tiger."

Seedlings and grandfathers: "Daoyou, the grass poisoning talent is the most betrayal race among the Wanzu. In that year, my seedlings were attached to the grass-roots domain, and they were still devastated by the catastrophe. How can he be credible..." Continued.)

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