Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1865: Border animal husbandry

Quietly crouching in the distance of Sun Hao, the black day Komaki quietly observed, and quietly approached a little. ( Marshmallow Fiction Network)

The blood of the small finger size is on the bronze altar. With the vibration of the war, it moves quietly, and there is no abnormality.

At least, Sun Hao and the criminal sorcerer did not react to his arrival.

The body of the five poisons has already digested most of the detoxification, and only some of the essence is left, but it needs to be slowly digested by water mill.

Now that the kid is closing his eyes, if he can find a chance to attack, then he will not be merciless.

Koji Komiko gradually moved forward, patiently, moving forward a little bit. In his life, he experienced many battles. The similar combat experience is not the first time. He has the patience to slowly find the opportunity, one hit and kill. opponent.

It didn't take long for Sun Hao to complete the initialization of the golden silkworm, and after the seventh scorpion was wrapped in the soul of the ruined gold silkworm, the black priest was horrified.

The poisonous soul disappeared? Was it killed?

No, the biggest possibility is that the opponent has cut off the connection, the kid is more powerful, and it should not be possible to digest the golden silkworm so quickly.

The black day Komaki’s heart was a little anxious.

Once the kid really digested the poisonous soul of the dead goldworm, then the problem came, maybe the kid would not be able to resist his own toxins without the golden body.

Moreover, the kid may also be able to control the poison in the **** sea, and there is no advantage when he arrives.

The black grazing innocence is too small to be small, biting his teeth, and decided to slowly approach Sun Hao. It is best to be able to get into Sun Hao’s body and explode toxins from inside, and he will be able to poison the kid.

Black Day Komaki moves forward quickly and drifts away.

However, after a certain distance, suddenly, the blood group of the hiding body suddenly trembled, and it was shaken up from the bronze altar. It has not reacted yet, and the sorcerer’s screaming violently, the savage savage, and the four sides rushed, he Small enough to be able to be far away from the small body, along with the blood bubble, was swept down the altar, and fell into the blood.

This kind of attack did not have much impact on Kobe Komaki, but this all-round sweeping effect made Black Sochi's heart very uncomfortable.

What he didn't know was that this trick of headless and savage was really what Sun Hao asked him to perform. (WWW.mianhuaang.LA good-looking novels

Sun Hao knows that the king of the five poisons has a wonderfully small attribute, and it is also the most difficult trick of the seedlings. Many monks are unconsciously lieutenant. The root cause is the pervasiveness of the locusts and this silent state.

The legendary locust has a strong ability to break the armor, and Sun Hao can't care. He can only let the sorcerer slap on the ground from time to time, and shake any foreign objects that may be close to him.

Kobe Komaki knew that his thoughts might be seen by his opponents again. After thinking about it, he once again creeped up to the bronze altar, flowing like water, rushing forward and rushing to pick up the revenge president.


The bronze altar has a more magical attraction, but the blood of the corpse is not in the range of adsorption, but the outsiders, such as stupid ghosts, and stupid dogs, are all within the scope of being adsorbed.

Kobe Kommu has discovered that the place where the stupid dog is located has not been shaken by the headless and fierce, and the location of the stupid dog is also quite close to the body of the kid, which is a very suitable location for sneak attacks.

After careful observation and careful judgment of the law of action of the criminal sorcerer, after trying several times and finding a suitable opportunity, Kosovo Komaki finally quietly flowed to the side of the side of the animal husbandry and began to carefully observe that he was sitting cross-legged. Try to digest Sun Hao, who has destroyed the soul of the golden silkworm.

Bianmu closed his eyes and squatted on the ground.

The battle on the bronze altar made it tremble.

The poison that climbed up from time to time on the body has also made it numb, come on, come on, anyway, you can't bite the dog, the poisonous dog, the dog lord will accompany you to play.

Under the body, there was a lot of blood, but it didn't really feel much.

Bianmu is now in the blood.

However, when the black day Komaki sneaked from the blood to the side from time to time, when observing Sun Hao, Bianmu felt that it was wrong.

Didn't the old man grow up? How do people tickle on the belly?

I want to stretch my claws and tickle, and suddenly I feel wrong. Where is this place? In the nursery of the strange seedlings, look at the messy horrible poisons in the air, how can there be a scorpion.

So is there a poison crawling on your belly?

Bianmu began to feel with his heart, but strangely there was no discovery.

After half a day, Bianmu finally figured it out, and cut it. It turned out to be a small blood group slipping around to make it itch.

Anything that can't be done with a dog is not a good thing.

Bianmu is waiting for the claws to open the blood group, and suddenly thinks that Laozi is now a lurker, is to do big things, and finally the lurkers of the Yin people, how can they expose the fact that they will move?

Maybe the old poison is looking at himself somewhere, no, lurking must have lurking qualities.

Forcing the impulse to move his claws, the animal husbandry still lingers.

The black day Komou went to the side of the animal husbandry, and it was no longer shaken out casually.

The criminal sorcerer and the priest have a boundless battle tacit understanding. Naturally, they will not be able to shake the edge of the grazing into the sea. It is controlled by the power of headless and savage. It is really not a problem to circumvent the grazing.

Black Sun Xiaomu’s heart was set, and he quietly adjusted his position to observe Sun Hao.

Unconsciously, I ran to the side of Bianmu’s head.

The side of the animal husbandry is above the bronze altar, but it is sure that there is a small poison in the small blood group. The president reads the full text of the love.


Not rushing, watching you play.

Until the small blood group ran to the edge of his mouth, while the animal husbandry was bright, the heart was stunned and laughed, and the body was silent. The body was shaking with the bronze altar, and the animal husbandry opened his mouth and screamed. The small blood group was swallowed down.

Hey, no matter what little poison you are, into the stomach of the second dog in the world, Laozi will treat you as a fart.

Just swallowed a small poison, and the animal husbandry squatted on the bronze altar, and did not move, and continued to pretend to die.

Kobe Kobe is observing Sun Hao’s move and is trying to sneak up on Sun Hao.

Suddenly, I felt that my eyes were black and my heart was slightly stunned, and I found that I had already descended rapidly along a red pipe.

Stayed for a while, the black day Komaki is an instant understanding, heart cursing, **** stupid dog, actually accidentally swallowed himself, this time, you are not dead.

In my heart, I thought that Black Komaki slammed into it.

The magic is extremely magical. However, there are some specific rules for sputum. For example, the black grazing at this time becomes a locust and can easily penetrate into the body of the enemy monk, but after drilling it, it is subject to the law. It can't be turned into a huge worm.

Of course, after the locusts enter the body of the opponent, there are also ways to deal with the enemy, but it does not have to become bigger.

One of the simplest and straightforward moves is to break through the enemy's stomach and break it out.

The first trick of Kobe Komaki is to drill.

Kneeling on the ground, the motionless side of the animal husbandry suddenly widened his eyes, and his heart sighed, this little poison is quite tenacious, and in the belly of the side of the animal husbandry, actually still toss, Wang Wang, you will know, the edge of the animal husbandry The stomach is not so good.

After thinking about it, Bianmu began to close his eyes and die.

I drilled on the black day and felt that I had drilled layer after layer of dog meat.

However, at the end of the drill, it was still dog meat, and there was no trace of drilling.

I stayed in my heart, and I remembered one thing in the dark. It seems that the body of a dead dog has not been drilled out of any poison except for being smashed by himself. Does the dog's body have space attributes?

The black day is upset.

No trick, no second trick, breeding, unlimited breeding.

Breeding is also one of the strongest abilities of locusts. As long as you know what you are doing, you can give birth to a large number of five poisonous things, and you will be able to blast your opponent's opponents.

After a while, around the black day, there were a large number of five poisonous things that were toxic and violent.

Black day Komaki ordered, grew up, and drilled out.

The poisons rushed in the side of the animal husbandry.

With a cry, the edge of the animal husbandry is like a pregnancy, the belly rises to the boss, the oldest day of the robbery, the latest chapter


The side priest was motionless on the ground, and his heart picked up. The old man swallowed a small poison. Actually, he was so unsatisfied with the soil. Is this a trouble?

Fart, I am farting!

After the poisoning of the animal husbandry, especially after the poison in the stomach, there is no other way, only digested, and become stinky (unfinished.)

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