Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1867: Great harvest

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Kobe Komaki was crushed.

The blood of the corpse is violently smashed.

The corpse mountain gradually calmed down, and the **** sea was no longer undulating. The seedling warrior has a back fly and returns, re-accumulated on the corpse mountain, the poisonous material of the five poisons turned into blood drops, gradually sinking into the blood.

After a while, the nursery calmed down.

The five drug lords above the sky, also scattered in layers, and over the bronze altar, appeared to be much wider.

Lost the impact of the war, the entire dark red space seems very quiet.

After half a ring, the side of the animal husbandry yelled: "No, my old poisonous son, just to kill it, a scream is still not called!"

Sun Hao put away the golden body, stood on the bronze altar, and looked at the air, and his heart was also embarrassed.

After entering the poisonous death scene, the scene came to my heart and met Miha. I was surprised to learn that my spirit was actually a big beauty, and I was forced to double repair for many years.

I was assisted by Miha, and in the deep love, I refining the dark purple grapes, possessing the ability to not fear the sinister poison, and laying a solid foundation for my own poisonous death.

What really makes me remember is profound, but it is a series of difficult experiences after the dark day.

Sun Hao has cultivated so far, the most strange opponent he has encountered, no doubt is the black day Komaki, the strange five poison cultivation techniques, the strange avatar ability...

Until the end, if there is an accident of border grazing, if there is a small fire reappearing, if you want to defeat this strange opponent, you may also be exhausted. Maybe, your chances of winning are not as good as your opponent.

The monks practiced, and they really need to be cautious. If they are one step apart, they will be ruined.

The monk world, it is really strange, powerful and strange black day Komaki, really let yourself open your eyes!

Of course, the practice of monks, a difficult, a harvest, the more the war, the more difficult, after winning, the proceeds of practice will be inevitably rich.

Before entering the poisonous death zone, Sun Hao's most ideal poisonous soul is nothing more than the legendary Scorpio.

However, after the war of poisonous death, the seventh soul of Sun Hao's soul is the poisonous soul of the golden silkworm. Really, at least it can match the strongest poisonous soul of the Taikoo beast.

Sun Hao did not think of it. In fact, it did not exist at all. It was the strongest poisonous human being cultivated by human beings. He looked at his seventh flaw, and Sun Hao had a faint surprise in his heart.

The seventh 魄 has not yet fully transformed the soul and has demonstrated its powerful ability.

In the past, among Sun Hao’s seven hexagrams, Yang’s attribute of the soul of the soul occupies an absolute upper hand. The sacred sorcerer, the Taikoo Lei Beast, and the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird’s three yang attributes firmly suppressed Sun’s yin attribute, Shen Xiangjian. As a neutral spirit, most of the time standing on the side of the sneaky and hail, the ghosts often use the tombstone to drive the yin and yang to maintain the balance of yin and yang.

Now, with the seventh scorpion, the annihilation of the golden silkworm poison cockroach, the chilly and extreme properties greatly eased the imbalance between yin and yang, and the sneaky pressure is one of the light.

The drug lord, that is, the homage, other abilities have yet to be further discovered, but instinctively, Sun Hao knows that he has two powerful abilities, one of which is not afraid of poison, the venomous soul is in the body, 10,000 The poison is not in the second; the second is not afraid of cockroaches, the annihilation of the golden silkworm is the king of eternal, the locusts of any small worms enter their bodies, and they will be obedient in an instant.

In other words, Sun Hao at this time is the biggest nemesis of the grass poison people. It is estimated that if Sun Hao is suffering from the poisonous people, the grass poison people will definitely die very hard.

The two goals of coming to the poison dead domain are all overfulfilled.

Sun Hao did not expect that he would get such a chance in the poisonous death zone. In this way, his seven-year-old homage, the last glimpse, he did not have much hope, he thought it would be a weaker glimpse. The competition is strong beyond your own expectations.

It was a surprise to him.

Looking into the sky, Sun Hao once again stunned the sneaky opponent who was killed by himself, Black Day Komaki, and turned to sit on the bronze altar and began to digest this battle.

This place is a secret place of seedlings, inaccessible, just right for your own stable cultivation, complete the seventh soul, and there is also an important discovery in the war, the need to verify, Sun Hao Don't worry, just practice on the spot.

After Sun Hao’s main body sat down.

Bianmu squinted his eyes and said in his mouth: "Small fire sister, I think, in fact, you can try a little bit to adapt to toxicity, and then you can better help Sun boss..."

Look at the side of the small fire, ask in his mouth: "What do I need to do?"

Bianmu looked to the **** sea, Wang Wang called: "Simple, swallow a little bit of these blood, and constantly improve their anti-toxicity, a small fire assured, there is a great side animal husbandry, nothing!"

The small fire looked at those dark red, and many places still popped up the blood of the bubble. I thought about the scene that was just like the poisonous, just feeling sick, the little head shaking like a rattle, this kind of blood, she was No.

Bianmu regretfully sighed and looked at the headless and ferocious.

Headless and fiercely said: "Border animal husbandry, right, blood, useful."

After that, the belly button opened his mouth and sucked, a large mouth of blood flew into the mouth, no head and fierce squatting, falling on the **** sea, wielding a shield, violently, white, sparkling, picked up Taotao blood waves, violent and violent, and practiced.

The small fire looked at the headless and savage.

Bianmu’s eyes turned and his face showed a sad expression: “Big sister, you don’t know. In the past, Bianmu had just come to the virtual world. At that time, Sun’s body was separated, and he was cut off by his life. It’s miserable... ..."

The small fire scared a big jump and looked at the side of the animal.

Bian Mu’s face was heavy, and the dog’s paws were swearing: “Look, that’s the shape of Sun’s boss at that time. Later, after thousands of hardships, it took thousands of years for Sun Boss to find his head. This flesh has become an incarnation of the body..."

When I said these words, Bianmu really felt a sense of heart, and the expression was naturally heavy. At that time, Sun Boss was indeed almost ruined.

The little fire stayed and screamed.

Bianmu said with great pain: "Yes, lie to you is a puppy. If you want to enhance your ability, it is necessary to resist the toxicity. Otherwise, you can't swallow it. If you can't swallow it, your ability will be abolished... ”

The small fire and small head slammed a little, opened a small mouth, gently sucked, a **** water inhaled into the stomach, standing on Sun Hao’s shoulder, swaying, stunned and made a few turns, a plop , fell on the bronze altar.

Bianmu’s face showed a smug expression. Hey, it’s a stupid big sister who was stalked by the side. Hey, don’t be so cool.

Wang Wang called twice, ran forward, took the dog's paw and opened the eyes of the small fire and found that she was just fainting, no problem, she would not care about her, turn her attention and start researching herself. Refining and golding silkworm locusts, if this stuff is used well, it may be my handicraft stunt.

Although the animal husbandry is not reliable, its instinct is very reliable.

This guy lied to a small fire, although Sun Hao was ridiculous in his heart, a little touched is that the small fire always thinks about his own affection, but it does not expose it, but let the small fire hold back the nausea to swallow blood. .

The seedling field is the essence of hundreds of millions of seedlings, soaking up the five poisonous things.

At the same time, it is extremely toxic, and it also contains a huge amount of power. When the sorcerer of the five venoms is immersed in it, it is perceived that this blood is like a powerful refining agent, and it has a great cultivation of its own body. Help, this is also the reason why Sun Hao in the original soul, digesting the seventh.

The body in this digestion digests the golden silkworm poisonous soul, while the criminal day witches use the blood of the sea to temper the body.

Small fire space stomach can be more isolated from toxicity, more swallowing blood, even if it can not enhance her anti-virus ability ~ ~ can also greatly enhance her body.

Bianmu’s kid tempted her to be fooled, but she was relieved of her own bitter persuasion.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, Sun Haoyuan took a chapter of the chapter to wash the soul, and constantly refining the seventh branch. At the same time, he also divided a part of attention, always paying attention to the surrounding, the bronze altar is somewhat awkward, and Sun Hao is not Dare to be careless.

When you don't get it done, what are the moths?

In less than a moment, Sun Hao, sitting cross-legged, saw the first time that Bianmu had made its locust out!

However, after seeing its way of appearance, looking at the expression of the thief’s head and the brain, Sun Hao’s heart suddenly burst into tears and laughed.

Sun Hao saw that the side of this animal, Xiaoding Ding has been screaming, squirting a liquid, and then curiously ran to observe carefully, take his claws to open the liquid, find his own little cockroach.

Sun Hao could not help but shake his head, this dog! This way of displaying viciousness is estimated to be in the sky and on the ground.

After a long time, I was unable to find anything, and my mouth shouted: "What about my little sister? Dry! The launch failed? Come again..."

Xiaoding Ding straightened again, slamming a squirt of liquid.


After half a ring, the side of the animal nose smelled a few smells, looked around, I felt there were no suspicious people nearby, and said in the mouth: "Dry, no passion can not be launched? I am..."

Sun Hao... (to be continued.)

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