Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1870: Devil

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Half a year later, a burst of blue smoke was blown at the entrance to the poisonous death zone.

The poisonous person who guards the poisonous dead field only feels a flower in front of him. He feels that something has rushed out of the poisonous dead zone. He will look at it again. The sky is still white, the scenery is still there, and there is half a ghost. He swears: "Hell. "Continue to run to the sun."

And he thought that he had already turned into a boneless teenager, but he unknowingly flew by him and went to the grass-stained city of Liuli.

Black Day Komaki is one of the three major public priests of the grass poisoning people. There are many memories of the various books of the grass poisoning people, but most of them are incomplete. Among the memory fragments, the grass poison people have a poisonous doctor who is not particularly valued. The Scriptures are hidden in the holy land of the herbicides.

This book tells the practical application of various poisons in alchemy and medicine. It is usually not liked by the public who like to take poisons against the enemy.

Sun Hao is very interested in this book. On the way back, according to the memory of the black day, he quietly sneaked into the holy place of the poisonous people's collection, and sent the poisonous doctors out.

The horse did not stop, and several major fields were transferred. Sun Hao silently and incarnates the barbarian and returned to the Kelman Dragon Field again.

After a half-day break in his own Dongfu, Sun Hao was not in a hurry, went to the Queen's Palace and asked to see Queen Vinia.

Seeing the return of Sun Hao safely, Queen Viña was very surprised: "Hill, you are safely coming back. It’s very good. You have been afraid of your accident for a long time."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Thank you for the Queen's concern, Hill is fortunate not to be insulted, and finally recovered the undead active fire from the poisonous death zone. I hope that I will come back not too late, no mistakes."

Viña shook her head and sighed in her mouth and said: "There is nothing wrong with it. The hills move very fast. Oh, the Witch King is still trapped in the magical world. I am in a dilemma. I don't know what happened?"

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse and said, "Where the Witch King can be awkward, how can he be trapped?"

Vigna said with a wry smile: "The devil is the domain of the monk, and the domain of the monk's life is cut off. It is so good. The Witch King can protect himself inside. It is not bad. On the side of the bride's ceremony, she is planning how to meet the Witch King. Well, hills, or you will go to see the situation together, by the way, bring the undead active fire to the Panhe Grand Master."

Sun Hao nodded and said yes.

Viña reached out to his throne and a light door appeared behind the Queen's Palace.

Sun Hao followed Vigna through the light door and came to a ritual hall that exudes a faint scent, very quiet and solemn.

Within the hall, Panhe, women's ceremonies, and several high-powered monks of the male and female witches are present at the ceremony.

The face of the bridesmaid was hidden under the veil, and she could not see the expression on her face, but several of the Panhe Grand Masters were cold and seemingly heavy.

Sun Hao came in, Panhe Grand Master's face showed a smile, his mouth said: "Hill, I did not expect you to come back so fast, how? Found an undead active fire?"

Sun Hao’s face showed a thick smile: “Well, fortunately, you are not insulting, you adults, the hill has found an undead active fire.”

After that, the wrists were shaken, and the four bottles in the hands were not dead.

Panhe reached out and recruited one of them. In the past, he took a few moments and carefully read it. He said with amazement: "It’s good, the hill is really patient, waiting for this undead active fire, there must be no short time, otherwise I won't get it just right, so four bottles of unrelenting active fire, I take two bottles, you keep two bottles, give, this is the formula of the magical medicinal medicinal, among the male and female witch pharmacists, Hill and you and I may be configured successfully, we are all prepared separately."

Between the words, a big move, the second bottle of undead active fire also ingested, while the wrists spurt, a storage bag flew to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao said: "Thank you for the Grand Master", catching the storage bag, the gods will find out that there are not only recipes, but also some ready-made drugs.

Obviously, Panhe Grand Master has already been ready, just wait for him to come back, so that the two have their own formula and some configuration of the elixir.

Sun Hao feels that Panhe Master is a little bit of a feeling of arranging the road. He feels a little uneasy in his heart, but he does not move his voice. After taking the storage bag, he sat quietly with Vinia in the ceremony and listened. Several adults discussed.

The first place in the risk of the imaginary hazard is the absolute domain. "The husband can't force him to take it, he is a singer, and he is secluded."

The main purpose of the Witch King is to go to the gods and devils. The main purpose is to "sacred the grass", the real mastery of the monks is degraded, and the souls of the bones are bred for thousands of years to have the opportunity to generate the **** grass.

At the scene of the discussion, the women’s gift took out her own crystal ball and displayed her own secret technique, which reflected the location of the Witch King.

In the dark environment, Gexubao is solemn, sitting cross-legged, his hands clasping his own sky blue ball, around his body, from time to time shot a dark purple light, from time to time drifting through a puffy ghost, ghost Sometimes, there are powerful undead warriors who have erupted into a series of storms.

It’s not easy to sit down and sit still, and it doesn’t move.

The voice of the bridesmaid came from a long time: "The Witch King is trapped in the Holy Ghost of the Devil's Devil. The dark purple light around him is the extinction of the gods, and the monks are caught in it. Surrounded by the gods, it will not be long before it will be turned into a metamagnetic. The Witch King did not expect the Halloween to suddenly appear, fell into it, found a place to avoid light, and dilemma..."

Within the hall, in addition to Sun Hao is the first time to participate, the other monks have participated in at least two or more meetings, and they have a better understanding of the situation of the Witch King. At this time, the women’s rites are so detailed, in fact, they are mainly introduced to the grandchildren. Hao is listening.

Of course, the bridesmaid will also inform other monks about the latest situation of the Witch King.

With the explanation of the bridesmaid, Sun Hao gradually thought about it.

Strictly speaking, if Sun Hao wants to be a nine-pointer of the Yuanshen and enters the period of the fit with a nine-point attitude, it is possible that he will also go for a trip.

After the winds and the poisonous deadlands, Sun Hao’s self-confidence was overwhelming, and he felt that he couldn’t stop himself. He could use his own power and power, and he could go anywhere. Sun Hao also felt that the devil was absolutely I still have to go.

But now, when I saw that the Witch King was trapped in the devil's realm, Sun Hao's heart suddenly felt cold sweat. If there was a witch king's car, if he was not careful, he would greatly sway the devil. I don't know how to die.

However, the devil is absolutely extinct, and he may still have to go through it.

The Yuanshen nine points need the ultimate medicinal aid. The level of this medicine is very high, and the elixir needed is very rare. Sun Hao tries his best to make a difference. It is not the other, but it is also the **** grass.

Originally, Sun Hao also thought that after the Witch King had recovered the sacred grass, he quietly left one or two spares when he refining the magical medicinal remedy. However, it seems that the Witch King is trapped in the devil. In the middle, I am afraid that no one can help However, the gods are so dangerous, can you really go for it?

Sun Hao’s heart is thinking this way, and there is a message from the empty tower.

After receiving this information, Sun Hao’s heart trembled.

The information on the condensing tower is very embarrassing. It may be restricted by the rules. This information is extremely simple and unclear, but it makes Sun Hao feel in the heart.

The information is combined, vaguely expressing such a paragraph: "The devil is a demon, there is a source of deputy soul."

Sun Hao was shocked by this information. At the same time that his heart was analyzing quickly, the ceremony was thrown a paragraph, and Sun Hao was shocked.

After the bridegroom showed the latest situation of the Witch King, she said: "When the Witch King came back, the Halloween Palace suddenly appeared in the world. It was also a crisis. It was also a chance that the extinction of the magnetic **** light would have a strong outbreak. After that, there should be a period of weakness. At that time, as long as the monks who did not enter the fit period should be able to pass through safely, the Witch King made me find ways to lead the younger disciples to go in. One is to help the Witch King get out of trouble, and the other is to go in. Looking for opportunities..."

The hall was quiet, and several male and female witches were able to silence the scenes.

Sun Hao also thought that the gods are in a terrible way. Do you really need to go through it?

Looking left and right, it seems that you have to go into the devil, it is necessary, but is this really the case? (To be continued.)

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