Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1872: Halloween legend

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Sun Hao smiled and touched his head and said: "You seniors, the hill has just learned a certain magical formula, and found a very important thing, that is, it is best to collect the grass immediately after the collection. Into the medicine, this can increase the power of the pharmacy, so I think it is better for me to go there..."

Within the ceremony, the monks looked at Panhe.

The Panhe Grand Master was a little bit stunned. When he thought about it carefully, he asked hesitantly: "What is the basis for the hill?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The Panhe Grand Master, have you forgotten the characteristics of the unrelenting active fire?"

Panhe Grand Master thought for a long time with his head leaning on his head. He said to himself in his mouth: "I don't die, my gods are blasphemy, I want to live, I am away from the roots. I understand, the basic knowledge of the strong medicine of the hills." It seems that among the male and female witches, the first pharmacist is the hill."

In the voice, there is a sigh and awkwardness. Before today, Panhe Grand Master did not think that the mountain would actually surpass himself in such a short period of time and become a master-level pharmacist.

Sun Hao slightly succumbs and smiles and says: "The big master is polite, but the hill is just familiar with the medicine. How can it exceed the big master?"

Panhe laughed: "Oh, don't shoot me flattering, pharmacy is technical, life is OK, no, it's not good, don't give me a gold face, I have a few, but the hill, since it is In this case, it is not as good as I personally entered. You are such a young pharmacist, but it is the real baby of my family. If it is damaged in the devil, it will not be worth the loss."

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, but did not expect that it would be such a result. After a little hesitation, Sun Hao stood up and said sincerely: "The second reason why the hill is going to go to the gods is because the hill wants to Going to the Halloween Palace to seize the opportunity, the Millennium Palace opened for a thousand years, the opportunity is rare, the hill hopes to go to the sway, and please the predecessors to complete."

Sun Hao said very sincerely, but the male and female witch monks on the scene did not think that Sun Hao was telling the truth, especially the bridesmaid and the queen. They were very touched by Sun Hao’s performance. This barbaric is true to Xiaolan. The good intention is not only to take back the undead active fire, but also insisted on going to the Halloween Palace to refine the magical medicinal agent for Xiaolan. They said that the barbaric is the most sincere, and sure enough, Xiaolan Being able to take a fate with the hill is also a blessing.

The bridesmaid and the queen looked at each other.

Queen Vignia said: "Small hill, you just returned from the poisonous death zone, car Ma Longton, can you practice for a while, and stabilize yourself?"

Sun Hao smiled awkwardly: "The foundation of the hill has always been solid. Now it has also practiced the bottleneck of distraction, but it is also time to look for opportunities. Please see the seniors..."

After that, Sun Hao suddenly became a body, headless and fierce body in the position, the momentum is full, the war is raging, at the same time, Zhang Ba Jin body flashes, attached to the headless and fierce, navel mouth Li Wei said: "You seniors, the hill now feels that the Sanctuary of the Sanctuary should be counted as one. Once the hill is strong enough to surpass the ordinary distracted monks, it will not drag the hind legs of the team too much. Master, in the magical field, may be able to help the team."

Panhe looked at Sun Hao, and he couldn't help but say loudly: "White jade body, Zhang Ba Jin body, powerful, hahaha, I didn't expect that you actually cultivated the golden body during the distraction period. No wonder you can go well. The earth recovers the undead active fire from the poisonous dead zone, and the golden body is out, and the poison is not invading, powerful, and admire."

The bridesmaid looked at Sun Hao’s headless and fierce state, and felt Sun Hao’s boundless fighting spirit and powerful atmosphere. The look on his face was also a lot better. After thinking about it, the bridesmaid said: “The hill, there is a piece. Things, you must know, that is, after the opening of the Holy Palace, the heroes of all parties will gather together, and many powerful people will go in and find opportunities. The Witch King will let us meet him, because even if the Witch King is out of trouble, There will be a situation where the strength is weak, and the reinforcements must be mobilized from within the family. Let me say that..."

The bridesmaid looks positive and slowly said: "This time, we decided to let me personally lead the team to the gods and devils. That is to say, I have a way to evade the fit monks who can't enter the distraction. Similarly, once I am After receiving the Witch King and giving him some coping things, the Witch King will be able to walk unimpeded into the Hall of the Holy Spirit. At that time, I am afraid that the real monk may be quite dangerous when he is on a trip to the Holy Sunday. ""

Sun Hao instantly understood.

There is a way for the male and female witches to send the fit into the Halloween Palace, and there are ways for other races.

The male and female witches know the news of the opening of the Holy Sunday. Other races, especially those with the top ranks, still have a way. The Holy Sunday is the chance.

According to legend, the devil is not a big domain.

According to the analysis of the male and female witches, the gods and devils come from the emptiness, and the reason why the gods and devils fall from the top is because the Halloween Palace and the Pantheon are under the battle. The powerful attacking power of the strong family has shot down the original gods and demon fields from the upper virtual, and has fallen into the middle of the virtual, becoming one of the most dangerous places in the middle of the virtual.

The two races are the true hegemon-class races that have been circulated for a long time ago. The ancient Protoss and the true devils, in the legend, the chaos of the heavens and the earth, the ancient gods and the true devils are one of the first two strong families born.

There are countless strong men of both races, and they have waged a long battle for the hegemony of this world.

It was still in the ancient times, the heavens and the earth were defeated by their great wars, the stars were fallen, the sun and the moon were dull, and the result of the fierce battle was that the domain of the gods and the devils were sunk from the top, and the two strong men were almost lost. After the fierce battle between the two communities, the people of this world have prospered and developed gradually, and gradually evolved into a situation in which the people of the world competed for each other.

Many races today, according to legend, have many connections with the ancient two races.

In the legend, the four spiritual and ancient demons who have prominent positions in Zhongxu and Shangxu are descendants of the true devils, and the descendants of the ancient Protoss are more. The male and female witches recognize themselves as descendants of ancient gods. Ethnic races, human races, etc. have been passed down from race to ancient times.

Of course, what is the situation, has been drowned in the dust of history.

But no matter what kind of situation, the magical demon is open, and it is a huge opportunity for the imaginary people.

Within the Halloween or the Pantheon, a magic weapon that is born is enough for every monk to break his head, and a secret technique can be shocked.

And the occasional emergence of the spirit, but also has an earth-shattering power.

According to legend, there is a powerful Mahayana in the Palace of the Lord! The kind of elixir that can make the late monk in the late stage directly break the barrier and rise to the peerless monk.

According to legend, there is also a powerful and powerful spiritual treasure in the Halloween monk who got this treasure is in the hand, and there is no one to match the edge.

The magical weapon is getting stronger and stronger, and the probability of occurrence and the difficulty of refining are greater. In the period of the fit period, the monk has a great change, that is, it can make the spirit treasure.

Lingbao has the congenital and acquired points, but whether it is congenital or acquired, it is extremely powerful, but the conditions for its formation are slightly different. According to legend, the most powerful of this world can only be seen in a few places where there are only a few places. The top refiner, called Xianbao, can be a powerful presence.

According to legend, there have been strong bans in the Halloween Palace.

The strongest line in this world is the nine-level array. Among the male and female witches' classics, the nine-level formation is the advanced prohibition, the strongest, and the peak prohibition of the advanced level is the "fair ban."

There are many legends about the Halloween Palace. Every time it appears, it is an ultimate feast for the monks.

At the same time, it is also a feast of death. Every time, whether it is the present day of the Holy Palace or the world of the Pantheon, there will be a large number of Zhongxu elites who have lost their lives and become the dust of history.

The name of the gods and devils is also the result.

The records of the male and female witches record that there are different living rules from the imaginary world, and there are various difficulties and challenges that the monks unexpectedly have.

Like the general power of the Witch King, they are trapped in it, and they can’t move. The hardships can be imagined.

However, in any case, every time the Palais is opened, the monks who run to find opportunities are always quite a lot.

In front of the avenue, everyone must fight for it, and the Holy Palace is the place where the strong people compete.

In the middle of the imaginary race, the more powerful races will gather in the magical field and see the Halloween Palace. (To be continued.) (九炼归仙..2525604)--(九炼归仙)

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