Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1877: Galaxy upside down

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A white and wide river flows from a distance and turns into a galaxy-like waterfall that hangs upside down into the sky. In the sound of the torrent of water, it falls on the white clouds of the sky, splashing white and white. The waves, rolling up the waves of water, the clouds steamed Xia Wei, spectacular, along the white clouds above the sky, flowing to the distance.

An upside down waterfall!

An upside down Galaxy!

Surging and rushing, it is the most magnificent river that Sun Hao has ever seen, and it is a river that I can't imagine.

Standing on the ground, looking up between the sky and the white clouds, the wide galaxy, Sun Hao has a deep ripple in his heart, this big river should not fall from the air!

There are no rivers on the ground below!

If the Milky Way falls down, the bottom is not a sea of ​​ocean!

Absolutely a catastrophe!

Sun Hao also couldn't understand what kind of principle this huge river would be. He could actually be in the sky, so he couldn't stop doing so. This is totally inconsistent with Sun Hao's understanding of the laws of heaven and earth.

Well, what is wrong with the gods and devils is normal.

The galaxy upside down is not a rare thing.

The better situation is that after the team came in, it was not scattered. Everyone was only a few feet away, and they could see the light door hanging in the air not far away.

The women’s rituals show their mouths, and there are words in their mouths. Inside the light gate, eight segments of wood floated out, falling into her palm, and collecting the pieces of wood. The brideessed a few pieces of jade, saying: “This is Drive the segment of the wood, after entering, many wood properties can find the segment wood, this mouth is firmly remembered, once you leave the team, you can rely on this back."

Sun Haofei quickly picked up the jade piece, and the gods swept it. It was not a long mouth that had been recorded in the heart. At the same time, the heart also understood it slightly.

Duanmu should be a small-scale array automatically generated by the gods and devils. As long as a certain number of segments are combined, a temporary transmission array can be formed to transport the monks to places that are not particularly far away.

The mouth of the brideess is actually a small method to build a temporary transmission array, which can not stop Sun Hao.

The bridesmaid did not know Sun Hao’s attainments, and specifically reminded him: “Hill, here, you may not understand the road, but it doesn’t matter. You just need to remember the mouth and act according to the law, and naturally you can easily go out.”

The dog on the side of the animal husbandry showed an expression of disapproval.

Dare to say that Sun boss does not understand the road? Hey, your little witch is not necessarily as magical as Sun’s boss.

Sun Hao did not want to entangle on this issue, smiled and nodded and said: "The bride gift is reassuring, the hill knows what to do."

At the moment, Pan Pan and others finally recovered from the shock of the Yinhe upside down, took the jade piece, and exhaled a long breath.

Pan Pan patted the towering chest and said with a smile: "I thought that I had practiced my life for a lifetime. I didn't know what scenes. When I got to the magical field, I realized the true meaning of the world. The inverted Galaxy is really magnificent. It is."

Gegko sighed and said: "It’s really a good thing to do this. It’s no wonder that the great monks who can go back from the absolute field can make great progress. If you don’t say anything else, you can say this extraordinarily spectacular scene. The realization of the people is an eye-opener."

The waterfall falls upside down, and the Milky Way travels in the air.

The white clouds are doing the shore, and the sky is flowing.

The monk does not bear Ling Yunzhi, and the body and the name are destroyed, and the courage and the sorrow can be laughed out. Only when the wind blows over the mountains, the seven-color rainbow light seeks the way.

The feminine ceremony was relatively calm, under the mask, and she could not see any of her expressions. She said calmly to the side of the animal husbandry: "God dog, can you continue to sniff the place where the witch king is?"

The bridesmaid can locate the Witch King, but it is quite troublesome to find the hiding place of the Witch King. It is not too short to carefully explore the terrain and compare the topography.

If Bianmu can find the Witch King, it can save a lot of time and effort.

Bianmu was also called the **** dog by the team leader, and he was very proud. He immediately yelled: "Well, the side animal is the second dog in the world, the first thing in the world, find the witch king, not me, look at me, God. Sniff the world..."

After that, standing on Sun Hao’s shoulder, Bianmu shook his head and began to sway his nose.

After a few moments, I slowly pointed at one direction. The dog’s eyes slammed. When I was talking, my head was swaying again, revealing a puzzled expression, slowly turning around, falling a head and sniffing a few times. The spirit of the spirit, waiting for Wang Wang yelling, the dog's face suddenly revealed doubts, once again turned around, head and tail exchange, screaming more than...

The team of monks looked at the side of the animal husbandry.

Bianmu stood on Sun Hao’s shoulder, turned around, his head fell back, and fell back. The suspicious expression on the dog’s face became heavier and heavier. He turned around for a dozen circles and still had no choice but to sit down. On the shoulder of Sun Hao, his mouth said: "Sun boss, what situation, I have been fainted."

Sun Hao’s face was a faint smile, and he said softly in his mouth: “Byeing, don’t sniff, it’s not your problem of smelling, standing and talking, saying what you feel is good.”

Bianmu stood on Sun Hao’s shoulder and faced the women’s ceremony. Wang Wang shouted: “It’s really strange to be a woman, when I smell the taste of the Witch King and find the place where he is, as long as I am going to tell where he is. The sense of smell immediately tells me that the Witch King is the opposite of the direction I want to say. For example, if I say that the Witch King is in front, it must be the direction of the tail, wrong, when I say the tail, He ran to his head again, no, when I said the head, he ran to the tail again..."

Sun Hao screamed at the small fire on the other shoulder.

Bianmu grievance said: "Big sister, I am not going to wander around you. Anyway, I want to say what direction, he is the opposite of me, but when I say this, he is the same, and when I say After another sentence, he is the opposite. Do you understand?"

The little fire caught her eyes, and the more she listened, the more confused she was.

A few distractions have produced a little taste.

Sun Hao and the bridesmaid looked at each other, and the bridesmaid was ready to speak. Sun Hao suddenly made a look to her, and said in her mouth: "Bianmu, what messed up, and confused me, you are really unreliable." ”

"Sun boss, you are too unconscion, how can you say that side animal husbandry?" Bian Wang Wang screamed.

Gegko opened his mouth, and Geerda’s eyes were fast, and he slaps his mouth, and at the same time makes a squeaking gesture to the plate.

The bridesmaid thought for a moment, and the low voice sounded up: "Well, since the animal husbandry is not clear, then we can just pick a direction and look for it."

Bianmu Wang screamed: "Don't, the side of the animal husbandry smells unparalleled, absolutely able to get You wait and see..."

The bridesmaid and Sun Hao looked at each other and saw the direction of the river flowing, that is, the opposite direction that Bianmu pointed out.

Sun Hao shoulders, and the animal husbandry yelled: "Wrong, that direction is wrong, wrong, this direction is just right, or it is not wrong in this direction, strange, is it right? Or is it wrong?"

Standing on the shoulders of Sun Hao, the animal husbandry is like a gyro, and it is turned back and forth, completely unable to understand.

In the heart of Sun Hao, he said to the small fire: "Small fire, after you say it wrong, let it shut up completely."

Although the small fire did not understand why it was so, but he listened and said: "I know, brother assured, I will let it shut up..."

Bianmu turned a few laps and shouted in his mouth: "I understand, you are going backwards, the direction is wrong..."

A small fire and a small mouth jerk.

The side of the animal husbandry was slightly stiff, and his face was incomprehensible, as if the space around him was slightly stunned. Then, the flowering section of the small fire hand jerked out, and the sound of "噗" was inserted into the dog's mouth. Among them, two small claws were inserted in the waist and screamed in the mouth.

Bianmu is waiting to open the mouth of the wood, has heard the small fire threat: "dead dog, you are noisy, give me a good stick, not allowed to spit, or else, this lady swallowed you, off You can't get out for ten days and a half..."

Bianmu scared a big jump! Suddenly honest.

Bianmu is not afraid of fear, and the price is super high. The only thing that is a little scared is Sun Hao and Xiao Huo. These two people have the majesty of their mother and habitual obedience.

Of course, this dog is open in the heart: "If you don't say it, don't say it, anyway, you go in the opposite direction, don't listen to the dog, and lose money in front of you..." (To be continued.) 2525604)--(九炼归仙)

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