Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1885: Refining magnet

The feast of the woman was a cold, and she quickly told Sun Hao that the hill was behind you. There were a few bones behind you who could only attack the dead magnetic ray attack..."

Seeing these bones, Gegeke slammed into his heart.

Empathy, if you encounter these bones to chase and kill, it is estimated that the chances of being able to run off are quite small, one is not, afraid that it will fall on the spot.

In the knowledge of Sun Hao, the death of the magnetic ray behind the fast pursuit, the heart is stunned, not afraid to scorn, the process of madness in the body, quickly shrinking, less than a few efforts, has completely changed In the small state, the small hammer and the square shield are waving in the hands, from the body of the bones and the army, quickly and outward, flying like a fly.

For the bones and devils, the enemy is the enemy, and the small one is also the enemy.

The huge snow-like encirclement circle rolled out and became a group. As Sun Hao ran, in the wilderness, he quickly chased it away.

After the death of the magnetic ray followed by Sun Hao's body 3.., through the bones, smashing, continuously shot on the ground, the ground was shot a small hole.

Sun Hao's compact body is flexible, flexible, and extremely fast, such as the same breeze, drilled under the tall body of the bones.

A large number of death magnets were left behind by him.

It looks like a small flea surrounded by the army, fleeing quickly and hard.

The heart of the bridesmaid and other people mentioned the eyes of the blind man, for fear that Sun Hao was hanged in the rays and surrounded by the entanglement, so that it would be a catastrophe. Even if everyone helped, it would be worthwhile.

But fortunately, the body of the hill is more flexible than the ray, it seems to be instinct, rushing in the middle, a lot of chasing rays pass by, and the hills are still alive and well with the bones and monsters.

After half an hour, Sun Hao with the bones and demon army has already rushed into the wilderness, in front of the women's rites and other people, for one empty, even the death of the magnetic rays in the sky, but also those who can emit ray attacks The bones of the devil are attracted to the ground, only three or two kittens are left on the ground.

The hills are really thorough enough.

Under the singer's ritual, the team rushed out from the hiding place, and finished the Qing dynasty.

The blue light flashed and slammed away. Gewang’s face smiled in front of everyone, and nodded to the women’s ceremony, saying that Xiaoli, hard work...”

The women’s rites said that they had seen the emptiness king. ”

Behind him, several monks met at the ceremony, and they smiled and nodded. They whispered that things should not be late. We hurry up the road. Just the hill said that the true devils have come to the devil, so that is, the Halloween Palace is really The days of opening are just around the corner, and we really need to go quickly. ”

The bridesmaid look like the electric thunder, the direction of the dark purple light flashing, and a little worried to ask the king of the virtual, the hill will not go wrong? Many characters in the novel network"

Gexu Wang smiles and laughs. He is very flexible. He can accurately judge the falling point of death meta-magnetic. As long as he can handle the law, he will not have a big problem. If he can get out of trouble, he will have to look at him. Don’t worry, I already Pay attention to his situation with mystery. As long as he does not have a big problem, we will come out of the Halloween Palace and maybe save him. ”

The bridesmaid nodded and said, identify the direction, follow the road of killing, and quickly go to the wilderness.

Sun Hao ran for a long time with a large number of bone demons, judging that the female rites should have rescued the wangxuwang, no longer continue to force, the body gradually became blurred in the running, and soon after, it has turned into a faint The little ghost, standing under a tall boneless body.

The bone devil instantly lost his sense of Sun Hao. Inexplicably, the place began to spin. Some wise guys were puzzled. The **** little dwarf ran to the place?

The small fire has already slept, and the body of the dead dog on the side of the animal has also revealed the spirit of the dead, becoming the self-family of the bone demon, and the bone-and-money suddenly could not find the enemy.

Sun Hao fluttered in the air, in the middle of the air, thought about it, and flew to the death of a magnetic ray.

With a slamming sound, Sun Hao was hit by a dead magnetic ray, and the air slammed a few times and fell to the ground.

Bian Mu shouted on the shoulders of Sun Hao, and he was very proud. Sun Boss was nothing to find, sinned, and laughed at the dog.

Sun Hao slowly stood up and felt his body. He whispered in his mouth that it was so true. The death of the magnetic ray on the ghost body, it really has a huge help. It seems that this way, I have to find a way to refine Some have become. ”

On Sun's shoulder, Bianmu reveals an unbelieving expression, Sun Boda. I have already seen your tricks. Do you want to lie to the dog? I can't be yours. ”

Sun Hao swept his side and graze, and said that he loves to believe or not. Anyway, I have to refine it. Right, Bianmu, looking for the right direction, I will go with the big team..."

After the side of the nose, after sniffing, I said in the mouth that the bunny should be in the direction of the true demon, as you said, are we going to catch up with them? But Bianmu thinks that may not be the best idea..."

Sun Hao "Oh" asked a question about your side? ”

The dog's paw pointed at the other direction. The side of the animal said that in this direction, I smelled a thick corpse smell. If there is no guess, there may be many powerful zombies in this direction. Perhaps we need to sneak up. ”

Sun Hao heard the words in his heart, and the brain glue in the brain of the zombie has greatly helped Sun Hao’s refining. The zombies in the devil’s domain are the monks of the ancient gods and demons. Inevitably, a higher-grade colloid can be generated, and the animal husbandry can't say it. This direction really needs to go awry.

Nodded and agreed to the proposal of Bianmu, Sun Hao whispered that, we will go forward in this direction, but you should pay attention to the pastoral, our big goal is always the direction of the true demon monk, but not After the opening of the Holy Palace. ”

The side of the animal husbandry dog ​​moved a few times in a row, Wang Wang called this without you to tell, and the animal husbandry is smart. In fact, we are moving in this direction, in fact, it is equivalent to copying the road, maybe even faster than the rabbit Find the location of the Palais. ”

Sun Hao smiled and smiled, and she was really smart. ”

Bianmu laughed smugly.

Sun Hao shook his head and said, sometimes, you are also smart and clever, and the death meta-magnetic is so easy to use. I don't know how to use it. I also served you. ”

Bian Meng Wang yelled you to lie to the dog, you actually lie to the dog, I will not you. ”

Sun Hao shook his head and loved it or not, anyway, I believed, and I will receive another death magnet..."

After that, the body floated, and another head hit a dead meta-magnetic, and a slamming sound fell on the ground in the wilderness, sitting cross-legged and began to digest.

Although Sun Hao has the heart to let the animal husbandry try to die the taste of the meta-magnetic let the dead dog receive some lessons, but in fact, the death of Yuan magnetic also does have a huge auxiliary effect on Sun Hao's practice.

In the death of the magnetic shot, the ghost body, without the grandson greeted, directly divided into two shares, one in the body of Sun Hao is constantly destroying, trying to destroy Sun Hao physical defense, let Sun Hao collapse, but by the grandson Hao strong and ridiculous, Tian Jin gave suppression and forced cultivation; while the other one directly rushed into Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea and tried to make chaos. Sun Hao’s knowledge of the movement, the sneaky sorrow produced the power of attraction, the death of the magnetic Inhaled into the tombstone, driving the yin and yang combination of Dafa began to practice.

What makes Sun Hao more unexpected is that this time, when Sun Hao once again drove the yin and yang to merge Dafa, he even faintly contacted Miha.

Miha double-edged, while faintly messaging the hill, is the light of death, do you also enter the devil? ”

Sun Hao’s heart glimpsed a little, and quickly answered no, Miha, I did come in, you will not come in too? Many characters in the novel network are not the same. We are too far apart, and consciousness cannot be connected. ”

Miha said quickly, "I came in with the family elders, hills, you are tens of thousands of people, and the strong ones in the gods and devils will be born, and if they don't, they will die in the land..."

Sun Haofei is coming back to ah, I will pay attention to it, Xiaoha, you also pay attention to it, right, this holy light, is it helpful for ghosts? "The novel network does not jump.

This holy light of Miha is naturally helpful. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to refine. I didn’t expect you to have a way in the hill. If possible, you can refine some of the hills. It may be helpful for the next trip to the Holy Palace. "(To be continued.)

The first eight eighty five chapter refining metamagnetic

The first eighty-five chapter refinement meta-magnetism is played by [*] [small-speak-net] members.

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