Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1891: 陨神草

The closer the distance, the greater the pressure on Sun Hao felt, and Sun Hao’s heart gradually affirmed his own cognition.

Sun Hao’s current cultivation, as well as the unparalleled sword bones in Sun Hao’s body, and the fighting ridges, can make him feel a sense of pressure, and absolutely only the monks who have exceeded the power of the fit period are possible.

Even if it is the king of Gewang, the absolute existence of Zhongxu may be able to completely suppress Sun Hao in terms of strength, but it is difficult to make Sun Hao feel a sense of pressure.

Although Ge Wang, Sun Hao can feel his power, he does not feel the pressure of irresistible existence from the heart.

But in front of this truncated foot, Sun Hao has a sense of pressure and look from the heart, very intuitive feeling, the other's life form, much higher than their own, they are like ants, and the other side is high.

There are similar records in the writings of the male and female witches. The combination of the monks is actually a comprehensive improvement of the life form. When the monks complete the fit, after entering the Mahayana, they have turned into another higher-level life. It seems that at that time, the characteristics of life have been multi-racial, giving people a feeling of awe of a sense of God.

This truncated foot in front of you is undoubtedly the ranks.

The magical war of the year did not know how fierce it was. This kind of power could break the foot without retracting. The only possibility was that the body was defeated on the spot, the body was scattered, and the death could not die any more. Otherwise, there would be no body falling. The magical field, the spectacular scene of hundreds of millions of years.

It is also very likely that other parts of the power have been completely transformed into fly ash in an instant, leaving only a broken foot and unable to regenerate.

In either case, you can imagine the earth-shattering of that battle.

Sun Hao’s body was covered with a faint golden light. The pressure exerted by the broken foot was smashed by the momentum of the fighting. Sun Hao’s body became a breeze and rushed to the broken foot of the mountain that had already become petrochemical.

Just flew into the mountain, and immediately alerted the big corpse in the side of the grazing.

In the sky, a silver light came to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s left hand was rotated, and Fang Dong’s bang rushed out, and the air was in a block, standing in front of himself.

Almost the moment when the square shield was erected, when a loud bang came, the huge impact force made Sun Hao unable to stand up, the body flew backwards, and several turns in the air, this was a square shield. It floated on the periphery of the mountain and looked at the silver light that was shaken by itself.

The huge impact force shook the opponent back, and the air crossed an arc, floating and standing, and gave a roar to Sun Hao’s mouth: “Hey...”

A little bit different from the description of the border animal husbandry is that the opposite corpse is not only small, but actually very petite.

A small corpse with only a half-man high, silver-white, and a pair of silver wings, revealing two sharp fangs, roaring at Sun Hao, as if warning Sun Hao not to break into its territory, It is the mountain where it is active.

Of course, if it is not the strength of Sun Hao, just that, just directly put Sun Hao on the spot.

The power of Sun Hao makes this silver-winged corpse very jealous. The huge shock force makes its claws hurt, which is why it only has deterrence and does not continue to work.

On the shoulder of Sun Hao, Bianmu whispered: "Sun boss, the cliff on the top of the mountain, there is a cluster of wild grass, it should be what you call the sacred grass, the elixir I have sensed, it should be this stuff."

In the direction of the pastoral, Sun Hao tried his best to perceive the existence of wild grass.

The heart was slightly happy, and Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile. He said in his mouth: “Can there be other things guarded near the weeds?”

Bianmu shook his head: "No induction."

Sun Hao nodded and whispered: "That would be easier."

After that, the gods were shaking, and the incense swords came out, and they screamed and rushed over to the silver-winged flying corpse.

The silver-winged flying corpse was extremely fast, and it turned into a silver light. It was not much slower than the Shenxiang sword. The air was slightly swayed, and the agarwood was spread, the claws were stretched, the teeth were grinned, and Sun Hao was caught.

Sun Hao had the heart to try the silver-winged flying corpse, and he said nothing, the original place, not hiding or flashing, the body flew toward the silver-winged flying body, and the right hand banged a punch.

Silver-winged flying corpse claws in front.

Sun Hao right fist in front.

The two groups of pure power, turned into two groups of light balls, did not wait for the fists to meet, has a bang, collided in the air, huge power splashed, the surrounding space violently shocked, the devil The ground was cut off by a living.

The silver-winged flying corpse and Sun Hao were not moved by energy. The fists and claws slammed together. The two bodies slammed into the earthquake, forcibly offsetting the impact, and the fists and claws entangled. Come together.

When tremendous power came, Sun Hao felt that the silver-winged flying corpse had seized his right fist and wanted to smash his life and screamed in his mouth: "I don't think about it."

The right fist was sent forward, and the tremendous force came out, pushing the silver-winged flying body back and forth.

After the silver-winged flying corpse was launched for more than a mile, it snarled and snarled, revealing a pair of fangs in the mouth. The force on the claws suddenly increased, blocking the thrust of Sun Hao, facing Sun Hao, seemingly very convincing. Swinging his head, screaming, the strength suddenly increased, and Sun Hao pushed back.

Sun Hao whispered coldly and did not continue to compete for brute force. With the thrust of the silver-winged flying corpse, the right fist was gently swayed. If muddy, it slipped out of the claws of the flying corpse, and the body fell over. Out of the air.

The silver-winged flying corpse pushed away Sun Hao, as if he was victorious, and his claws roared.

Just as the guy was smug, Shen Xiangjian rushed from behind and quickly plunged into its vest.

The silver-winged flying corpse fluttered gently, and the body flew out, but finally it was under the general idea that it did not completely escape the agarwood spurt, and the slamming sound, the sword of the incense sword shot, pierced its calf .

Re-floating in the air, silver-winged flying corpses, roaring toward Sun Hao, angry, abnormal mouth, spit, silent, smoldering cold and spurt, turned into a white mist, like a laser, flying to Sun Hao Come.

Shen Xiangjian suddenly turned around and floated on the top of Sun Hao’s head.

In the hands of the prisoner, the dry shield was thrown out, blocking the white fog, but unfortunately, the silent white mist actually passed through the shield and rushed over to himself.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly stunned, his body swayed slightly, and went with the wind, escaping the scope of the white fog, and looking far away at the silver-winged corpse.

What surprised Sun Hao was that it was only an instant effort. On the shank of the silver-winged corpse, the wound that was shot by the agarwood sword was completely healed, and no trace of injury was seen.

Simple to play, Sun Hao basically judged that the silver-winged flying corpse is a powerful flying corpse guarding the broken foot of the mountain. Bianmu said that it is a big guy, not to say its size but rather its strength.

Just a few times, this silver-winged flying corpse has been shown to be not weaker than Sun Hao's brute force, the speed of speed, the incomparable ability of self-healing, and the sinister white fog that makes Sun Hao instinctively feel that it is not very good.

A very difficult opponent, if Sun Hao has enough time, can fight, and then slowly find a way to deal with it, I believe that in the end, he is entirely possible to kill this silver-winged flying corpse.

However, the main purpose of Sun Hao's entry into the demon domain is to sacred the grass, and it is necessary to hurry to smash the Halloween Palace, but there is no time to fight with the silver-winged corpse here.

I thought about it, when the silver-winged corpse rushed to himself again, Sun Hao no longer fought with it, Shen Xiangjian was flying, and the sword of the eight winds was slammed.

The silver-winged flying corpse did not know the bottom of the eight winds, and suddenly rushed in. The result was temporarily set in the air by the Eight Great Swords.

When it forcibly breaks through the sword of the Eight Winds and finds the enemy, it finds that the opponent has already flown to his own nest.

Roaring, the silver-winged flying corpse chased after Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s face has a faint smile. If you want to talk about speed, in today’s world, you can be faster than the wind, basically no, the speed of the silver-winged corpse is fast, but it is worse than your own wind, not to mention the line, not to mention the line. I was also slightly delayed by my own eight winds.

Tens of miles away, the wind rushed, and Sun Hao stretched out and flew down, grabbing the grass on the cliff with one hand.

I started with a little grass and struggled a little, but I couldn’t resist the great power of Sun Hao. I screamed and was uprooted by Sun Hao.

Sun Hao laughed happily, and there was a huge refining utensil in his hand. He threw a sacred grass into it, but it was hot and iron, and began to refine the magical potion. (To be continued.)



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