Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1896: 1 mind chaos (3)

Sun Hao judged that the conditions for Sanyuanmen’s entry were to see the repairs and the second look at the anger.

What Sun Hao did not think was that although his cultivation was not up to the fit period, it may have been achieved, and he did not let himself go from Shangyuanmen.

Can only enter the Chinese yuan.

Zhongyuan is undoubtedly the most dangerous.

Not only the environment inside will be even worse, but the strength of the monks entering is also higher. The ordinary fit monks are not safe inside, and Sun Hao is a more insecure monk.

However, Sun Hao did not think so much. Since he decided to marry the Holy Sunday, he would no longer think about it. Almost without any hesitation, Sun Hao rushed into the Zhongyuan Gate.

Just coming in, Sun Hao feels that his body is suddenly empty, the wildfire is like a tide, the sullen scent is like a hundred ghosts, and he rushes to himself. Sun Hao’s heart is shocked, he does not know the truth, he does not dare to resist, fly back, try Avoid the ghosts and invade.

But what I didn't expect was that the seemingly unsatisfactory speed of the wildfire in the call sign seemed to have the ability to shrink into the ground. With his own skill, he couldn't run away. He only insisted on a few moments of effort and looked at it. It is getting closer.

The Dapeng Golden Winged Bird Spirit also sent a message that it was not a ghost fire, but that it was in a special space. Avoiding it was not a solution. The only possibility was hard resistance.

This is a very strange, beyond the spatial secrets of Sun Hao's cognition.

In this space, the speed of the wildfire is constant, the time of covering the space is constant, and the monks come in, seemingly have a vast space to escape, and in fact can not escape.

Just like a bucket, the capacity after filling the water is the same, and the time capacity of this space is certain.

Sun Hao couldn't think too much, and quickly drove his most powerful defensive force, Zhang Bajin body, the body quickly shrinks, the whole body shines, the golden body protects the body.

The wildfire rushed over, like a wave on the body, the golden body is like falling into the oil pan, sizzling in the wildfire.

However, Sun Hao’s body was completely stabilized in the wildfire, and there was no sign of collapse.

The threshold for the entry of the Zhongyuan Gate is the strength of the fit, and Sun Haoxiu is not able to test it. When Sun Hao sacrificed the golden body that represents the fit, he also reached the conditions for entry and qualified for entry.

In the golden sparkle, Sun Hao set his heart, striding forward and rushing forward.

However, the tea was martial arts, the front of the fire was clear, and there was an entrance to the main hall. Sun Hao strode down and fell to the main hall.

With a bang, Sun Hao’s body passed through a device similar to the transmission, golden light, and fell into the hall.

The hall shook a little, and Sun Hao felt a little dizzy, quickly swayed his head and became familiar with the surrounding environment.

After returning to God, looking around, Sun Hao’s heart was suddenly shocked. Originally, Sun Hao thought that there would be no one in the hall, thinking that the monks who had come in had already entered to explore the Holy Sunday.

But who knows what is wrong.

Inside the main hall, it was quite quiet, but there were almost twenty great monks who looked at themselves and the gods extended to themselves to come and discover their own feet.

I didn't think about it. Sun Hao's body suddenly slammed, quickly pulled up, turned into a barbarian body, stood up in the field, knew the sea closed, and the five elements of the wheel drive, to the best possible cover up.

Just finished all this, I heard the voice of the surprise of the bridesmaid: "Hill, you are coming in, here, here..."

Sun Hao looked at the past and found that the bridesmaid and the virgin king are in the corner of the hall, and the bridesmaid is waving to herself.

In the heart, Sun Hao’s face showed a thick smile, lifted his legs, and prepared to move closer to Gewang Wang. Suddenly, someone in front of the body said coldly: “Boy, if I am you, don’t mess at this moment, your origin is suspicious. I feel that it is necessary to check one or two..."

The voice of the speech, Sun Hao is unforgettable in his life. At the same time, Sun Hao’s heart is also shocked. He actually met Jordan in this narrow and closed place, and he’s just in the state of his own body. Similar to the human race, it is invisible that he has perceived some roots.

When Joe Dan spoke, Sun Hao felt that an invisible pressure was on his body. Two flying monks with three pairs of wings were aligned with themselves. Among Jordan’s eyes, there was a touch of faintness. The light of the light.

Sun Hao’s face showed a blank smile: “Predecessors, how do you say this?”

Gewang Wang said coldly at this time: "The hills, these two are the predecessors of the flying people, the famous Jordan and Joe, you have unplugged their affiliated aunts in the fighting world, and they have some grudges, you can rest assured Come over, big deal, everyone has played one game."

After that, the body was slightly shocked, and an invisible wave rushed out from the body. On the top of Sun Hao’s head, there was a slight shock and a muffled sound. Sun Hao suddenly felt that he was under pressure.

Taking a big step, without hesitation, Sun Hao went to the corner of the wall and stood close to the virgin king and the female rite. He said: "The hill has seen the witch king, the female gift."

A pair of eagle eyes stared at Sun Hao, and said to Ge Xuwang in his mouth: "For me flying people, a fighting world is not going to make a big move. This kid gives me the feeling, not like the fighting world." Simple, Gewang Wang, do you think you can protect him for a lifetime? Don't let me find out his origins and feet. I keep your male and female witches unsafe."

The bridegroom screamed: "You dare!"

Joe said with a low voice: "Don, you look at him with the eyes of Jiuyou. If he is really a human race boy, he will naturally be exposed. If not, we don't have to turn faces with the male and female witches. It matters."

Joe Dan's right hand and **** on the forehead, a vertical eye appeared in the middle of the forehead, slowly opened.

Qiao Ri said coldly: "Women's gift, if there is no problem with the origin of this barbaric, it is not afraid to check, but if there is a problem with the origin of the barbarians, it is afraid that the men and women who are hiding in the body are also intent, the eyes of the nine secluded, the witch king If you want to resist, then you have to pick up the light of the big day..."

Finished, the right hand raised, raised a ball of light, like a small sun, blooming glare.

The king of Gewang was slightly wrinkled.

Joe Dan has already looked over to Sun Hao.

With a bang, Sun Hao’s head appeared a headless and fierce phantom.

Joe Dan gave a slight glimpse, and there was another violent drink in his mouth: "I still want to hide, show me..."

As Joe Dan violently drank, Sun Hao felt that the government was shocked, and the body of the gods was shrouded in a mysterious force.

The heart suddenly panicked, Sun Hao knows a turn, raised the spirit of twelve points, the whole body is tight, ready to meet the next big battle.

Within the condensed empty tower, the eyes of Qinglao once again swayed openly, and whispered in the mouth: "Under the thought of moving the heavens, the districts follow the magic, roll."

Sun Hao’s head banged and there was a strange little mouse is looking around, very curious.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly moved.

Qiao Dan was slightly stunned, and then moved to the eyes of the nine quiet, looking at Sun Hao, but did not feel any discovery.

A little doubt in my heart, I can't explain it, and Joe Dan rushed to the head of Joe's day, indicating that it was not.

Joe Riha laughed: "I have offended, Ge Wang, this kid is really a man and a woman, you are still very rare. It is rare and rare. Hahaha, but his little mouse is worth it. Playful..."

When the words were not finished, Sun Hao gently shook his shoulders, and a small fire appeared on his shoulders. His face showed a thick smile. Sun Hao said loudly: "There is something interesting, the small fire is the beast of my life. The bridesmaid knows."

Joe was stunned.

Gexu Wang said coldly: "Enough, the king's tolerance is limited. If you come to provocative, you can't make it big. Everyone won't go in."

The king of death said coldly at this time: "Okay, it is enough, quiet, don't bother the princess."

Joey hit a haha ​​and stopped talking.

Qiao Dan was slightly suspicious, and he still glanced at Sun Hao very incomprehensibly. He also silently began to think about the various possibilities.

At the moment when Sun Hao came in, Qiao Dan instinctively perceived that this kid had a grudge with his flying family. Moreover, he actually had a **** moment. He thought it was the peerless power that could deter him. When Sun Hao was fixed, he Found a distraction.

There are not many distractions that can make you jealous, but there are not many younger ones who can perceive their own grievances. To be precise, he has only one of the deepest surviving enemies in his life, that is, the one of the human races, Zijin hero, Sun Haosun. Agarwood, this is also the only monk who has been chased by him and has not been completely erased. ()

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