Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1907: Big demon everywhere

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The fact that Joe Dan guarded the entrance to the Heavenly Road of Ashura Dao Palace made Sun Hao feel shocked. At the same time, he also found something that shocked him. The last time he was in the virtual, and the Jordan who guarded the Ashura Palace was very It may be just a avatar, and its body may have entered the heavens.

Otherwise, the bridesmaid will not leave.

At the same time, Sun Hao also judged that the strength of Qiao Dan's ontology was enough to suppress the King of Ashura in the Ashura Palace. No, King Ashura should not speak so well.

Even if this is Jordan, the strength is afraid of being above King Ashura.

For the militant Ashura, if they did not meet the real strong, they were convinced that they could blame, and that Jordan would suppress the entrance to the heavens.

I want to understand this fact. Sun Hao’s heart is very tense. Fortunately, he has always been very careful. He has no intention of forgetting if he has made some progress in his cultivation. Otherwise, he really slams into the hands of Jordan, fearing that he is fierce.

This is one of the reasons why Sun Hao decided to sneak up on the evil road and avoid Joe.

In the heavens, there is the body of Qiao Dan, and he rushes out, the degree of danger is not much weaker than the evil.

Although the evil road is dangerous, it is also one of the six exits of the reincarnation. As long as you can handle the law yourself, you may not find the way to export.

Moreover, although Sun Hao’s current absolute strength is not very strong, but there are many means, and it’s a lot of knowledge, and it’s also a lot of three evils in the Ashura Palace. The intelligence of the Tao, I feel that although the three evil roads are extremely wicked, but perhaps some things should also help the monks, and they may have gains.

This is the second reason why Sun Hao broke into the evil.

After some deliberation, Sun Hao took a small fire and quietly sneaked into the bottom of the Ashura Palace. Through a special portal, he disappeared unconsciously and broke into the animal path in the three evil roads.

The animal path in the six reincarnations is said to be the original unconquered "worn beast". The human race is far from the classical "Tianchan Sutra" records. There are three different types of animals, one fish, two birds, three beasts. . There are countless of these three categories.

The weak meat and strong food and natural selection are the basic rules of this road.

After Sun Hao came in with a small fire, he still maintained his own big buffalo shape, and the small fire, turned into a body, turned into a small fire rat.

Bianmu also threw it out and began to help explore the road.

One cow, one rat, one dog!

The standard big demon combination begins to walk in the animal path of the beast.

The six-way reincarnation of the Halloween Palace has been in existence for a long time. Since the Halloween Palace has been festering for many years, these six roads are basically in a state of no reincarnation, and gradually evolved into a special world of their own. For example, Ashura Road developed its own inheritance and cultivation. The law is not weak, but it is trapped in the road of Ashura. To go out, it can only break the heavens or the hell.

However, because the reincarnation of each of the six roads is unpredictable, the soldiers in the Ashura Road never dared to touch.

When Sun Hao incarnates the big buffalo into the road to Ashura, Ashura thinks that this is the big demon that rushed out from the animal path and is used to it.

Among the six reincarnations of the Holy Palace, the weakest level of wisdom is the animal path. Basically, this is a wild land. It is limited by the special rules inside. It is difficult for all the beasts inside to create wisdom, but no matter which way of cultivation. Those who dare not easily enter the animal path.

After hundreds of millions of years, the animal road of the Halloween Palace has completely evolved into a monster path. Inside, there are countless big demons, and the demon is all over the place. Moreover, the big demon is very sensitive to the atmosphere of other roads, once there are other ways. When the practitioners come in, it is like the bright lights in the night will be discovered in an instant, surrounded by, and will not end.

After Sun Hao appeared in the small fire and the border animal, the situation was a bit different.

When Sun Hao entered the reincarnation from the outside, he should enter the animal path. Later, he was assisted by a small fire and entered the Ashura Road, but Sun Hao was still turned into a big buffalo.

In other words, Sun Hao, the big buffalo, is actually recognized by the animal path, the local monster.

The small fire and the side animal husbandry are demon, especially the small fire. After the deep practice, the demon is long, the blood of the body is getting thicker and thicker, and the king is the king.

Therefore, after Sun Hao appeared in the animal path with a small fire and a side animal, there was no scene of being surrounded by a mass of monsters.

Everyone is a demon, as long as you have the strength, you can run around.

The law of the beast, the law of the beasts is the weak meat, as long as the buffalo has the ability, you can run a big demon and occupy their territory.

After the animal husbandry entered the animal road, he sighed and sighed, and then told Sun Hao: "Sun boss, here is everywhere, and there are all over the place, the big demon one by one, we want to kill one by one?"

Sun Hao turned into a big buffalo and said with a sigh of relief: "When you walk, you don't want to cause trouble. Of course, once there is fighting, we are not afraid. Right, pay attention to the animal husbandry, don't let the monsters give us dumplings."

Xiaohuo shook his head on Sun Hao’s back and said, "No, after I entered here, I felt the new rule here. That is, as long as we have the ability, we can go anywhere, and any big demon can challenge. In my blood, my brother has become an object that can be challenged, hehe..."

Bian Wang Wang called: "What about me? Me? Can you challenge me?"

Xiaohuo smiled and said: "In my blood, there is no small point in the animal husbandry, and I can't afford the slightest challenge of desire. You still forget it."

When Bianmu suddenly pulled his head, he felt deeply hurt.

Sun Hao led the team forward, less than two days, a big battle broke out ahead.

A slap in the air, I don’t know how long the giant python is, and I’m on a huge golden pheasant flying in the air. One looks like a cock’s monster.

Two demon fights, more than three days, difficult to win.

Sun Hao carefully observed and concluded that the strength of these two demons is very strong. I am afraid that they all have the power to distract themselves. This is the first demon to see the battle after entering the animal path. In such a way, the monsters in the beasts are estimated to be everywhere.

The two demon fight for a long time, regardless of the outcome, the golden rooster spread wings and flew away.

A big buffalo was killed and confronted with a snake demon.

The snake demon's smoldering toxins are not big buffaloes. The solid snake skin can't resist the golden horn of the big buffalo. During the half-day battle, the big buffalo broke the head of the snake demon, swallowed the snake gall, and peeled off the snake skin. The overlord of the mountain.

The big demon in the animal path is instinctive, lacking wisdom, and there is no demon jumping out to accuse the buffalo of taking the risk. After the buffalo has killed the snake demon, all the demon will default to its status, obedient.

Sun Hao killed the snake demon and got a lot of resources from the snake demon. The snake blood was taken to the battlefield by the corps of war. The snake venom was taken away by the venom of the golden silkworm to supplement the nutrients. Got it, and the snake meat was gradually digested by Mudan.

Killing a snake demon, suddenly let Sun Hao find a very interesting thing ~ ~ the big demon inside the animal road, and, after cultivation, the big demon body is a treasure, as long as the strength is strong enough, here is actually It is a huge treasure house, and many cherished resources for cultivation can be found here.

After digesting the snake demon, Sun Hao touched a tall and dangerous mountain. Under the leadership of Bianmu, he found the golden chicken that fought against the snake demon.

Who knows, this is actually a huge chicken coop, a large number of golden chickens gathered here, the big demon golden chicken is only one of the best.

After Sun Hao appeared, he encountered a siege of the Golden Rooster. Under a fight, he played for half a year. Sun Hao forced the Jinjiling to sweep the entire chicken nest.

The golden cock's cockscomb has a miraculous effect on the sneaky scorpion. It has been absorbed into the exercise itself. The golden pheasant's feathers have been absorbed into the empty tower, and the golden chicken's eggs have become the favorite of the soil.

Sun Hao threw some golden eggs into the scented empty tower, and collected some of them in the Zijin belt. The rest, the soil was digested.

The heart of the chicken, which contains the energy of the golden chicken body, was all digested by the phlegm and the first time, and the delicious golden chicken was eaten by the small fire and the side animal.

Since the big demon can improve his own strength, Sun Hao, who has entered the area of ​​the big demon, is not in a hurry. After the time of Jinjiling digestion, this time gradually touched the front. (To be continued.)

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