Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1917: Practice and suffering (2)

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A ghost object ran over, and a palm was shot on the ice sculpture. Sun Hao’s ghost body turned into broken ice, drifting away, and soon re-aggregated, and began to suffer bitter cold again.

There are huge differences between the eight cold hells and the eight hot hells. Among the eight cold hells, there are all sorts of ghosts that adapt to the environment. The most favorite things these ghosts do are to smash and freeze in the eight cold hells. Ice sculpture in the middle.

Sun Hao gradually began to adapt to this process of being frozen and photographed.

The same as the black rope hell, for his own cold resistance, in order to enhance his resistance in **** and improve his ability to survive in hell, Sun Hao put his own body and the seven big ones As soon as he came out, he suffered from the bitter cold of frozen frostbite and realized the numbness of the ice sculpture.

Do-it-yourself, hard and hard, Sun Hao constantly improves himself in the eight cold hell.

Eight hot **** is connected with the sacred hell, but on the edge of the eight cold hell, but connected to the lonely hell.

Lonely **** gave Sun Hao a completely different life sentiment.

Lonely **** is a hill, or a small river next to it, seemingly unusual, and there is no coldness in the eight cold **** that can make the ghost body frostbite.

Lonely **** is very ordinary and ordinary. Lonely **** is like a human hill, next to a small river, very natural.

To say what is different, why lonely **** will become one of the hell, the most critical of which is still two words, lonely.

There is no living thing in the mountains, the life is heavy, the scenery is unchanged; the river is also unchanged, and even the flow of the river is not seen. Whether it is in the mountains or in the river, it is empty, except for loneliness or loneliness.

When a person is alone at the extreme, his life is actually a non-human life.

In front of those **** roads, Sun Hao did not dare to release the side animal husbandry and small fire, fearing that they suffered inevitable damage, but when they went to loneliness and hell, when Sun Hao wanted to contact the small fire and the side to accompany him, he suddenly discovered that I can't contact two little guys at all.

The powerful rules of Hell Road, especially the powerful law of lonely hell, cut off all the connections between Sun Hao and the outside world. Sun Hao must be on the riverside, feel lonely at the riverside, feel lonely in the billions of years, this kind of loneliness Sun Hao even lost the ability to meditate and cultivate, lost the ability to sleep, can only feel again and again, nostalgia, do not know how many years have passed.

The environment is not bad, it is ordinary, but there is endless loneliness.

I don't know how many years, Sun Hao seems to have completely forgotten the people and things that once happened. It seems to be a walking dead, eyesless, staring at the unchanging river, and whispering in his mouth: "Looking for it, cold and clear, miserable Terrible, wake up..."

As soon as the body swelled, Sun Hao walked out of the lonely **** and re-entered the eight-cold hell.

The difference between the eight cold **** and the eight hot **** is that there is no lonely king in the lonely **** of the eight colds, but the eight cold **** itself has different ghosts in the activity, one of the powerful incomparable ghosts is to personally guard the hell. Next entrance.

Sun Hao did not know how many years before he killed the customs clearance, entered the second cold hell, Nilai Futu hell, the **** of this **** is ten times the first cold hell, the biggest difference is that the first cold **** is just a ghost Long frostbite, but the second cold **** is not only long frostbite, but also rupture, frostbite one by one burst on the ghost body, emerged a variety of blood, and then blown by the cold wind, uncomfortable.

Among the eight cold hells, there is a common feature, that is, there are many super cold-resistant ghosts active. In the first cold hell, the strength of ghosts is not strong, and Sun Hao feels not deep, after the second cold hell. The powerful yin-cold attribute ghosts have caused great troubles for Sun Hao in the process of advancement.

After many times of being frozen, after smashing, Sun Hao adapted to the cold of the second cold hell, barely able to walk the second cold hell, but the powerful ice ghosts have more than once, passing by Sun Hao , forcibly smashed Sun Hao again.

This is also a no-brainer. Under the strong chill, Sun Hao’s action is not very smooth, the combat power is greatly reduced, and it’s not blamed for being broken. Sun Hao can only gradually use it in the case of being murdered again and again. Time to adapt to the environment and improve your ability.

With the improvement of Sun Hao, gradually, Sun Hao began to walk with the passing cold ghosts in the second cold hell, that is, the Nilai Futu.

When Sun Hao spent a lot of hardships and killed a smoldering ghost, the chilly ghosts didn't take long, and they would come back again, entangled Sun Hao, and kept cutting.

This is a chilly three-headed ice snake. Sun Hao has been entangled with it for more than three months. He has been forced to kill more than ten times before and after. He has been hacked and killed and chased again.

Until the third month, after Sun Hao killed the ice snake for the tenth time, one of the ice snakes slammed out a crystal resembling a snowflake shape. Sun Hao’s eyes were fast and he took the crystal. come.

The crystal started, a piece of cold and biting, and Sun Hao couldn't help but chill.

What surprised Sun Hao is that after the crystal started, the three-headed ice snake will still resurrect in the **** of the Nilai Futu, but as if he had just come in, he was frozen on the spot. Sun Hao’s very simple blow, the moment It is turned into ice.

The crystal in the hand is the ice-cold essence of the three-headed ice snake, and it is also the source of the ice-cold nature of the three-headed ice snake.

Sun Hao took the crystals thoughtfully.

I don't know if this kind of crystal has any help for my cultivation. Sun Hao tried to drive a few foreign bodies in his body. The frosty heavy water produced a faint craving, but other foreign objects did not react too much.

Sun Hao drives the absorbing soul, and the ice crystals have actually sensed the ancient evil spirits. However, the strength of the three-headed ice snake itself is not strong, and the strength of the remnant soul only reaches a level similar to that of the dragon god. There is a big gap in the demand for Hao’s deputy soul.

In the process of feeling the soul, let Sun Hao happen more unexpectedly. After the soul, it has been the quietest. There has never been too much movement of the ancient silkworm, and a pair of small eyes are opened above the sky. The ice crystals in the hands of Sun Hao have a strong desire for craving.

Sun Hao’s heart could not help but move.

At present, most of the seven scorpions in Sun Hao's body are very powerful. Apart from the fact that the Taikoo ice silkworm cocoons are obviously weaker, the other seven cymbals are in the middle of each other, each with its own magical effect and expertise.

To say weak, only hail.

But now, the Taikoo ice silkworm actually reacted with the ice crystal in the opponent. Does it mean that this ice crystal can enhance the ability of the ancient silkworm?

Sun Hao knows the movement, the ice crystals break into the sea, the Taikoo ice silkworm above the sky opens his mouth, the ice crystals inhale into the mouth, close his eyes satisfactorily, and digest it.

In the end, the effect will be, after the Taikoo ice silkworm digestion, will not change, Sun Hao is temporarily unknown, but since this thing is too old ice silkworms have a desire, it will be more good.

Sun Hao continued to walk the second cold hell, but after, after that, Sun Hao began to find some ice ghosts and took the initiative to challenge.

In the second cold hell, the war continued again and again.

After killing several ice ghosts in succession, Sun Hao discovered that as long as the strength reaches a certain standard, the ice ghosts that can form a certain deterrent to themselves will have a certain chance to fall out of the ice crystal after being killed.

The probability of such a fall is very strange. The same type of ghosts, some Sun Hao will fall out if they kill one or two times, but some need to kill more than ten times. There is no specific law at all, and it depends on luck.

Of course, all the ghosts that have fallen out of the ice crystal will be like the three-headed ice snake. After being killed, they will be completely frozen and the strength will no longer be.

Among the crystals of falling ice, there are ancient true magic or the remnants of ancient gods, but due to the influence of strength, or the time is too long, the strength of the remnant is not particularly strong, that is, the dragon Up and down, I can't reach the requirements of Sun Hao's ideal soul, and I gave the ice silkworms to slowly digest.

The Taikoo ice silkworm is a weaker part of Sun Hao. Sun Hao originally felt that he had six strong, and it was acceptable to be weaker. However, the monks practiced and tried to perfect, and had the opportunity to strengthen the Taikoo silkworm. Sun Hao was Also not at all.

The monks spent their lives and climbed hard. Every little progress was hard to come by. It was found that the ice crystals were useful for the Taikoo ice silkworms, and Sun Hao swayed to the prison roads, and there was another reason. (To be continued.)

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