Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1923: Red lotus butterfly (4)

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Then, in addition to the cold and the bones, Sun Hao is now thinking about it. Now, in what way does it exist?

Are you aware of the consciousness in your own knowledge of the sea? Unlike, I don’t feel any breath of the sea.

So where is the Mars of wisdom, which is growing up, where is it stored? Within your own body, is there any place where you can gradually develop your thinking ability in the endless cold, and gradually adapt to it?

No vision, no touch, except for the cold, there is no other feeling.

In such an environment, what Sun Hao can do is to keep on recalling and constantly driving the useful home-based monuments to keep a quiet heart.

The mind needs pureness, and the mind needs to be clear. No matter what kind of environment, one day, I will find the answer. One day, I will find a solution.

After a long time, Sun Hao felt that a strong ice rushed into his consciousness, and a strong sense of freezing rushed into his heart. Unconsciously, Sun Hao fell into a deep sleep after he woke up.

I don't know how long it has been. Maybe for a moment, perhaps for thousands of years, Sun Hao wakes up. However, after waking up, Sun Hao immediately knew who he was, and he also knew that he had just slept.

In the same way, there is no visual, no tactile environment. Similarly, there is no other feeling except ice and cold. I can't hear the sound, I can't see anything. If there is a change, it is that the ice is no longer so piercing.

Silently recited the heart of the family, Sun Hao silently, waiting in the silence, bitterly endured the torture of the cold, waiting.

I don't know how long the past has been, and a strong icy influx, Sun Hao once again fell into a deep sleep.

After repeated, I don’t know how many times, Sun Hao, who woke up again, finally thought of a possibility, and now he is likely to be awakened in the body of the ancient silkworm.

At this time, the body of his own ancient silkworm should be in the process of phlegm, thick layers of ice silk will wrap the body of the soul tightly, the silkworm is still in the state of scorpion, he has no vision, no hearing, only instinctively Sensing the surrounding environment, and sleeping at intervals, there is no doubt that the ice silkworm instinctively absorbs the power of the surrounding cold to complete its own phlegm.

In this case, Sun Hao slowly let go of his heart, slowly and confidently, waiting for his recovery in the state of pure heart.

The most essential difference between the six roads of the Holy Week and the six rounds of reincarnation in the true sense is that the six reincarnations here are the trial sites for the disciples of the later generation to train the younger disciples. One of the biggest features is that they will give The disciples of their own disciples leave a path of life, and the most basic rule is that disciples enter into them, and as long as they can move, they are basically immortal.

This kind of **** road also gives infinite possibilities to any disciple who breaks into it.

Of course, even if this is the case, after a large number of disciples enter it, they will also be willing to collapse because they cannot withstand the infinite torture of hell, and eventually become the undead ghosts in Hell Road and become the experimental objects of other disciples.

Sun Hao this time, if you can't rely on the ancient silkworm to wake up, I am afraid that it will eventually become a red lotus in the eighth cold hell. With the passing of time, I will gradually lose myself and unconsciously fall into the void. Among them.

Fortunately, the ice silkworm spirit woke up.

Sun Hao has the opportunity to recover, the awakening of Sun Hao's consciousness, the greatest help to the ancient silkworm is that the speed of the outside world is accelerated, and the ancient silkworm has evolved into a conscious digestion, no doubt, This will increase the speed of Sun Hao's recovery.

The ancient black silkworm instinct of the mysterious ice control magic, under the drive of Sun Hao has become the biggest.

I don't know how long it took. After Sun Hao absorbed a lot of Xuanbing cold, he fell into a deep sleep. After waking up again, Sun Hao felt the light, the dark, the weak light, Sun Hao knew, himself Have eyes.

Looking around carefully, Sun Hao immediately understood that he was indeed within the body of the ancient silkworm.

His own knowledge of the sea has fallen into a complete frozen, high-altitude, representing the stars of the three souls and seven scorpions in the layer of ice, emitting a faint light.

The seven scorpions of the evil spirits, such as the ruins of the golden silkworms, the princes of the princes, and so on, can only see the outline of the vagueness.

Of course, at this moment, I am still in the parcel of the layer of mysterious ice, the vision has been limited, or else, it should be more clear.

Wan Gu's ice silkworm evolved his eyes, and Sun Hao took a gratifying step.

In the next long years, Sun Hao continued to drive the ancient silkworm, and gradually absorbed the cold energy around the ice, used to strengthen itself and gradually complete his own phlegm.

Wan Gubing silkworms, the ancients remain unchanged, if you want to dissipate, it is really difficult, if not in the environment of the eighth cold hell, Sun Hao feels that his own ancient silkworms want to break through, fearing that it takes a long time I am afraid that I have to invest a lot of cold energy resources.

Now, with the red lotus cold energy in the eighth cold hell, there is no doubt that his own ice silkworms have been accelerated, and many have been accelerated.

At this moment, Sun Hao’s heart is also full of luck, but fortunately, he has turned the hail, or else, this level, it is really difficult to pass.

The motivation of Sun Hao's reign is that all kinds of attributes are complete, and the purpose is to enhance his ability in all aspects. I did not expect that in the eighth cold hell, this kind of enhancement received the most gratifying return. The eighth cold **** is extremely cold. The spirit of the ordinary monk and the sea of ​​knowledge are frozen. If Sun Hao does not have the super cold resistance of the hail, I don't know if there is a chance to be awake.

It is estimated that even if there is, the time will be beyond the imagination. At that time, even if the six reincarnations are completely different from the speed of the outside world, can you go back before the closure of the Palais, it is really two.

Now, with the ancient silkworm, the rapid recovery of Sun Hao has become possible.

Of course, this kind of speed is relatively speaking, in fact, in terms of its process, the time is definitely not short.

After Sun Hao turned into two eyes, it took a long time to turn out the wings and felt his own pair of crouching wings. I don’t know how long it took. Sun Hao felt that he had developed a pair of tentacles, and at the same time, hearing and smell. What, start to recover.

I waited for a few years and absorbed the coldness that I didn’t know for many years. Sun Hao gradually absorbed the thick ice silk wrapped around the body into the body, completed the digestion, completely suspended in the sky, motionless, and distributed. The cold light shines on your own sea. The frozen atmosphere in the sea is gradually absorbed by the hanging hail.

Unknowingly, the sea is thawed, and the seven scorpions in the sky begin to recover. The two stars, representing the deputy soul, gradually re-emerge in the faint sea of ​​knowledge.

After all the souls in the sea were completely adapted to the gloom of the hail, the gods in Sun Hao’s house also opened their eyes.

At the same time as the **** of the gods blinks, like a red lotus flower, Sun Hao, who is old and stiff, has opened his eyes and saw his situation through the ice.

Xuan Bing also wrapped himself tightly, and even his own golden body was frozen not far away. He was open in the air like a real red lotus.

In front of his own body, Bianmu stretched out his claws, as if he was shaving ice, and its long tongue was attached to his body and was frozen on the spot. I don’t know why Bianmu’s tongue was frozen. Surprisingly, Sun Hao’s heart was that Bianmu actually opened a small hole in his chest.

This is an unexpected extra boost.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, his body was in the mysterious ice, and he was shocked. In an instant, Sun Hao’s blooming red lotus disappeared. A slap-sized ice butterfly appeared in Sun Hao’s original book. s position.

The ice butterfly is crystal clear and has a pair of clear and thin wings like ice. The faint ice blue is swirling on the light blue wings, which is very elegant.

The ice butterfly naturally came out and flew out along the hole that was grazing.

The wings are gently fanned, and when flying, it will scatter the sparkling blue starlight star point, where the starlight is scattered, and the mysterious ice dissolves it.

As the dog's paws closed, the dog's tongue shrank, and the whole dog woke up from the frozen state. Wang Wang shouted: "Frozen dead dog, frozen dog, oh yeah, beautiful little ice butterfly..." To be continued.)

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