Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1930: Indistinct

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Sun Hao does not understand how the law of **** is in the end.

Here may involve more advanced rules of the law, Sun Hao has not yet understood the rules, and the height of cultivation of the road, it is difficult to really find the reason for this situation.

However, Sun Hao was able to basically guess what he had met based on this performance.

The demon, a strange, demon in the infernal hell.

The demons themselves do not exist. For the monks, the demons are the distractions in the mind of the monks, which can be understood as a defect in the mind of the monks.

Hatred, greed, mourning, obsession, resentment, etc. are all demons.

The demons can always exist, can suddenly occur, can be hidden, can grow, can devour people, or can experience people.

Usually, the monk's demons are hidden in the monk's body. As the monks practice, they appear from time to time, hindering the progress of the monks, and sometimes cause the bottleneck of the monks' cultivation.

The seven killings of Sun Hao’s cultivation are clear and heart-warming. It is the magical method of restraining the demons and forcibly dispelling the demons. For a long time, Sun Hao’s refining is not weak. Therefore, cultivation rarely meets the heart. Magic block the road.

Seven killing the hegemony of the heart, let Sun Hao strongly killed a lot of demons on his way forward, from his own heart.

However, this kind of thing can never be completely annihilated.

Legend has it that only the true ancient saints can succumb to the three demons, and it is possible to truly surrender the demons and not be degraded by the demons.

What Sun Hao is encountering now is probably a kind of demons.

However, this is a very strange, demon in the infernal hell.

But it is completely different from the ordinary monk's demons.

The monk's demons broke out in the hearts of the monks, from the inside to the outside, affecting the practice of the monks.

In the infernal hell, the infinite demon is in a very strange state, a paradoxical, seemingly existential and non-existent form, appearing everywhere, and after attacking, it also attacked Sun Hao’s thoughts and souls. It affects the soul of Sun Hao.

This kind of demons is very different, not taking Sun Hao’s demons as the source, and can actively attack Sun Hao, but at the same time, this kind of demons can also influence Sun Hao’s judgment, seduce the defects in Sun Hao’s mind, and enlarge and form The magnified mental attack made Sun Hao unable to defend.

If Sun Hao judges yes.

When his body adapted to the pain of infernal hell, it triggered a deeper trial system of infernal hell, and the devil appeared, and launched an attack on himself in a way that he could not understand and could not perceive.

The state of the devil, so that Sun Hao could not help but think of himself when he was still in the heavenly world, a far-classical book seen in the Ghost Valley.

This classic believes that the demons are the special information that the practitioners receive when the inner energy resonates with some kind of energy in the world.

This theory was not understood by Sun Hao at the time. Sun Hao still recognized the very common cultivation theory and believed that the devil is the flaw in the mind of the monk.

But now, Sun Hao, know, perhaps the theory of the ghost temple has a certain basis, the bigger possibility is that both forms of the demons exist, but usually, it is difficult for the monk to meet the second type of demons. However, in the infernal hell, maybe there is a kind of demon that may exist, and it is also a kind of existence that Sun Hao does not understand for a while.

It may be infinite or infinitely small.

It may be in the past or in the future.

A very strange and infinite demon, every moment, is attacking the soul of Sun Hao, attacking the soul of Sun Hao, eating away the soul of Sun Hao, let Sun Hao keep in pain, constantly The ground fell.

The most powerful part of this kind of attack should be the influence of Sun Hao’s judgment, which affects Sun Hao’s confidence. If Sun Hao can’t find a demon and can’t find a way to overcome the evil spirit, then it’s very likely that Sun Hao will be in the same place. Under the endless attack of the demons, they fell into sinking.

Moreover, Sun Hao is best to maintain the status quo, this kind of cultivation, this state to meet the challenge of the demon, if this time, Sun Hao has a distrust of himself, and doubts whether he can resist the past, once Determining the two souls of the soul on the spot, in fact, it is already lost under the demons.

At that time, it was estimated that even Sun Haohua had two major deputies, and he could not reach the height of the soul and the fear of the attack. Because at this time, there were loopholes in Sun Hao’s mind, no matter how the soul was filled, Also not complete.

This is a very strange state.

It is also a very dangerous attack.

If one does not, it is very likely that it will be lost.

The best way for an ordinary monk to deal with the demons is to "two different ones". The two are not "not afraid, not confused". One level is: "normal heart, ordinary heart."

Once you start to fear, the fear in your heart will turn into a horrible scene, and the more you fear the illusion becomes more horrible.

At this point, when Sun Hao realized that the existence of the demon, there was a real experience, such as the soul of the world, after the first attack, immediately encountered a second attack, he thought at the time The soul of the world must be unable to withstand continuous attacks.

The result is that the venom of the venomous silkworm is truly broken in the sea, has to be born again, and, after rebirth, gave the feeling of stagnation of Sun Hao, in fact, this is a kind of fear, a kind of thinking The devil is very powerful, and he can't stop it.

I am afraid of it, and the devil is really powerful.

The poisonous soul of the dying gold worm can't resist it anymore. Every time a meteor attack is encountered, the venomous venomous soul will be defeated in the pain.

When Sun Hao comprehended and deliberately went back to the power of destroying the soul of the golden silkworm, and recalling the difficult experience of recovering the poisonous soul of the golden silkworm, the golden silkworm was really spiritual, but Sun Hao could not Completely ignoring the power and influence of the demon, the heart always has doubts about the infinite demon. Therefore, the detoxification of the golden venomous soul has once again returned to the phenomenon that the two forms of death, survival and survival coexist.

Still the same result.

But the process is fundamentally different.

The previous time, the poisonous soul was unintentionally in this state, but now it is the result of Sun Hao’s own efforts.

The biggest difference is that Sun Hao found a way, found the answer, and from there, may find a suitable and effective way.

Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea has also set off a huge wave of waves. Even the knowledge of the island and the government in the sea are turbulent, but after Sun Hao draws the stick, he wants to think about the power of the stick, and then I want to think about the magical effect of fighting sticks to suppress the gods. Suddenly, Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea calms down a Hao thinks again about the sturdiness of the copper pillars. The island was integrated with the copper pillar copper house, and the confidence was revival. Suddenly, Sun Hao’s knowledge of the island and the government was also smoother and no longer shaking.

There is no devil, it really is a devil, as long as the heart is not afraid, the destructive power of the devil is much weaker.

The second one is "not confused."

This point was originally very easy for the monks, especially Sun Hao, who cultivated to the distracting power.

But when Sun Hao came here, and in the infernal hell, Sun Hao couldn’t do it at all, because the **** was just too strange.

Sun Hao simply couldn't tell the characteristics of the demon, and couldn't find the place where the devil was, and the cognition of the devil was very vague.

This kind of ambiguity and unknown is actually a kind of confusion. Since Sun Hao is confused, there is no way to talk about "no confusion".

This is a kind of incomprehensible, a little beyond the existence form of Sun Hao's understanding, and Sun Hao can not be confused.

The third way to deal with the demons is to be normal and ordinary.

This can't be done, because Sun Hao is really in the infernal hell. Every moment, the mind, the soul, and the soul are not allowed to be idle. They are constantly attacked by the demons and cannot be ordinary.

Sun Hao now, what can be done is to face up bravely, not afraid of infinite magic, unyielding and unyielding, and unyielding struggle with the infinite heart.

In fact, when Sun Hao judged what he was facing, the incomprehensible fear and fear caused by the unknown had dissipated a lot. Moreover, Sun Hao’s heart was strong and sturdy. I also cultivated the general trend of the fighters. As long as I know the reason, I have no fear, I have to fight, I have to fight and see who can last longer. (To be continued.)

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