Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1938: Bronze death

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After the gate, it is a tall stone-shaped corridor, covered with bluestone slabs. Each stone slab is engraved with all kinds of lifelike, huge and awkward unknown beasts.

The ancient true demon family is tall, even if it is now Sun Hao, walking there, there is a distance from the top of the corridor.

After entering the cloister, the four ancient magic speeds were a little slower. I dare not rush into it, but left and right. Luohe Luoyue from the right cloister, Lorraine II from the left cloister, proceeding forward Exploring, while walking, they looked up and looked at the large, solid cyan slabs on their heads.

Gewang Wang greeted him, and Sun Hao and the female rites followed the emptiness king, followed behind Lorraine, and groped inside from the cloister on the left.

The left and right cloisters are separated by four or five feet, and there is a patio in the middle. The sides can be separated by the well. No matter from the left or the right, the difference should be small.

On the bluestone slab at the top of the cloister, the sculptures should be some battle pictures.

In the picture, the ancient magic drives all kinds of troops, fights the Quartet, establishes a worldly feat, and builds the majestic Palazzo Vatican.

There is nothing in the back corridor, it is the empty stone floor, and the bluestone relief on the top. Every other time, there will be two huge stone pillars, and there are many strange and fierce beasts carved on it.

In the courtyard of the two return corridors, there are some weeds that are not very tall, and there is no such thing as an abnormality. There is no such thing as a kind of aura.

The two sides maintained almost the same speed, and walked about twenty feet forward. The corridor was still the same, while the middle courtyard was in the middle, but there was a tall bronze square.

At first glance, Bronze Fang Ding is very ordinary, without the slightest spirituality, as if it were a bronze giant crane in front of the palace, it is a decoration placed inside the courtyard.

However, at the moment of seeing the bronze Fang Ding, Sun Hao’s body, a few foreign bodies, including the whiskers and the empty towers, vibrated, and the other side showed their long-awaited emotions.

The on-site monks are all masters of cultivation and versatility. Naturally, they will not be deceived by the simple appearance of Bronze Fang Ding. At the same time, everyone stopped and their eyes were bright and bright, and they looked at Fang Ding. .

Almost everyone, instantly realized that this is a treasure, and the atmosphere has become subtle.

Luohe was the fastest, and rushed out from the right cloister. The big hand stretched out and the void went to Bronze Fang Ding, trying to take Fang Ding into his hands.

In the right cloister, the undead king is waiting to be stopped, his eyes are not stunned, and the protruding claws are collected.

The big hand of Luohe seems to have rushed into the cockroach and disappeared. The body that rushed out hits the iron wall. It slams back and bounces back. There is a sigh in the mouth of Luohe, a few backflips, one knee and one face. Chaofang Ding fell in the back corridor, and there was a bright red blood in the black fog above his head. Obviously, the strength of the rebound was quite light.

On the back of the corridor, Lorraine and Luo Er went side by side. Instead, they did not rush to the inside as Luohe, but began to seriously observe Fang Ding.

The experience of Luohe fell in the eyes of everyone, but it made everyone quickly understand that it was not easy to see this side of the square. No one would act rashly, and they all used their means to begin to observe this strange bronze square tripod.

In front of Sun Hao, Lorraine said softly: "Fang Ding has a word, it is an ancient magic, this tripod is called the death of heaven."

The history of the ancient true demon is very rare, and there are not many monks who know the ancient magical texts. What is the death of the heavens, we do not know.

While Sun Hao was seeing the ancient magical texts, he felt familiar in his heart and called up a thousand thousand words and texts. He immediately found the translation of the ancient magical texts.

However, instead of using Sun Hao to translate the magical texts of the dead gods, Lorraine has already said to himself: "The death of the heavens is a sacrifice of the ancient sorcerer's victory. The full text is as follows..."

Yihai, Wang and Dafeng; Wang Fan Sanfang, Wang Yu in the heavenly room. Fall, God died. The robes of the king of the kings show the first king, and the things are like God... Every king is resting in honor...

The whole piece of magic is so ridiculous that even if Lorraine read it on the spot, everyone can still understand it, but the general meaning is still heard.

This should be the "death scorpion" deliberately cast by the Devil in order to sacrifice the first king after a victory in the battle with the ancient gods.

The meaning of this trip is to die, and its meaning should be to celebrate the eradication of the ancient gods who claimed to live in the thirty-three days of heaven.

In the name of the dead, it can be seen that in the great battle of the day, the ancient true magic has really won a huge victory.

Lorraine read the complete text, and many of the monks in the scene had a regret in their hearts.

The main function of this sacred scorpion is to sacrifice. Such ancient artifacts are usually high in status and will be well protected, but the practical value will be greatly reduced.

Such artifacts, if acquired by any race, can indeed influence the ethnic air transport subtly, and have a huge beneficial effect on the long-term development of the race. However, for the monks personally, the utility of such large-scale objects is not particularly strong.

There are more than a dozen fits and powers on the scene. There are not many people who really know the magic texts. It is possible to tell that there are not many true and false information published by Lorraine.

However, Sun Hao has sharply discovered that Lorraine seems to have no pause to understand all the magic, but in fact, there are several more important places to omit.

When the magic texts of these key parts were listed, Sun Hao suddenly played a 12-point spirit.

A few key pieces of magic express different contents, one of which is to warn the descendants of the ancient true demons not to succumb to the sorrows, or else they will encounter huge disasters and punishments; the second is to introduce the dead scorpions. The real use, in addition to the sacrifices, this is still used by the demon king at that time, the precious Lingbao!

Lingbao, and is the spiritual treasure used by alchemy!

Only this one, the value of this dead scorpion has doubled.

A good Lingbao Ding Ding is the gods that every alchemist dreams of. If Sun Hao can get it, the overall alchemy will be greatly enhanced.

This is not the most explosive magic.

In fact, the last part of the magic text pointed out that the death of the scorpion has a refinement of the spirit, the powerful effect of the spirit of the sacred, the devil in the same year, each time the sacrifice, will take out the spirits within the sacred scorpion, expand the true devil Strength, increase the calculation of the battle for the battle of the dead.

At this time, the top of the bronze scorpion scorpion is tightly closed. It looks like a quaint vicissitude. There is no such thing as an abnormality. I don’t know if there is any ancient lingo that remains in it. If it is true and there is no loss of efficacy, then this kind of sacred Efficacy I am afraid that it is quite terrifying.

Lorraine’s face was calm and quiet, and the crisp inscription read all the inscriptions of the dead.

Sun Hao knows that Lorraine has omitted some content, but he does not feel that Roland is abhorrent in his heart. Although Sun Hao has broken all the information about Lorraine and hides it, he can't think of any place to see Lorraine. I don't know that I have recognized Lorraine, but instinctively, Sun Hao knows that Lorraine is not malicious to himself, and is trustworthy. Moreover, even if Lorraine hides the key content, Sun Hao takes it for granted.

However, if there is an opportunity, I can think of asking for a bronze death. I only hope that I can have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

After Lorraine finished, Luo Erli said of course: "You friends, this bronze death is the ancient ritual artifact of my true demon family. It is reasonable to be greeted by our family and reproduce the glory. How do you say your friends?" ?"

Although most of them do not recognize the ancient magic, can not understand the true meaning of the inscription, but the monks present are old-fashioned monks, no one can easily fool.

Dragon King 熬 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰 仰If you look at this bronze death, there is no magic bullet hidden in it. It is not good if it is swallowed by your ancient demon."

Luohe said faintly: "Don't you think that Dragon King is thinking more? This Fang Ding is hiding here for hundreds of millions of years. If there is any panacea in the inside, I am afraid that it will be turned into a fly ash."

Undead King said coldly: "Don't say so much nonsense, everyone first think about what needs to be done before they can get close to the bronze scorpion. As for whether or not there is medicine, I will know it." (To be continued.)

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