Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1946: Magic bone maze

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The vortex of one foot was finally unable to hold back, and the whole rushed into the body of Sun Hao, disappearing from the blood pool.

Sun Hao glimpsed a little, and quickly looked at himself. Suddenly, in his own Dantian, he found a **** Danhai, and held up the three-legged tripod that had just been put up recently, and slowly rotated.

Sun Hao is a bit confused, what is this? What is this all about?

Seriously perceiving his own Dantian, Sun Hao discovered that the **** Danhai has merged with his own Dantian, but because it is closer to the nature of the bronze death, it is supported underneath it, like a magic weapon, transpiration True liquid, bathing the bronze scorpion in the layers of blood fog.

Sun Hao tried to drive the **** Danhai, without any sluggishness, the **** Danhai was driven to run.

However, Sun Hao tried to break the **** Danhai, but it did not work. It seems that the **** Danhai has become the smallest basic unit in Sun Hao Dantian. It is too small to be small, so it cannot be broken.

Sun Hao tried to bring out the blood color Danhai Yu, his fingers stretched out, and the blood color Danhai began to hover at his fingertips. However, when Sun Hao bent to pop the **** Danhai and wanted to bounce it into the blood pool, the blood color Danhai was suddenly A flash, like Lingbao, automatically ran back to Sun Hao's Dan Tian.

In a word, the **** Danhai settled in Sun Hao's Dantian, and, in conjunction with Sun Hao's Dantian, became part of Sun Hao Dantian.

Moreover, because of the **** Dantian, Sun Hao's entire vast Danhai began to show a change.

Originally, Sun Hao's Dantian Danhai is a kind of quiet and deep green color, but now, it seems that there is more blood in the green.

This is a kind of strange change that Sun Hao can feel. It seems to be controlled by Sun Hao, but it is not completely changed by Sun Hao.

At the same time, Sun Hao’s heart was full of doubts. At the same time, he knew the sea and the ice butterfly. If there was no place, there was a starlight, like a key that seemed to be open, and a little memory, Sun Hao’s blood in Baizhang At the bottom of the pool, the body was slightly shocked. Then, if nothing happened, he began to rise slowly from the bottom of the pool, and as he rose, he spread his arms and swam to the opposite side of the Baizhang Devil Blood Pool.

Baizhang’s distance is really not a big deal for Sun Hao’s power. After Sun Hao absorbed the **** Danhai, Moxuntan no longer exerted pressure on Sun Hao, and there is no longer a feeling of high-temperature barbecue. In less than a quarter of an hour, Sun Hao was already in the thick blood of the magic, and swam to the other side of the Baizhang Devil Blood Pool.

From the blood pool, looked up, Sun Hao stood up, splashing blood.

When the body of Sun Haowei appeared on the other side of the Baizhang Devil's Blood Pool, the monks who were still soaking the blood in the blood pool were shocked.

This kid began to soak the magic blood for less than an hour, actually swam over the past, broke the magic blood pool away, but this is better than everyone does not know how many times.

Hae and the bridesmaid must complete the soaking, at least for a few days.

Sun Hao stood on the shore and found that the bridesmaid was still digested and soaked in the knees. The face smiled slightly and said: "You all come to cheer, and you go to the hill."

After that, I took a big step and continued to walk inside the Halloween Palace.

Among the Devil's Blood Pool, the magic of the four true demons was once again connected and began to communicate quickly.

Luohe said lowly: "I need at least one hour to achieve a better soaking effect."

Luo Yue needs more: "I want three hours. [Zero ↑ ​​△ Xiao Xiao said △ network]"

Lorraine's magic thoughts sent a message: "If we don't arrive, we are afraid that there will be big problems."

Luo Er is very puzzled and said: "This kid seems to know what is generally, actually so simple, Devil Blood Pool can actually help this kid to temper a body, according to calculations, he stayed for three hours or so is the best, However, he actually swam directly, this time a little trouble."

Lorraine said: "Two big, don't forget, here is the Halloween Palace. The opportunity of the monks in the eyes of the monks is everywhere. I think that the hills must hope to catch up with the big teams in the front and don't want to get the second-hand surplus. Resources."

Luohe whispered a curse: "Damn greed, brother, what should we do now?"

Luo Er said a little depressed: "How else? Catch up, we have a little weakness, it doesn't matter, can't be wrong."

The four true demon bereavers said that while swimming in the Devil's Blood Pool, shortly after Sun Hao, they also boarded the other side, turned into four black fogs, and flew away to the Halloween Palace.

On the other side, the woman's ritual blinked, looked at the front, and sighed slightly.

Entering the Halloween Palace is a process of elimination.

As big waves wash, the number of monks who can go to the end will be less and less.

There are only thirteen monks who have been killed in the Devil's Blood Pool.

The thirteen monks were divided into three grades. The first one was the one that had passed away. The Witch King, the Dragon King, the King of God and the Flying Man. These monks have the top strengths and must be able to walk all the way to Wan. The depths of the palace.

The second file should be the hill and the four true demon bereaved. Although these people have been a little late in the past, but in general, they are not too late, and may eventually merge together.

It is the last one, that is, the three monks who are still immersed in the blood, so I am afraid that it will not be able to complete the soaking in two days.

In the end, the three of them will definitely fall far away, and, as expected, the distance between the three of them will only be pulled further and further.

Before entering the Halloween Palace, how could the female rites not think that Sun Hao could run farther and faster than himself. Oh, it’s no wonder that the Witch King adults have some taboos and doubt the hills. To be honest, the hills really don’t look like A big barbarian with a rib.

When will the barbarians have such wisdom to cultivate?

The heart sighs for a while, and at the same time, the heart will also encounter an intractable array in front of the prayer, so the team can only wait for itself.

The women’s rites are full of luck, and they are also incredible to Sun Hao and gradually sink into their own cultivation.

At this time, Sun Hao has come to another area that is very different from the front terrain.

In front of Sun Hao, there is a densely populated house. The whole building is row upon row. Each one is tall and unparalleled. It looks magnificent. After hundreds of millions of years of dust, it is still very complete. The streets are still clean.

However, the whole street is very quiet, no one walks, no living thing, like a sleeping behemoth, waiting for people to wake up.

Sun Hao stood at the entrance of the street and saw a huge signboard. In contrast to the magic text in his mind, Sun Hao quickly recognized several key words: "Magic labyrinth, skeleton, labyrinth;斤 like a feather...To be a true demon, phosphorus fire calcined bone..."

Without much research on the signage, Sun Hao looked a few times and took a big step and walked into the street.

Just entering, the surrounding environment changed instantly. Sun Hao did not see the spacious streets as expected, nor did he see the tall buildings on both sides of the street. That is to say, Sun Hao originally planned to enter these buildings to find opportunities. The mind is completely lost.

At the same time, Sun Hao finally knew the meaning of the word "maze". In front of Sun Hao, it was covered with a channel like a spider web. At first glance, Sun Hao had a feeling of not knowing which way to choose.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Hao took a big step and took a few steps forward, trying to fly.

In the air, it is a gray color, flying to a certain height, a huge pulling force came, Sun Hao had to fall back to the ground, the left and right sides of the passage, is a kind of earthy wall, Sun Hao punched down, The walls of the earth splashed with mud and stone, but don't stop, the walls regained.

A special maze with strange rules.

After Sun Hao got the basic judgment, he thought about it and released the border animal husbandry.

Bianmu swayed his body on the ground, as if shaking the soil on his body, and his mouth screamed: "Boss, what else does you understand? You need to graze to help you solve your doubts?"

Sun Hao smiled and said in his mouth: "Bianmu, I seem to have entered a labyrinth. Can you find a way out?"

"Boss", Bianmu Wang Wang shouted: "No, this also allows the side to animal husbandry? Although the animal husbandry is the second dog in the world, identify the direction, identify the smell of the world is invincible, but the labyrinth is not the edge of the animal husbandry, I said This stuff may be better for a small fire-sister who is good at underground drilling." (To be continued.)

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