Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 1949: His heart is broken

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With a bang, the extremely fast light column slammed into the shield of the day, and the huge impact force pushed Sun Hao to the wall and slammed back to the side.

In the sight of Sun Hao, the timid and savvy bones disappeared and disappeared.

Suddenly in the heart, Sun Hao did not dare to carelessly, one foot on the wall, a body flip, along the side of the force, backwards opposite, quickly popped up.

Just in the place where Sun Hao had just bounced off, the bone demon had already appeared in a blink of an eye, flying a foot, slamming the position where Sun Hao had just been, and on the opposite wall, kicked a deep pit.

Sun Hao's left hand stretched out, and the giant spirit broke the hammer. However, the hammer was just in the hand. The silver-light bone demon had already swung a leg in the air, and the body turned into a silver light, disappearing.

Silver light bones have a fast speed, a very sensitive response, and the power is also very big, even if it is Sun Hao, after being hit, it feels quite uncomfortable.

Sun Hao did not dare to care about it. The ground was a body, and the body flew out of the air. It ran across several steps and ran away from the ground.

But this time, the silver-light bone demon was hidden in the air and did not fall down.

Sun Hao’s body just stood still, and found that the silver-light bones are still hidden, and they have to start moving right away.

Moved a few steps quickly, still no reaction, Sun Hao could not help but wonder if this guy has already left.

At the foot of the meal, Sun Hao paused a little on the ground. Suddenly, there was a blast on the left side of the body, and the speed was very fast.

Even if it is the punishment of the day, the shield is on the left side, and it is too late to prevent this sudden attack. Sun Hao has no time to react. It has been hit by a huge force, and Sun Hao is kicked high, like a bomb. Hit the wall again.

Even if the ancient jade is full of perfection, Sun Hao smashed this foot, still looking at Venus, blood and blood, uncomfortable.

The silver-light bone demon should have some characteristics of the bone-devil. It is very likely that its power is measured by Sun Hao’s body. Therefore, the strength of the explosion is enough to hurt Sun Hao.

Sun Hao, who has a successful body, is very bitter inside. At any time, the real culmination of this world cannot be said to be in the slightest sense, nor can it be self-satisfied. A small bone demon can be in a special terrain. I am so uncomfortable that I am restrained by myself.

Along the wall, Sun Hao retired more than ten feet, and the body did not dare to pause, moving quickly in the labyrinth aisle, and at the same time, kept thinking about the solution.

The short distance of the silver-light bones is not broken, and you only have to beat them.

In the sea, Yuanshen’s eyes were slightly, and the little hand pushed forward. Sun Hao’s right hand appeared in a misty red silver net, and the air was thrown away. Sun Hao’s body was behind him. In the midst of a huge thunderstorm and rainstorm, even the ashes of the sky reflected a bright red color.

Thunderfire Skynet, the coverage is quite wide before and after, see where the silver light bones go to escape.

At the moment when Sun Hao Leihuo Tian Net shot, Sun Hao was not far away, the silver-light bones flew up and flew into the air, disappearing.

Thunderfire Skynet instantly wiped out the area where the silver light bones are located.

But unfortunately, the scene that Sun Hao expected did not appear.

The silver-light bone demon was not forced out of the air by the Thunderfire Skynet, but it seemed to be evaporated, and there was no trace.

Sun Haofei quickly wanted to understand the reason. The space where the silver-light bones moved in the blink of an eye was not the space in which they lived. Their own Thunderfire Skynet was fierce and fierce, and it still couldn’t hurt it.

That is to say, even if you open a big move, it still has little effect. At most, during the spell, the silver-light bones do not dare to show up in the alien space.

Until the Thunderfire Skynet spell completely lost its effect, Sun Hao did not have any gains.

Slowly shaking his head, Sun Hao quickly and began to move his body.

To deal with this kind of silver-light bone demon, the current better way is to move your body irregularly, or else you will encounter a sudden attack by your opponent.

Sun Hao can imagine that at this moment, the silver-light bone demon should be in the unknown space, and look at himself. If he pauses a little, or his own movement is caught by him, he grasps the law. Then, waiting for yourself, it must be its thunder.

Can it be said that he can only be like this, passively beaten, and there is no room for resignation?

Is there really no way to capture the traces of it?

Sun Hao, who is moving at a rapid speed, has a slight movement. Strictly speaking, he really has no way to perceive the alienation space, and it is difficult to capture the change of the heterosexual space.

However, you should be able to grasp its movement track, or where it appears. Just don't know if it works.

In the fast movement, Sun Hao’s heart sinks into a state of clear heart and heart, and feels around with his heart.

This is Sun Hao's first initiative to drive his own sacred mind after infernal hell, to sense the surrounding, that is, to use "he heart pass" to sense the surrounding.

I just don't know if it works.

The mind is very mysterious, and the technique of refining the heart is very rare. His heart is more than what will appear in the legend.

Even the strange Halloween Palace, even the strange silver-light bones, did not expect to meet such a monk, and did not know how to deal with it, how to prevent it.

After Sun Hao drove his heart, there was a faint perception in a moment. A sinister, persistent thought seemed to be introduced into Sun Hao’s mind: "I pretend not to, as long as you dare to stop the rest of the time, I will give you A heavy blow, I see how long you can run..."

In the eyes of Sun Hao, a flash of light flashed inadvertently.

In his state of mind, after a few more steps, he approached a corner and gasped and stood alert.

Around the space, another idea came out: "Well, I can't afford it anymore. Hey, there is a shield on the left side. There is a huge gap in the direction of the hammer on the right side. See me for a blow, three feet to the right, and move instantly. I kicked..."

When Sun Hao felt this idea, the silver-light bones had already come, and the calf with silver light slammed into Sun Hao.

But this time, although the speed of the silver-bone bones is extremely fast, but Sun Hao has already got an accurate judgment at an early moment, and has prepared for it in advance, the left-hand shield is like sweeping in front of him, just blocking the silver-light bones. The direction of the attack, a bang, the square shield hit the silver light bones.

The huge impact force rushed, and Sun Hao couldn't help himself. He turned back two flips, and the one-handed big shield stood on the ground and stabilized his figure. The opposite silver-light bone demon was not good this time, and he was strong by Sun Hao. The shield of one rushed out, and also withdrew from the distance, and this was a flash of light and disappeared into the air again.

At the same time Hao's heart, I also sensed the idea of ​​the surrounding air: "The luck is really good, actually blocked my foot, hey? Actually don't run, I kick again, this time is right front Three feet, see you still can't stop, I catch..."

The mind moves, coming in abruptly.

Sun Hao just felt this idea, the silver light bone demon has appeared in the direction of the mind, this time, but it is to stick out the claws, and suddenly grabbed Sun Hao.

Similar to the previous reaction, Sun Hao’s Fangdun slammed and blocked the catch just right, and this time, Sun Hao’s right-handed hammer also slammed a blow, slamming into the silver-light bones. On the shoulder blade.

The silver-bone bones were smashed by the body, and they were swept away by the square shield. They suddenly rolled like a gourd and rolled back.

This time, Sun Hao’s situation is much better. The body only stepped back and firmly stood on the ground.

The silver-light bones rolled a few laps, and the small body jumped on the ground and disappeared into the air.

Sun Hao holds a shield, holds a hammer and starts to guard against it. At the same time, his heart is also quickly sensing around.

The idea of ​​the air made Sun Hao know that the silver-light bones did not suffer much damage. This guy really thought: "I was lucky enough to block it. It seems that I can't attack the front. However, he thought that I was hurting me, I don't know me. The weakness is actually squatting. This slamming is for me, but itching. This time, I changed places. I fell from the sky. I must be shocked. I was caught off guard. I was three feet three. I stepped on..."

As soon as the thoughts moved, the silver-light bones appeared in Sun Hao’s head, and suddenly stepped on Sun Hao’s head. At this moment, Sun Hao seemed to be able to see a kind of face from his proud face. The conspiracy is a smile.

Just right away, this smile turned into a thick flaw and an unbelievable expression. (To be continued.)

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