Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2043: Network branch

Heaven and earth are sad, and the stars are crying.

The Terran has a great overhaul of the potential of a fit.

Before the expedition, he left the inheritance of the "Ao Yu Bafa" to blame the descendants of my people.

There are bear ancestors who have fallen into the void.

At the time of the fall, the cultivation was in the late stage of distraction, and the combat power was extraordinary.

The Morgans, Sun Hao remembered.

Sun Hao put his hands on his hands and opened his own robe. He slowly fell over the obelisk and bowed his devoutly. He whispered in his mouth: "The ancestors have a spirit, and the younger generation’s grandson, Sun Haosun, will one day, must Will kill the Morgans, and avenge the ancestors."

Xuanyuan has Xiong's ancestors, and has the ability to interpret Sun Hao. Sun Hao's three-flavored baby fire, the proud gods, the tyrants, the dragons and the dragons are all derived from the Xuanyuan ancestors.

In the future, the ability will be strong, and it will be necessary to give out the ancestors.

Respectfully respecting the three daggers, Sun Hao is waiting to get up, on the obelisk, flashing a white light, the entire obelisk seems to be shining in the air, on the apex of the obelisk, there is a thumb-sized ball of light, bursting with brilliance .

Sun Hao glimpsed a little, quietly lying on the ground, no movement.

At the top of the obelisk, the light ball flashed and fell into the hall of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s body was slightly shocked, and he found that his mind had already passed a heart-to-heart inheritance of the “Aoyu Bafa”.

I accidentally got the inheritance of my ancestors again.

Regardless of whether this inheritance is useful for his own cultivation, this person must be obtained. Sun Hao is kneeling on the ground, respectfully decapitating, and loudly said: "Thank you for the inheritance of the ancestors, I will uphold the will of the ancestors, protect the human race. To contribute to the growth of the human race..."

While Sun Hao spoke, he had already felt that no more than three consciousnesses had receded from their own side.

Among the sacred places in the collection, some people whispered: "This boy is a good man. He actually got the second floor of the Kirin Pavilion, flying the inheritance of the monks, "Aoyu Bafa", you register, don't interfere casually, Kirin Court There are rules of Kirin Court, don’t think about robbing, you can’t get it...”

There was a voice that came over: "We understand that adults should be relieved, but adults, we want to transfer this son out of Kirin Court and cultivate it with heart. It may not allow me to add another general."

The airborne person seems to be reading something. After a few breaths, he scorns in his mouth and says, "You don't have to worry about it. This is the Yaotai Palace. The rainy fairy is holding the sacred mountain in person." Did not see it, it is estimated that Zheng Yuanzi adults have long arranged."

The two voices came out at the same time: "The subordinates understand."

The adults said again: "This is a secret, don't pass it."

Two people: "Yes..."

In front of the obelisk, Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile and began to accept the inheritance of “Aoyu Bafa”. After half a ring, Sun Hao’s face showed a thoughtful expression.

"Aoyu Bafa" will only be passed on to himself, not only because of his own ancestor's decapitation, but also because of the larger reason, because of the refining exercises he has practiced. The body of a dragon is like a sacred work.

The two kinds of exercises are in the same vein, and there is breath traction. In the end, Aoyu Bafa chose himself.

What makes Zheng Ya even more surprised.

There are bear ancestors who are arrogant and talented. They are only the late stage of distraction. The self-made inheritance of this kind of practice can actually help Sun Hao and really improve Sun Hao’s combat ability.

"Aoyu Bafa", simply said that cultivation is a kind of hegemonic momentum, like the general trend of Sun Hao's sword, cultivation of a hegemonic, inferior domineering, used in the battlefield, enhance their own battles A cultivation of force.

It is no wonder that in the first battle of the year, the bear ancestors were able to fight in the leapfrog, and they achieved a terrifying result. They were finally repaired in the late stage of the distraction and were placed on the second floor of the Kirin Pavilion.

This kind of cultivation is somewhat similar to the general trend of the sword, but in a sense, it is beyond the general trend of the sword, because the general trend of the sword must rely on the flying sword to reflect, and the "Aoyu Bafa" is completely self-important. , the gesture of self-sufficiency, the temperament of the day, the ubiquity, the momentum that is always available.

Any battle can be applied.

Accepting "Aoyu Bafa" and feeling "Aoyu Bafa", Sun Hao’s heart suddenly has an idea. Since the hegemonic momentum can directly condense on itself and become his own temperament, then his own fighter The general trend, the general trend of the sea, the general trend of killing and the general trend of the wind can not be used without agarwood, but also directly concise on the body?

In this way, what kind of significant impact on your own practice?

The emergence of "Aoyu Bafa" gave Sun Hao a new way of thinking, with a feeling that makes Sun Hao shine.

In the midst of it, Sun Hao still feels that this method of cultivation will have a huge impact on his future.

Remember "Ao Yu Bafa", say goodbye to the bear ancestor, Sun Hao continues to rotate in Kirin Court.

There are not many Feisheng monks recorded in Tianling mainland, but two of them must have been soaring.

Since I found a bear ancestor, would it be possible to find the fireworks of the soul of the soul?

Unfortunately, looking for the second floor, Sun Hao did not find anything.

Many of the inheritances that have emerged in the second layer already have a special special direction. There are several inheritances that are similar to those of Sun Hao's "Aoyu Bafa", which may have some help for Sun Hao's practice.

However, Sun Hao resisted the temptation of these inheritances, and did not arbitrarily enlighten, but persevered, unswervingly looking for secrets that might be found and useful for their own fit.

The repair of the second layer of monks has reached the stage of distraction and great consummation. It is only one step away from the fit. Many talented people, like the bear ancestors, have already accumulated for the fit, and may find useful. The method of cultivation.

When the second layer was about to finish, Sun Hao saw a strange obelisk.

There is no such thing as a monk's name, nor a monk's life, but there is a monk's inheritance.

Subsequently, there were about twenty obelisks that were identical to this one, only inheritance, without any record of the monks.

Looking seriously at the obelisk, Sun Hao also found that these monuments are slightly different from the previous monuments, and the heights are similar, but the obelisks behind them appear wider, more simple, and more ancient vicissitudes.

It is very likely that this is the ancient obelisk.

The inscriptions recorded on the tablet may have been eroded in time, like the tombstones lost in the mountains of the mortals, dissipated in the air.

Some of the inheritances that have been handed down are obviously repeated by the descendants, and the writing is obviously fresher than the quaint monument.

These inheritances can be called the inheritance of the ancient monument.

Sun Hao read a large number of books in Shiquge Some books have these "old monuments" records, several of which are crucial points, Sun Hao has a deep memory.

The ancient monuments should have died in history long ago, but because the inheritors’ unwilling will, their lives have disappeared, they still retain their inheritance.

The inheritance conditions of the inheritance secrets on the ancient monument are quite harsh, and it is difficult for ordinary monks to get the approval of the ancient monument.

The inheritance of the ancient monuments is extremely powerful, and once it is in the world, it will create a generation of people.

Of course, the characters recorded in the classics are at least distracting.

Compared to Sun Hao, this seems to be nothing.

With a feeling of remembrance and admiration, Sun Hao carefully observed the inheritance of these ancient monuments.

The ancient monument has a long history, and the introduction of the biography is very simple. There are not many famous churches at all, and the cultivation direction of the exercises can only be discerned.

Twenty ancient monuments, when Sun Hao saw the third last, he could not help but shine.

What is recorded on this square monument is a kind of cultivation secret technique "Pulse Network Branch Practice".

The introduction is also quite simple: "A singular mystery that has been inherited from ancient times, the whole body is cultivated into a network, like a magical sculpt of a large tree branch."

Seeing this introduction, Sun Hao couldn't help but think of the "Couple Body Sea Art" that he got in Shiquge. It seems that there is a similarity between the two. Will it complement each other and improve the speed of his cultivation?

Sun Hao's heart is full of expectations, decided to try it out, if you can make this cultivation secret, or maybe your own gas and physical progress can be greatly accelerated.

Mixing and breathing, calming down, Sun Hao sat down in front of this ancient monument, began to quietly, with heart and mind, communicate with heart. (~^~)

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