Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2045: Network branch (3)

The ancient monk believes that the human meridians and acupuncture points, Dantian, and the sea, in fact, are to integrate some of the fold space, forming a different space around the body of the monk, a fixed by the monk, can run around The strange space that the monk can perceive.

According to this theory, he developed the "pulse network branching technique."

The principle is that since the veins and the Danhai sea are both spatial attributes, in theory, as long as there is space and appropriate nutrients are given, then there are many different spiritual trees with strong vitality that can be generated in them.

In the process of cultivation, the monk can completely strengthen his own vein space by expanding a strong spiritual tree in this space, and expand his own vein space, thus achieving the purpose of strengthening himself, expanding the meridians, and strengthening the acupoints to understand the sea.

To put it simply, that is, the monk is whimsical, planting a tree in his meridians, and using root branches to reinforce the network of the whole body.

This is the pulse network branching technique.

If it weren't for this heritage that appeared in the sacred place of the Terran Pavilion, Sun Hao would have thought it was a joke.

The monk's meridian Danhai knows that the sea has always been considered to be a weak defense, and it is easy to touch it. This monk is good, and he has to plant trees directly.

Seriously participating in the "Pulse Network Branches", Sun Hao began to recognize the feasibility of this method, and the possible impact on himself after cultivation.

Under normal circumstances, the practice of staying in the Kirin Pavilion as a heritage is cultivated by the predecessors and has the basis of cultivation. That is to say, this magical practice may have been cultivated, but unfortunately it is not known. What will happen?

The ancient monument was too long, and it was barely passed down. Other things were not recorded.

A lot of things need to be judged by Sun Hao himself.

Sun Hao assumes that this method can be practiced and begins to move to the next step. How should this practice be repaired?

Repaired, what kind of help will be for yourself.

The magic method is extremely magical, and the conditions for cultivation are quite demanding.

If Sun Hao is not a cultivator, he will not necessarily be able to meet the standards of cultivation. There are several basic requirements for practicing this secret technique, the flesh, the true spirit and the soul.

The flesh is strong, the flesh is not strong, and it is not qualified to pull a wider space to follow with you. There is no need for cultivation.

Forcing cultivation, I am afraid that it will be directly blasted by network-like branches.

If the real yuan is enough, the tree must be irrigated with aura and real yuan. If the real element is insufficient, the tiger cannot be a counter-category.

The spirit of the spirit must be strong, the body of the tree is rooted in the Dan Sea, and the sea is the crown of the sea. If the soul is not strong enough, then the crown will break through the heavenly cover.

If Sun Hao’s various repairs go hand in hand, and all aspects are very good, can this kind of practice be passed down? It is really two.

Ancient monks are really strange things, and this kind of practice was created by Sun Hao.

In addition to the demanding requirements of the monks themselves, this method has a huge external requirement, and it is not easy to achieve it.


To plant trees in the body, there must be tree species. If Sun Hao wants to cultivate this mystery, then he needs to find a powerful spiritual tree that can take root in the monk Danhai and grow up under the cultivation of the monk.

There is no doubt that the quality of the tree species is good or bad, and the type of tree is so great that the impact on this method of practice is enormous.

After the tree was planted, the monk raised it into a powerful meridian.

The more powerful the tree, the stronger the meridian's meridians, which complement each other.

It is quite difficult to practice this practice.

Finding the right tree species is the first step. After finding it, it takes a long time to cultivate, let it sprout in Danhai, gradually grow, and extend the branches to the meridians within the body according to their own intentions.

Thinking about the process of cultivation, Sun Hao sighed leisurely.

According to the description of the practice, only the step of seed germination and rooting has to be hundreds of thousands of years, and then the branches are all over the body, fearing that it will be hundreds of thousands of years.

Moreover, the higher the grade of the tree, the slower the growth of the monk's body.

If Sun Hao finds a good tree to cultivate this mystery in the body, then it is estimated that at least thousands of years before and after the completion of this secret surgery can be completed.

This difficulty is quite large.

Sitting cross-legged and seriously trying to figure out, Sun Hao finally thought that this practice is afraid that he really needs to practice.

Moreover, in a certain sense, after the practice of "Pulse Network Branch", there may be unexpected auxiliary effects on the practice of the self-contained period, which may greatly promote the progress of the cultivation period.

In the period of the fit, the number of monks' lifespans is calculated in 100,000 years, and the difficulty of the fit is enough to make the monks not complete the match for 100,000 years.

For example, Qi and Qihe, if Sun Hao uses the stupid method to constantly cultivate the true meta-seeds in the flesh to the whole body, it is estimated that the process of cultivation may not be able to be achieved in 100,000 years. The real yuan in the vast sea of ​​Danhai is a little bit of a real body, and Sun Hao is numb.

With "Cycle Body Sea Art", Sun Hao's cultivation speed will be greatly accelerated because of clear goals and paths.

Only the more than 700 points of the whole body will be turned into lakes and form the body sea. This is not something that can be completed in a while. According to Sun Hao’s calculation, he has to complete this step, and he is afraid that it will last for more than ten years.

The emergence of the network branch, in a sense, should be regarded as a useful supplement to cavitation.

Whether it is the acupoint body sea art, or the pulse network branch, it is created by the predecessors of the great monks, suitable for the strange exercises of the human race monks.

The master monks who created the two exercises are undoubtedly preparing for their advanced fit.

After Sun Hao got the two exercises, he earnestly enlightened and his eyes gradually became brighter.

According to the practice of the acupoint body sea, each acupuncture point can be opened up into a lake.

The network branch treats each acupuncture point as a branch intersection of its own branches.

Then, if you carefully combine the advantages of both, you may be able to combine the two and complement each other and quickly advance your cultivation.

Expanding the acupuncture points with the pulse network branch can accelerate the formation of acupoints.

After each acupoint is formed by the real yuan lake, it can provide nutrients to the spiritual tree in the body and promote the rapid growth of the tree.

This complements each other and join forces, and may indeed be able to advance their own pace of cultivation.

Sun Hao sat on the floor with his knees and thought hard, and his face gradually showed a bright smile.

This kind of approach should be practical. The two principles of cultivation do not conflict. However, the focus is different. Sun Hao can bring them together. After coordinating and coordinating, they should learn from each other and practice.

Of course, both methods are a long-standing practice. Many methods and slogans should have strong rejection. Sun Hao also needs to be carefully improved and summed up in order to truly form a Help with the practice of cultivation.

As long as you plan your own strength, maybe your own temperament and body speed will be greatly accelerated. This is really a magical and useful exercise. Sun Hao smiles and slowly rises up.

It is not easy to cultivate this secret technique. Sun Hao has to find the seed first, and he has to come slowly.

Now, Sun Hao continues to turn around in the Kirin Pavilion and the Jinshi Stone Room to see if he can find the cultivation method of heart and body, soul and body.

In general, if you can't find the cultivation methods of the two, Sun Hao is faced with a long and cumbersome practice.

Estimated time is not short.

After Sun Hao got up, he quickly read the remaining ancient monuments on the second floor of Kirin Court. Unfortunately, these inheritances are some kind of secret technique or spell, and there should be no relationship with the fit.

Among them, several heroes, Sun Hao, also looked at the heart, but in the end, Sun Hao still did not try to comprehend.

These spells have their own, but they are icing on the cake, but they have no essential essential help for themselves, and Sun Hao’s own means are quite numerous. Many means are idle when they are against the enemy, but there is no need to be greedy, or leave it to Later generations.

Through the ancient monument area, Sun Hao looked up and saw the last floor of the Kirin Pavilion.

The first floor of the Kirin Pavilion is a flat plaque, and the second floor is an obelisk.

The third floor has been caught high in the clouds, looking up, I saw the clouds lingering, and the tall tombs are looming.

The third floor of Kirin Court is a hero.

Sun Hao’s eyes were exposed and he thought about it. He went to the third floor and went up to the third floor. (To be continued~^~)

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