Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2061: Deja vu

The auction will continue.

After photographing the ginseng doll, Sun Hao was gradually tempered by the heart of Hao Anyi's mission.

The seeds of the spirit tree of the heavenly masters will only exist in the legend, and they may not be met.

I need to adjust my mindset, down-to-earth, step by step to achieve my own spiritual goals, take pictures of the Bohai Populus, practice the network of branches and practice, and begin to truly cultivate.

Although the seeds of the spirit tree of the heavenly grade are cherished, it is estimated that the things of the heavens and the earth are rare. Otherwise, this task will not hang for so many years, and no one will finish it.

The original thing of the heavens and the earth.

What is that?

I don't know why, just in the ginseng doll, I am so grateful, crying and crying, I am willing to enter the medicine garden as a drug child, and this time when Sun Hao was accepted as a spiritual slave, Sun Hao’s heart suddenly produced a feeling of nothing.

The things of the heavens and the earth are as familiar as they are.

Where have you heard of it?

Or have you seen it somewhere?

Sun Hao’s heart is slightly glimpsed. Is it true that there is a clue to the original things of the heavens and the earth?

After sinking into the heart, Sun Hao thought back with his heart. After half a ring, he slowly shook his head.

I can't think of anything, and I can't get any answers. Sun Hao can be sure that he is the first to come into contact with this name, and he can be sure that he has never seen the original thing of heaven and earth.

So why is there a sense of familiarity?

Is there anything on the body that I have not figured out?

This feeling has been around for a long time.

At that time, Sun Hao had just got a thousand thousand words, and when he saw the best character, he had a similar familiar feeling.

At that time, I was unable to figure out where the familiarity came from. After a long time, I was completely clear.

However, the current Sun Hao is no more than before. Today, Sun Hao is in a good position, and everything is like a hole in the fire. It is really difficult for him to recognize himself.

The original yin of the heavens and the earth, let Sun Hao fall into meditation, do you really have seen it?

The chaos is first opened, and the yin and yang are gasified. This yin is the most original source of yin in the heavens and the earth. The things that are contaminated by this yin can be called the original yin of the heavens and the earth.

Such a thing, Sun Hao absolutely has never seen it.

But where does the familiarity come from? Where did the feeling of deja vu come from?

Thinking for a long time, no way to lead, Zheng Ya slowly shake his head, even if it is a fit and power, many things seem to be strange and unpredictable, it seems that they can only slowly explore.

I hope that this time should not be too long, or else, it is better to refine the Bohai Huyang, and slowly develop and grow and improve.

Sun Hao carefully examined himself. The auction has quickly reached the auction of the twentieth auction item. After the auction of the ginseng doll, the atmosphere of the entire auction hall has been mobilized.

Every item that comes out of the auction, the price of the price is one after another, and the lively is extraordinary.

The auction price ranges from a few million top grades to dozens of spirits. So far, there are no auctions that exceed Sun Hao’s shot price.

The twentieth piece is another auction item that has attracted many auctioneers to bid.

Dripping blood and jade.

Muhua jade, a kind of magic, can be used as a refining material, and can also be used as a peculiar medicine to make the strange jade of alchemy.

The principle of formation is a bit similar to that that Sun Hao once photographed, and finally the principle of agarwood swords blended with the fragments of the big summer dragon and the dragon.

In contrast, the age of Muhuayu needs to be longer than Shenxiang.

It is a jade that is formed by the special jade and petrochemicals under the influence of nature.

This kind of jade often maintains the original material of the tree and has a special purpose. At the same time, there are many powerful capabilities of jade to absorb the aura.

Become a real material for alchemy and refining.

Whether the material is good or bad, the key is to form the tree species of the woody jade itself.

The dripping blood of wood jade is a very rare and cherished tree species, the jade that evolved from the blood-sucking wood vine.

This piece of **** wood jade, more than a foot long, the size of the fist size, is not very regular, at first glance, delicate and crystal clear, more beautiful than ordinary blood jade.

The **** of blood and the goddess picked up the wood jade, and his face was full of disappointment. He said loudly in his mouth: "This piece of woodized jade is a cavern from the caverns. The most rare one is two. One is The blood-sucking **** Mu Teng itself is quite cherished; the second is the unknown undigested blood that exists in it. Please see..."

The blood-blooded goddess picked up the **** wood jade and slowly stood upside down. Suddenly, everyone clearly saw that the blood color in the jade slowly moved down to the lower part. The color below seemed to be brighter, while the upper part was lighter.

The blood in this jade has not yet been fully digested.

The **** of blood and the goddess said: "You friends, you can taste the blood of this seat, you can perceive it. The blood in this wood jade contains very terrifying power, and after millions of years of vicissitudes, its temperament has already Being washed and leaded, it is worth the price, well, no more nonsense, dripping blood, jade, starting price of 5 million Shangpin Lingshi, please bid for your friends..."

Sun Hao, the **** goddess erected **** wood jade, the concentration of blood reached a certain degree, Lushan face acne frantically shaken, Lushan's face also showed a silky expression.

Nowadays, cultivation has become a distracting power. According to the truth, Lushan should have been able to control his acne long ago, and he can make himself handsome.

However, Lushan has always maintained his true color and has not changed. Sun Hao guessed that the acne on his face may not only be the external manifestation of blood magic, but may have some magical effects through cultivation.

Now, Lushan saw the change in expression after the **** jade, confirming Sun Hao’s conjecture.

The acne on Lushan's face should have a magical induction to all kinds of blood, and the blood in the **** jade in front of it is estimated to be quite rare. The help to Lushan is also very large. It is estimated that Lushan this time. I have to go all out to bid.

Sun Hao is not moving, gently tea.

Lushan ordered another cup of blood spring, and drank it in one bite. He finally stayed in the air and did not participate in the bidding for the first time.

The preciousness of the **** jade, as well as its wide range of uses, immediately set off a small climax at the auction site.

In the **** sea, the monks offer one after another, less than a moment of effort, the auction price has been from five million top grade Lingshi, rushed to 20 spirits plus five million top grade Lingshi.

The **** jade and the Chiba ginseng king that Sun Hao had ordered were slightly different at the starting price.

The **** jade is the top stone of the top grade, which means that when the fare increase, you can add the spirit stone.

The price of the Chiba ginseng king is directly the spiritual pulse. When the price is increased, the Lingshi is invalid.

Muhua jade is one of the refining materials of the spiritual level of the gods. The first auction item, the price of the spiritual treasure of the distraction level is more than 80 spirits.

The height of the 20 spiritual veins is relatively high for a piece of woodized jade.

The voice of the monk’s asking price began to slow down.

Lushan began to offer at this time, and Xuenu, under his instigation, reported: "Twenty-one spiritual veins."

Seeing that the box of the No. 37 and No. 7 began to bid, the spirit of the blood-stained woman suddenly rose, and ignored the other monks who continued to quote. They sang loudly: "This auction is currently the highest bid for the No. 37 box, and twenty-one spirits. Pulse, is there a higher bid than this, good, the box of the 5th and 6th is also shot, twenty-five spirits, the last fight, the box of the 37th successfully won, this time again, in the end Who is it? We will wait and see..."

The **** of blood and blood is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, deliberately provoke the auction dispute, hoping to push the price of this piece of **** wood to a higher level.

Of course In her opinion, the final auction price of this drip blood jade jade is roughly more than 30 threads, can be on forty, that is, earning a lot of money.

At the time of the auction, the auction house expects the two to be on the opposite side. Now the 5th and 6th are on the opposite side. This is a good thing, and the waning goddess smiles.

But immediately, the face of the **** of blood and blood suddenly froze.

In the first row, the snow slaves in the first and fourth boxes are called: "One hundred spirits."

From the twenty-five spirits directly to one hundred, too fierce, a little beyond the perception of the **** of blood, could not help but stay.

Xuenu said another sentence: "Adult, one hundred spirits."

The blood-blooded goddess responded, and the mouth said loudly: "One hundred spirits, one or four boxes of strong shots, quoted a hundred spirits, powerful, really is awesome, it is not the fourth box, the shot is amazing, one hundred spirits Pulse, is there anyone who continues to increase the price? One hundred spirits for the first time..."

Sun Hao saw that the acne on Lushan’s face trembled fiercely. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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