Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2068: Zhongxu 3 ship

When Zheng Yuanzi arrived, it was natural for him to worry about it.

Sun Hao completely calmed down.

At present, the leader of the human race is still the Zhengyuanzi, and Sun Hao has never appeared.

There are very few people who know the existence of Sun Hao.

I know that Sun Hao has become a master of the peerless power, and less.

If you know Sun Hao’s current strength, there may be no more.

Even if it is Zheng Yuanzi, it will not be thought that Sun Hao has directly advanced to the beginning of the combination, and has the fighting strength not weaker than the late stage.

No matter how skilled and versatile, there is no such thing as a secular thing in the heart. Zheng Yuanzi is somewhat jealous of the rise of Sun Hao. Who does not want his rights to be part of it?

Sun Hao chose to return to the Terran Holy Land in a low-key manner. Zheng Yuanzi may know, but perhaps he does not know. As long as Sun Hao does not show up himself, Zheng Yuanzi will not take the initiative to contact Sun Hao.

As for Sun Hao running to the Holy Land to study and looking for a method of cultivation, it is a right that the human race can have. Zheng Yuanzi can pretend not to see it.

In this auction house, the same reason, even if Liu Bo told Sun Haosun Shen Xiang to be present, Zheng Yuanzi did not hear it, and did not go to say hello.

Still, in the heart of Zheng Yuanzi, I am a little bit sad.

Sun Hao has no feelings about this. Once he has not pursued much on rights, Sun Hao is seeking the opportunity of the road, and it is the goal of Sun Hao. The Zhongxu is just a springboard and transfer station for Sun Hao.

Second, Zheng Yuanzi helped Sun Hao when he was still weak, and gave Xiao Yu a sky. Sun Hao was grateful. If the time is not ripe, Sun Hao is willing to use the ceremony of the younger generation to see the positive. Yuan Zi.

Zheng Yuanzi did not let Sun Hao go out, and he did not come in, just like the meaning of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao does not want to attract too much attention and attention from now. As long as he can make rapid progress, the monks will always use their cultivation to speak.

Of course, in the overall situation of a race, the importance of a gas-powered spaceship is no small matter.

In the midst of the emptiness, the first criterion for measuring a racial strength is undoubtedly whether the top-ranked monk in front of the race is strong enough to have a strong fighting strength.

However, this is not the only standard. In the middle of the virtual, powerful artifacts can also influence the judgment of a race's strength.

For example, the grass poison people, the various toxins of this race, make them one of the strong families that few races are willing to provoke.

In addition to the special race of grass poison people, Zhongxu also has an external standard for judging racial strength, that is, the Chinese virtual ship.

In the virtual ship, it is said that it is a powerful medium-flying boat, forming a huge empty ship that can fly in the sky, which has a huge blessing effect on ethnic combat power and becomes an important symbol of whether the race is strong enough.

For a long time, according to the role and strength of the Chinese virtual ship, the virtual world has divided it in more detail, and the ethnic strength is not strong. If you look at the Chinese virtual ship, you will know.

The lowest standard of the Chinese virtual ship is to break the virtual.

Those flying boats that can fly in the void of the big domain and can assist the battle between the Zongmen cannot be listed in the Chinese virtual ship.

The lowest-end medium-definition ship is the broken virtual level.

The so-called vain, that is, the powerful virtual ship that can take the channel of the virtual and the imaginary, and take over the virtual elite.

Break the virtual level.

Such a virtual ship is divided into three grades, the ordinary breaks the virtual level, the role is mainly to pick up people, but there is basically no strong combat power in the void.

Upward, it is the elite breaks the virtual level and the legend breaks the virtual level.

The legendary smashing level has been able to fight in the void. Once met in the void, a legendary class can instantly smash an ordinary smashing level.

On top of the ruin, the middle emptiness ship has a second level: “Tuo domain level”.

The Zhongxu Wanzu, at intervals, will have the opportunity to expand the borders at a time, and it is also a huge test.

The virtual ship in the extension domain can show its most powerful strength in this kind of war.

At that time, the fringe of the race was unstable, and it was difficult for large objects to fly in the void.

Even a broken-class giant ship may be torn by space. Only when it reaches the top-level medium-definition ship, can it walk freely, and put its own ethnic fighters into the battlefields of each need in advance to gain the initiative of the battle.

The extension domain-level virtual ship has the same level of ordinary, elite and legendary.

Above the legendary level of the domain of the virtual ship, it is the third level of the Chinese virtual ship "township class."

Township level, very understandable, the meaning of sitting in the town.

Among the three ships in the middle and the imaginary, the township-level virtual ship is another name, that is, "the gas ship."

A township-level virtual ship can often determine the air mass of a race.

A race often has a situation where the fit-level monks are not connected, and at that time, it is often the most difficult time for the race.

At this time, foreigners will embezzle their own large areas, and will do everything possible to suppress them, weaken them in all directions, and let a race completely sink.

At this time, there is a township-class virtual ship, as long as it can drive, the ability to engage in enemy invasion, equivalent to possessing the combined strength, that is, suppressing the ethnic air transport.

Sun Hao has read a lot of books and knows a lot about the materials of the three ships. It is natural to know how difficult it is to have a township-class virtual ship.

According to legend, the township level of the virtual ship, the body length of thousands of miles, the flying field is the real giant.

The most rare of the township-level virtual ship is actually the core of its energy drive.

At this level of the Nethership, it is no longer a simple array to keep it running, but a real source of living energy.

Usually, the core of the town-class virtual ship is a powerful spiritual tree. In the legend, at least the adult spirit tree of the ancient heaven-level level needs to be provided to provide the inexhaustible power of the town’s virtual ship. .

Sun Hao has recognized the origin of the pine needle being auctioned, and his heart is not at heart.

Pine needles, needles of flying redwoods in the clouds.

The pulse network is listed in the branch, and one of the heavenly spirit trees.

The characteristics are straight and straight, heavy snow pressure does not fall, the rainbow in the clouds, a very powerful kind of spiritual tree, according to legend, on the ancient "Kunlun" mountain, there is a record of the existence of this fir tree.

The data obtained by Sun Hao records that this kind of **** wood has a very significant trait, that is, nine trees.

And because the wood is special, the species of the tree needs special methods to be obtained. That is to say, as long as the tree can be found, Sun Hao has a great possibility to find the species of the tree.

The species of the spirit tree and the spirit class of the human level are completely two concepts.

Sun Hao’s heart was inactive and closely watched the auction in the field.

With this pine needle, the monk has many ways to find the source and find the spiritual tree to find the airship.

The auction began to heat up.

Less than the tea time, the auction price has soared to six large-scale spiritual veins, and the gains are endless.

Exceeding the auction price of the That is certain, it will be more than it will be.

Sun Hao does not have to take this pine needle, but he needs to find a way to get the smell of this pine needle.

You don't have to win the airship, but you want to get the Shenmu tree in the cloud.

The best way to follow is to graze.

Sun Hao’s thoughts moved, and the internal vision had to condense the empty tower and began to look for border grazing.

Soon I found the Suzaku sitting on the knees and saw the real blazing flame that she was rising. She felt that her practice was at a critical moment. Unfortunately, she could not feel the scent of any animal husbandry.

The head was a little dizzy, and Sun Hao understood that the dead dog must have sneaked out to play.

Thinking of the dead dog running out to play, I do not know why, Sun Hao’s heart vaguely felt that he had neglected something, or forgot something important.

Seriously think about it, but I can't think of anything.

Swinging his head, Sun Hao released his knowledge and silently spread to the East Kunlun.

At this time, the price of flying redwood needles in the cloud has exceeded the price of Dingshen, reaching a total of ten large veins.

Sun Hao’s knowledge is not aggressive, he does not touch the protective array. Quietly, he is looking for someone. Oh no, it’s just looking for a dog.

After a while, Sun Hao laughed and found the place where the animal husbandry was. The dead dog was really awkward. At this moment, he was kneeling on a snowy and elegant bitch, and kept working hard.

This guy, really speechless, wherever he went, did not forget this matter.

Sun Hao thought of a move and drank majesticly: "Border animal husbandry, you can let Laozi roll over within a quarter of an hour, or else I will stew your dog whip..."

Snow white **** on the back, the side of the animal husbandry and fiercely, the dog's body shook, the dog's face showed a refreshing and extremely addicted expression. (To be continued~^~)

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