Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2085: Debut

The cooperation between the two sides is a sinister moment. Now the Terran has been completely suppressed and can be temporarily put aside.

Momo Soda did not take the opportunity to chase and kill a few monks from the 10,000-mantle demon island. In the hands of the vine stick, a green light rose and rushed to the old tree that flew away.

At the same time, the extension of the spaceship came flying in the air, blooming orange light, also suppressed from the old tree.

The old tree laughed: "I thought that only you have a flying ship? I thought that only you have prepared a helper? Hahaha, my sons, let them see and see my family."

Among the Wanli Songhai, once again, a big tree was raised, and the body was no smaller than the body of He Yutian. It rose into the air, and the roots of the tree were sucked in all directions. Many small trees appeared, flying in the air, like inlaid, rushing. Under the big tree, quickly, it was built into a top-of-the-line spaceship with green light.

Momo Soda and the big tree He Yutian played against each other.

Two top-class spaceships were also in the air.

However, it is obvious that among the two battlefields, the tree people have clearly occupied the upper hand, and the big tree He Yutian clearly won the battle. The Momo cable field was suppressed, and the body kept rising, trying to climb up to get the cloud. The control of Zhongfeihong.

Among the two top-class flying ships, the Morgan Protoss is an elite class, and the strength itself is strong, but the tree-based extensional spaceship has reached the legendary level, and it is still only one step away. Enter the existence of the township spaceship.

Its powerful, has surpassed many elites.

The extension domain has a huge change with the level.

Elite-level extensional spacecraft has already been able to develop the special combat skills of the spacecraft, destroying the Yuan cannon, which is the extension domain-level combat skill of the Morgan Protoss.

At the legendary level, there is more than one skill.

The legendary Tuoyu spaceship of the tree family has its own ship number, the Dasen, the legendary extension domain.

After the start of the battle, three major combat skills were demonstrated, and the elite extension of the Morgans was firmly suppressed.

After a reminder of the ancient vines, after urging, pull out a vine, wrap the opponent, try to forcibly trap the opponent.

A trick hit the gods and fired a bomb like a rush of wood, hitting the opponent.

A slap in the face of the **** wood leaf shield, flying leaves and leaves, forming a shield against the opponent's attack.

The tree of the legendary Tuoyuan spaceship, even if it is not a fit-in monk, is at least a semiconductor. Driving the "Omori" can not only suppress the movement of the Morgan Protoss, but also take time to attack the harassment. Mosuotian, to create more opportunities for the old tree He Yutian to recover the flying clouds in the clouds.

The Morgan people are proud of their strength, their strength is unprecedentedly strong, and they are consciously winning the prize. But who knows, now the strength of the tree people is not much weaker than themselves, and the timing is just right.

When the Morgan Protoss fought against the Terran, the Tree Terran took the opportunity to take the opportunity to fully grasp the upper hand.

There is no doubt that this is a long-term deliberation and intentional.

Seeing that the tree man is going to rise to the sky to contact the flying rainbow in the clouds, the Morgan Protoss is finally angry.

Momo's eyes were fierce, and his hands were in the air, and his mouth was violent: "Old tree, if you want to take the airship, pick me up."

With a bang, a tall law appeared in the air.

The Cyclops are in the same phase.

Tall and no friends, foreboding, arms and arms, and legs like Optimus Prime, the most typical feature is the hands of this law, took a huge cold light forest machete.

The knife is ten feet long, one foot wide and nine inches thick.

There are dragons hovering on it, and it is fierce.

Holding a knife with one eye, the magical law.

Sitting cross-legged, with the help of the monk behind him, the sigh of Zheng Yuanzi, who resisted the smashing of the golden scorpion, sighed with sighs, and finally couldn’t get rid of the magical law.

Undoubtedly, when Momosotian confronted himself, he always spared no effort to guard against the tree people. When he thought he would entangle him, in fact, the most powerful means were not displayed.

With one eye open, the law glanced at the monk in the air, and there was a trace of mercy in the eyes, as the **** was sweeping the mortal below.

The mouth is open and exhaled, and the law is majestic: "He Yutian, you are looking for death."

The dragon slashed in the hands of the slashing knives and slammed forward. The heavens and the earth suddenly broke, the white clouds were cut, the space was cut, and a dragon snarled and fell to the old trees in the air.

The majestic swordsmanship makes the warriors who watch the war all the trepidation, and the magical power of the fit and the power is the real powerful means of attack. The law comes out and is invincible.

The old tree did not expect that Momosotian was entangled by Zhengyuanzi. At the same time, there was room for a burst of magical powers. Seeing the big knife coming to himself, the old bark face was suddenly shocked.

The canopy quickly swells downwards, the tree body quickly becomes smaller, and the tree roots turn into a sword, holding the whole tree body lightly and floating, and flashing past the dragon's blade.

It is very dangerous to judge the estimated monk of a late fit with his own cultivation.

Even if the speed of the old tree is fast, the power of the magical law is far beyond his imagination.

The tree body had just escaped the dragon's blade, and with a bang, the magical law slammed into the foot and straightened the body of the old tree.

With a bang, the old tree was directly fell from the sky and broke into the sea of ​​pines.

The pine forest swarmed and quickly covered the trees of the old trees.

The air-powered magical law was cold and cold, and the dragon and the chopper were crossed, and the two knives and two knives rushed out and smashed into the legendary extension domain.

The leaves fluttered and joined in front of the dragon to form a shield on one side and another, trying to resist the dragon knife.

But like the tofu, the leaves are cut by pieces, and the dragon knife is unstoppable.

The legendary Tuoyu spacecraft slammed out a large number of Shenmu, rushing to the knives, but the hull quickly fled downwards.

Like a sharp hatchet and chopping wood, the wood that was knocked out was invariably smashed into two halves by the dragon knives, losing power and falling into the air.

Knife Mang did not hesitate to catch up with the legendary classship and collapsed.

The big tree, which is not much smaller than the old tree, appeared on the ship's head. Two huge branches slammed over the spaceship. The huge branches were smashed and dropped, and the legendary classship The body was slightly shocked and fell a few more points.

After the dragon knives were intercepted by layers, the power was finally exhausted and disappeared into the air.

Within the Wanli Songhai, Songlin Qiqi rushed Songtao and sent it up. The old tree, He Yutian, flew up and landed on the legendary spaceship.

The law is fierce, and the old tree can only rely on the legendary extension domain to resist.

Just standing, the big foot of the magical law came over, and the old tree snorted: "Suo Tian, ​​this seat and the legendary extension domain fit, can you help me?"

In the voice, the green awning on the flying ship flashed, and a big wooden slammed into the big foot of the law. With a bang, the big foot was hit back, and the flying ship shook a few times, and it was safe and sound.

Momosotian did not care, the air said coldly: "Under the absolute strength, any fancy will not help, hey, old tree, I will come back to clean you up..."

In the voice of the voice, the air magical law suddenly turned and looked at the direction of the **** Liu Bo.

There, Liu Bo and the two shackles were in front of the four monks of the Monsters of the Blood, and looked up at the huge law.

The thick fingers pointed to Liu Bo, and the Fa said: "Today, the second distraction of the Terran is eliminated. Then take the Yuanzizi, hahaha, and the Terran is bound to be uprooted by this seat. ”

The heart is free to move, the foot of the law is huge and no friends, slamming forward, overwhelming, and stepping on the remaining human monks.

Liu Bo’s face was very heavy and his mouth was clear and clear: “The two niece helped me...”

Behind him, Bai Jie and Jiuwei flew in a flutter, one left and one right, hanging on Liu Bo's body.

Liu Bo's body is spinning The three people are one, the whole person seems to grow taller, but the original white jade-like face is more delicate, as if it has become a little charming.

In the fight, Liu Bo brought a few women's suppleness, and said in his mouth: "The second child, go quickly."

While speaking, the body has a faint golden color, and both hands are like a king, and it should be a big foot.

Above the sky, the voice of Momoso’s voice faintly came out: “Is the golden body of the district not able to block the magical law of this seat?”

The footsteps stepped down and stepped on Liu Bo. The faint golden light rushed from Liu Bo. He couldn’t resist it. The tides receded. Liu Bo’s body was shaken, and he was shocked. He was stunned by life and death. He was shocked out of his body. Liu Bo was so sad that he was stepped on by the huge footboard and pressed down to the ground.

Under the body of Liu Bo, Bai Chen’s heart slammed, his arms slammed, and led four distracted people from Liu Bo’s side, and turned into four groups of blood rain, blocking the sky above Liu Bo, and shouted in his mouth: "Liu boss, escape..."

Above the sky, Momoso said coldly: "You can't escape."

As the slabs rise, they become huge and extremely fast, and the force of the scorpion falls down to the Songhai below.

Liu Bo and Bai Chen, two monks and two monks behind Bai Chen, all eyes must be trampled by the huge foot plate and pressed into the ground.

The big foot is fierce, the speed is fast, and a few ethnic monks have come to the sea of ​​Song, and the pines are bursting. The tree-man fighters hidden in it are also dodging and frightened.

Who can survive this foot?

The sound of the squeaking sound, a large amount of pine was trampled out, and the pine forest was completely destroyed, and an accident occurred.

The huge foot board is stuck at a height a few feet above the ground and can't be stepped on.

What's happening? (To be continued.)

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