Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2105: Tracking method (2)

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I don't know, hiding in the lake, and how the strange distraction of Momoso, can actually avoid the detailed positioning of the border animal husbandry.

This lake is a huge lake with an area of ​​dozens of miles. There are many caves in the sky, fish, crabs, crabs, and species, and because of the strong aura of the cave, these creatures have no Weak spirituality, the strength of many souls is not weak.

In the induction of the animal husbandry, the distraction of Momoso is as if it is ubiquitous in this area, but it seems to be completely absent.

A magical state of existence.

Sun Hao felt for a long time, and there was no discovery in the knowledge of God.

Under normal circumstances, the perception of border grazing is absolutely not wrong.

The reason why this happens, it is very likely that the way Momosotian exists, may be the existence that he can not understand.

So how do you need to force his true body?

Sun Hao thought for a long time, no need to lead, a heart in the cross, simply come hard.

Dapeng Golden Winged Birds slammed down their wings, and the tornado fell from the sky and rolled down into the lake. The water of the lake was pulled up by the dragons and spiraled upwards into the sky.

The fish, shrimps and crabs in the lake were not spared, and without exception, they were rolled up by the raging tornado.

The huge tornado covered almost the entire lake, and the lake was constantly rolled up. In the sky, the tornado propped up the lake, as if it were in the sky, forming a lake.

This is a stupid way that Sun Hao thought of.

No matter what kind of existence of Momosol, as long as he is in this lake, he should escape the tornado of Sun Hao. Under the powerful tornado, he does not believe that Momoso can bear it.

After Sun Hao waited for his prototype, he took a strong shot and suppressed it.

The distracting strength in this direction is not weak, but it is definitely worse than the odd one.

Sun Hao can suppress the strange, then the distraction here is won, but it is only a matter of time.

Under the wings of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, the powerful tornado rushed out, and the lake was drawn by a tornado above the sky, forming a gusty air lake.

Regrettably, even if Sun Hao is so fierce, his opponent is still well hidden and there is no sign of any exposure.

Regardless of the three seven twenty-one, Sun Hao directly drained the water in the lake, and powerful spell power strangled the innumerable water creatures.

Even the mud at the bottom of the lake, Sun Hao also pumped up, it was just three feet.

Even so, there is still no discovery.

The powerful tornado didn't know how many creatures were killed, and Momoso was still hiding nearby, without any signs of being forced out.

Sun Hao looked up at the sky and wondered.

The induction of the edge of the animal husbandry shows that Momoso is still hidden in the vicinity.

However, under the tornado of their own, all the lakes and the spirits have suffered the catastrophe.

At this time, the lake still rotates in the tornado storm, throwing the lake out, and the sky is raining heavily.

That's it, I can't have any discoveries.

Where is Momoso hiding in the end? What kind of form exists, Sun Hao can't understand it.

This is an alternative way of fighting.

The other side is avoiding their own pursuits, and the means are endless. This kind of concealment makes Sun Hao stunned.

The tornado scraped three feet and there was no gain.

The strength of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird's wings was slightly weaker. The lake suddenly fell and reunited into a huge lake.

Compared with the time when Sun Hao just came, when Sun Hao just chased it, the lake was full of vitality and the life was very prosperous.

But now, being tossed by Sun Hao, the lake is full of life, and it is already dead.

This is the case for the great monk in his life.

After repairing to a certain height, every shot has an earth-shattering power. Every blow is enough to change the land. It is a battle between Momo and Som, and the victims are the creatures in these lakes.

The lake was put down, and Sun Hao felt it again with his heart. Unfortunately, he still did not find it.

The feeling of Bianmu is still the same, Momoso is everywhere here, but it seems that it does not exist.

When encountering the flying cedar in the cloud, the side grazing also has the same feeling. Practice has proved that there is nothing wrong with the feeling of grazing. The flying cedar in the cloud is indeed scattered in the clouds, everywhere.

But this time, Sun Hao has turned the lake over, even if there is a general presence in the cloud, it is estimated that it has already been shaken out.

But why didn't you find anything at all?

There are many killings created for no reason.

When thinking of innocent killing, Sun Hao’s heart moved slightly, his eyes could not help but still could not perceive the existence of Momoso, but Sun Hao finally found some anomalies.

As usual, after Sun Hao kills a huge number of creatures, he will accumulate a lot of strong grievances after the creatures are killed.

But this time, there are thousands of creatures in the lake that Sun Hao killed, but there is not much grievance on the body.

It seems that after the killing of the creatures, there will be no grievances.

After thinking of this question, Sun Hao immediately thought of the second more confused place.

Such a large lake, according to the truth, should have spawned some more powerful caves of the Tiantian Forest, but there is no strong presence in the lake, and the strength of those creatures is weak.

Of course, this weakness is also relative to Sun Hao.

The emergence of two crickets further identified Sun Hao’s views. There is no doubt that Momosotian is hiding in the vicinity of the lake, especially in the lake, or else it is not so strange.

In what way does Momoso exist here?

Sun Hao incarnates the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird and looks at the lake where the soul is extinct in the middle and below, looking bright and looking for Momo.

After half a ring, there was no discovery. Sun Hao’s heart was a glimpse. Dapeng Golden Winged Bird’s wings were closed, turned into a deity, and the right hand extended. The golden silkworm stopped in the palm of the hand, and the gods knew it. Come out.

Jinguang flashed in and the golden silkworm was drilled into the water.

In the past, the lake suddenly became dark. In less than a moment, the whole lake turned into a dark dead lake, and the water surface radiated a stench.

Sun Hao called the powerful toxicity of the golden silkworm. No matter who it is, no matter how deep it is, this toxin goes down, enough for him to drink a pot.

The toxicity is extremely fierce, and the fit-and-feeling monks are not necessarily able to resist.

However, Momoso still has no trace at all.

What kind of life form is Moroso? In such a violent toxin, there is no effect.

Sun Hao feels that he really underestimates the degree of difficulty of his But think about the magic of his nine distractions, and Sun Hao suddenly understands that the real fit is late and powerful. It is normal, for example, if you want to chase yourself, it is hard to catch up.

The tornado is invalid and the poison is also invalid.

Momoso days are hiding nearby, and they can't find them.

Sun Hao’s brow wrinkled slightly.

At this point, in the mind, the voice of the heavenly voice sounded: "Sometimes, he is in front of your eyes, but you can't see it, or he can let you see it, you can't recognize it."

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly stunned, and he thought: “Dao Tianji really likes to play riddles. Is this to make yourself guess the riddle?”

Luo Pengfei said with no anger: "Niu nose, you like to pretend to be a ghost, I think you are awesome, Sun Hao, you give Laozi a fire, and this water will be burned into the water, you will understand what is going on." ”

The spirit of Sun Hao was alive, and I thought of a possibility. It was really weird to look at the lake with my eyes and it was so strange.

With a heart and soul, Sun Hao stretched out his right hand and held a Thunderfire Skynet and threw it down.

Under the control of Sun Hao, the huge silver net covered the entire surface of the lake, bursting into the thunder and bursting into the bottom. At the same time, a large number of fireballs fell from the sky and landed on the lake.

In the thunder of the rumble, the lake burned with raging fire.

Sun Hao drove the sacred sacred sputum, and he slammed into the lake and fell to the lake.

The fire burned, and a lot of water vapor floated in the air. A white jade rabbit appeared in the air, opened its mouth, and sucked in the water vapor.

I was reminded by Tao Tianji and Luo Pengfei that Sun Hao has already understood that this incarnation of Momosotian is this huge lake.

I roasted the water in the lake, and Momoso did not know how to hide it. (To be continued.)

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