Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2110: The first tree in the world

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Sun Hao’s Dan Tian has a total of five attributes.

Jinmu water and fire, the five elements are in harmony with each other, and life is endless.

Sun Hao's Dan Hai is extremely incomparable, and the real yuan is surging. Sun Hao is consciously able to supply the Yunhong fir in the cloud.

After cultivating to the great power of the fit, the monk has undergone a huge change, that is, the practice of returning to the truth, the most practical refining method, is the most common ordinary five-line technique, except for a few special exercises, the fit monk has No special refining method is required.

Many fit monks are making their own refining methods according to their own needs.

Sun Hao did not change his own method of refining, and with the help of the five elements of the body, with the help of the five elements of his own rotation, Sun Hao’s current practice began to return to the truth, the five elements moved together, and practiced. quickly.

At least, the refining of the gas is rarely the drag of Sun Hao.

The majestic true element is the foundation of Sun Hao’s cultivation. At this time, Feihongshan in the refining and chemical cloud is not conscious.

Taking into account the special environmental needs of the growth of the tree, Sun Hao drives his own five-wheeled scorpion, and transpires his own water attribute, forming a layer of real elemental fog, near the species of the flying cedar tree in the cloud. To create a real fog.

It is like a cloud of white clouds.

Then drive the wood attribute of the real element, and continuously pour it into the seeds of the flying cedar in the cloud, let it continue to absorb and grow, sprouting and rooting.

In the cloud, the flying cedar tree species reached the level of the next product. After the sci-fi drive, it immediately produced a huge attraction. The whale swallowed the sea and swallowed the wooden property of Sun Hao, and continued to grow itself.

Gradually, a small rainbow appeared at the top of the seed, and a small cloud appeared in the lower part of the seed.

In the clouds, Feihongshan began to sprout and rooted, and Sun Hao’s heart was a surprise.

Everything went well, as long as you cultivated the flying cedar in the cloud and let his branches spread all over his own meridian space. At that time, his own vein network would be successful.

A good start is half the success. In the cloud, the flying cedar succeeds in germination and rooting, and that is, it becomes a heavenly spirit tree in its own body, which should be able to grow rapidly.

Sun Hao’s heart, a slight surprise, a faint smile on his face, the movement of the gods, the body of the wood property is constantly infused into the clouds in the flying rainbow.

When the flying cedar is born in the cloud, it is precisely when a lot of energy is needed. The more the wood property energy of the first growth and perfusion, the more help the flying cedar in the cloud gets, and the faster the future growth.

Sun Hao has five attributes of real yuan in the body, there are five lines of rotation in the body, can fully supply the flying clouds in the clouds, so that he can not be full, let him absolutely support.

The demand for flying seedlings in the clouds is indeed quite large. The ones who come here are not refusing, and their appetites are wide open. However, all the real elements that Sun Hao infused into are not left, and all are absorbed into the tree.

As long as you can eat it, Sun Hao will not be embarrassed.

Irrigation, spurt hard.

Sun Hao sits cross-legged, and constantly mobilizes the whole body of the real yuan. At the same time, he also began to absorb the aura of Dongtianzhi to supplement his true yuan deficit. On the ground, a huge aura of anger is rising.

Sun Hao has long stated that he is practicing secrets. The Terran monks are not surprised. Moreover, there is still a long way to go from the clouds to the clouds. They have no influence on their recovery of the gas-powered Skyship. A few eyes, no one to disturb the practice of Agarwood adults.

Sun Hao sits cross-legged and keeps on cultivating a new cloud in the cloud. However, when he is irrigating, Sun Hao feels wrong.

This cloud Yunhongshan can eat too much.

After eating so many real yuan, the whole tree body is completely silent. The good guy still has only one touch of flying rainbow, a small white cloud, and no growth.

This is not right!

Sun Hao’s heart is puzzled. There is a description of cultivation in the vein network. In accordance with the truth, with the thickness of his true yuan, the first time to cultivate the heavenly spirit tree in the cloud, such as Feihongshan, does not say once. Cultivate the top of the ground, at least it can be cultivated into a big tree.

But now, my true yuan has been poured into the 40%, still no movement.

Which one is this playing?

How did that happen? Flying clouds in the clouds will not be able to eat this way? If this is the case, can you cultivate this network network, can you really make it, but it is really two, this kind of training is too big, right?

In the memory, the heavenly superior spirit tree recorded in the vein network branch refining technique seems to be so fierce to eat the real yuan. What is wrong in the end?

Sun Hao did not understand at all.

However, if you don't understand, you don't want to, Sun Hao is going to have a look at how many real yuan this small seedling can absorb.

Drive your true yuan constantly, and pour it into the clouds to see how much you can eat.

More than a month's time passed by, Sun Hao's body really poured into more than 90%, even if the accumulation of Sun Hao is very strong, even if Sun Hao absorbs the speed of the aura is very fast, at this time the real yuan is gradually exhausted.

However, I don’t know what happened. The flying clouds in the clouds above Danhai are still not growing up.

The tree baby is not long! Sun Hao is a bit confused, what is going on?

Is there a problem with my own pulse network? There is absolutely no effect that should be there.

Just when Sun Hao couldn’t understand it, the accident happened again.

I have high hopes, carefully cultivated, and filled with a lot of real yuan in the clouds, Feihongshan, and blasted in Dantian.

The tree baby was blown up, and there was no cloud in the air.

Completely disappeared without a trace, and eat so many real elements, like a small bubble, gently fried.

Sun Hao is completely lost.

In the greedy cloud, Feihongshan was blown up by himself? If it is bursting, the explosion should be very intense, how can it be so small to bubble a thing.

Seriously surpassed Sun Hao’s imagination, which is seriously beyond the routine.

In a short time, Sun Hao completely touched his head and did not understand the situation. Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao regained his true element while thinking about what it was all about.

Ten days have passed, the real yuan has completely recovered, but Sun Hao still can't understand why this kind of incomparable event happened.

No, I have met the fake seeds in the legend?

However, it is obvious that the seeds have sprouted and rooted, but in the process of cultivation, something has happened.

Or, the process of cultivating has not been observed by himself, and unexpected changes have not happened?

After thinking about it for a long time, I still have no way to go. Sun Hao simply doesn't want to, and once he doesn't do it, he picks up a flying cloud in the clouds, and Sun Hao starts the second refinery tree.

This time, be careful and see if you can find some anomalies.

Be careful, according to the cultivation method of the vein network branch refining, Sun Hao once again began to cultivate the clouds in the Dan Sea.

At the beginning, everything was normal. In this cloud, Feihongshan was rooted and became a seedling.

However, next, like the first tree species, the strange situation recurred, and how Sun Hao infused the real yuan, was not full, like a bottomless pit, but also did not see the movement.

The first seed is like this, and the second seed is still like this. Sun Hao knows that his pulse network is not knowing what is wrong.

Slowing down the speed of true yuan perfusion, Sun Hao began to carefully observe the changes within his own Danhai, and carefully observed the new cloud in the flying rainbow.

If you can't find the reason, this cloud will not be too good for Feihongshan's next game. The two heavenly tree species that you have worked hard to find are so scrapped. It is painful to think about it.

Slowed down the flow rate of the real yuan, and observed it for more than ten days in a row, Sun Hao discovered a very strange thing.

That is just like a cloud in the cloud, it is just a medium, and it is a medium in which the origin of the wood is gradually passing away.

The faster you perfuse the real element, the faster the speed of the flying tree in the cloud.

How is this going?

Sun Hao thought carefully, and he couldn’t help but wonder. This is like the second stage of the network of branches, that is, after getting the tree, the other spiritual tree seeds are used to cultivate the source of the spiritual tree. stage.

Feihongshan, the cloud of its own refining, just became the nutrient of another kind of spiritual tree in its body, and it was continuously sucked away from the source of the wood property psionic power.

what happened?

When is there a more tree in my body? Why don't you know yourself? Moreover, this tree is actually so tyrannical, hehe, even the clouds in the flying rainbow cedar species do not fight, is regarded as a medium in the absorption of the true yuan to strengthen itself.

However, Sun Hao searched the Danhai and did not see the shadow of a half-rooted tree.

Strange! (To be continued.)

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