Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2112: The first tree in the world (3)

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Sun Hao can be sure that this tree is definitely not a tree.

That is because the roots of this tree are really horrible.

With Sun Hao’s current cultivation, and the accumulation of Sun Hao’s five attributes, the whole Danhai is a vast country. It can be said that Danhai is a real sea, and it can’t be seen at a glance.

However, after the roots of this tree came in, they immediately spread in the Danhai, like a long dry nectar, springing up in the rain, and quickly growing in the Danhai of Sun Hao.

Danhai's five-element true element is absorbed by the roots of the big trees that have not yet sprouted, and the true elements of the sea are falling down one by one.

Sun Hao accelerated the absorption of the outside aura, but had to swallow the lingo that has been rarely used, supplementing the true yuan.

A lot of resources were poured into the stomach.

Danhai’s real yuan is still being consumed quickly.

The roots of the big trees are against the sky, and they continue to grow, and they continue to expand their sites.

Sun Hao’s sitting is the whole year’s movement, and it is constantly replenishing his true elements. The spiritual revolving above the sky has always been hovering, firmly over the top of Sun Hao’s head, if not here. The cave of the heavens is the inside of the cave, the aura is very rich, and maybe the surrounding aura has long been sucked away by Sun Hao.

Above the sky, the Terran monks who are still flying in the refining cloud, are also amazing.

The combination of the great power is really a combination of power, cultivation of a secret surgery has made such a big movement, it is really served.

This mystery should be no small feat. The adults have been sitting for more than a year. The huge spiritual swirl spread thousands of miles. Under the long white clouds, it seems to hold up another small cloud.

Agarwood is too powerful.

After more than a year of supplementing the true yuan, Sun Hao is really serving. This strange tree is probably the **** tree in his own guess, otherwise it will not be so fierce.

Nowadays, the roots of the big trees are already like spider webs, and they are covered with the bottom of Sun Hao Danhai. Sun Hao’s boundless Danhai only leaves a thin layer of real yuan, which is strong and can cover the thickness of one arm. Strong roots.

A strong and thick root is firmly absorbed in the bottom of Danhao's Danhai, and it really takes root.

At this level, the root system slowly stopped expanding.

Sun Hao's Danhai is huge and has no friends. It doesn't say that there is no limit to the world. At least there are thousands of miles in diameter. Good guys, the roots of this tree are so developed.

This is the situation in Sun Hao Danhai.

What makes Sun Hao laughter is that the meridians in the distance from Danhai to the liver are now completely filled with a huge root system.

All the roots in Danhai are concentrated in this meridian, connecting the liver of Sun Hao. This root system seems to have become a huge trunk.

This year, the non-stop cultivation, Sun Hao's huge real yuan is mainly two flows, one is to grow the roots of Danhai, and the other is to continuously flow into Mudan, it should be the birth of Mudan The real seedlings of the big tree.

Sun Hao’s meridians are many times wider than ordinary monks, and they can run a carriage completely, but now they are filled with a root.

Fortunately, this root has a magical ability to conduct.

It is good that the roots occupy all the space of the meridians, and the flow of all the real elements is unimpeded. The real elements can also flow along this line to any part that needs to be reached.

After the roots stopped growing, Sun Hao’s Danhai Zhenyuan slowly began to recover.

It took another three months, and Sun Hao refilled his own Danhai. The five attributes of foreign bodies were driven together, and the strong absorption of aura was maintained, maintaining the balance of root consumption.

At this level, the tree is still not sprouting.

The root system has reached such a horror, and it should have exceeded the growth conditions of the spirit tree at the heaven level.

If Sun Hao guesses well and judges that there is no mistake, if he is born in Mudan, the Danhai roots are raised, this strange tree that has not sprouted should be recorded in the vein network, all the spirit trees. Ranked first, the world's first tree, built wood.

It is very likely that it is built.

On the one hand, the five-wheeled wheel of his own, the last successful turn is a branch of tree building, which itself has the inheritance and special spirituality of building wood. Under the magical effect of the five elements of the wheel, the change of the ancestors became the building of wood. The possibility is great.

The second is the strength of the root system, which proves that this spiritual tree is the fact of building wood.

In the vein network, the roots of the tree have a certain range. In general, the roots of the human spirit tree will not exceed ten miles, and the prefecture tree will be controlled in the hundred miles. Within, even if it is a heavenly spirit tree, it is often difficult to exceed the root system of a thousand miles.

The root of a tree is beyond a thousand miles. What is the concept?

That is not the ordinary heavenly spirit tree can do it.

Among all the spiritual trees, there is a root of a spiritual tree, which is infinity. When the monk cultivates the network of branches and veins, how big is the Danhai, and how wide the root system can spread.

He is the first tree in the world, the first tree in the world, the building of the world.

Sun Hao’s Danhai is a few thousand miles away and is still covered by the roots of Lingshu.

According to this judgment, the probability of building a tree is more than 90%.

Jianmu, the **** of the gods, is a bridge to communicate with the gods of heaven and earth.

According to legend, in ancient times, the monk went to the important passage of the immortal world, and the majestic of the building, from which he grew up and went straight to the fairyland.

Jianmu Zhixiong, the network of branches and veins is the first tree in the world.

In the classics of the Terran, Sun Hao also saw the record of Jianmu God.

"Shan Hai Jing? Hai Nei Jing" 曰: "Between the black waters of the southwestern sea, there is a wide wilderness, after the funeral 焉 ... there are nine hills, surrounded by water. The famous Tao Tangqiu, there is a throne , Meng Yingzhiqiu... Jiuqiu has wood, green leaf purple stem, Xuanhua Huangshi, Mingjian Jianmu, there are nine 上, there are nine 下, in fact, such as hemp, its leaves like awning, smashed The Yellow Emperor is..."

There are branches and leaves in Jianmu, where flowers and fruits can be seen. Birds and beasts can be seen, and dragons and **** bells can be encountered...

Among the different races, the name of Jianmu is slightly different, and the magical use of building wood is slightly different.

For example, the Elf family usually refers to Jianmu as the "Tree of Life", and the powerful wood property energy of Jianmu can breed the life of the Elf, and the Elf is the mother tree.

For example, if the Taiyu nationality, it is called "Life God Wood", they use the body shape of the building wood to construct a blueprint of the world, saying that building wood is the skeleton of the world and the source of life.

The same is true for the same people, the Taoist classics and Taiyou classics also expressed a similar point of view ~ ~ Humanities classics believe that Jianmu can be combined with the fairy world, is the ladder of the gods.

Taiyou thinks that the root of the **** of life connects the demon of the abyss of the earth, and there is a troll's hand to prevent the evil devil from coming up for it; the crown of the **** of life together with the heavens allows the heavenly immortals to follow the tree and enlighten the beings. The wisdom of the people led the sentient beings to follow the gods.

In a word, among the many ethnic classics, Jianmu ranks first in all the spiritual trees, and is called the first tree in the world.

Sun Hao thinks that the one born in his own wooden Dan should be a "building wood."

If it is true, then your own network can be really powerful.

With the construction of the wood as the net, for the branches, to build their own context system, Sun Hao has no idea of ​​the extent to which his own context and body will be strong.

Only Jianmu, will need Sun Hao to invest in so many cultivation of the spiritual tree, and continue to take the real yuan irrigation for so long has not sprouted.

After the restoration of the real yuan, Sun Hao Ma did not stop, and made persistent efforts to put the last two Yunding Xiansong species into their mouths and began refining.

Jianmu only grew roots and did not germinate.

To make the construction of the wood sprouting, only the real yuan is impossible. The key is the origin of the wood attribute of the tree of the tree. Sun Hao does not know that the two Yundingxian pine trees will grow and the building will not germinate.

Guessing is the construction of wood, and Sun Hao’s heart is also a great surprise. When refining the Yundingxian pine tree species, he always maintains a rhythm that he can control, and always maintains his own true within the Danhai. Filling up.

The **** of the sea, also returned to the Dantian, full of heart, sinking into the dantian, always ready, sitting in the town, sitting cross-legged at the top of the sacred air tower, better driving the adjustment of the real yuan, refining The species of the tree. (To be continued.)

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