Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2115: Witch God's Song (2)

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The white clouds are long, and the dogs are instantly.

After being cultivated in high depth, every time you meet the opportunity, the time required for digestion will be calculated for several years.

Ten people in the Terran are in the midst of the white clouds. It is a decade of sitting, and the refining of the ship of the heavenly ship is gradually coming to an end.

With the refinery, the monks of the Wanxue Demon Island and the three kings of the gods were liberated one by one. Ten years later, above the sky, only the gods Liu Bo, the **** Wang Baichen and the Zhengyuanzi were still digesting the air. The last part of the ship.

Under the sea of ​​clouds, the Lingxuan has been rotated for a full ten years. The aura of the cave of the heavens has passed through the clouds of white clouds from the distance and poured down. The cloud network Tianluo could not withstand the impact of the aura a few years ago. The collapse collapsed.

Below the Lingxuan, it is already a giant wood towering, and a large expanse of forest covers the ground. The traces of the Wanli territory war have been completely submerged in the layers of fallen leaves of trees, and there is no trace.

Who can know that the underground of this 10,000-mile forest has buried thousands of elite monks of the tree and the burial of thousands of Morgans and Protoss monks.

Who knows that there has been more than one power fit here, like a fireworks, in the air, the last chapter of life.

The mysterious secrets of the incense of the incense have already made the family monks stunned. After sitting for ten years, the spirit is constantly changing, and it is a kind of cultivation of secrets. The world of the monks can not be judged by common sense.

During this decade, there was one person who accurately said that only one dog was not idle.

Bianmu called out the criminal treacherous battle, and the avatar was headless and ferocious. He played for a long time in the territory of Wanli and did not take immediate action.

Carefully tested a few times, Bianmu found that with the spirit of the Lord's soul in the vicinity of the sorcerer, the spirit is much more deceiving, and although he listened to himself, but it is not as reckless as before.

Bianmu does not want to alarm Sun Hao's deity, but also hopes that he can create a miracle again, and then he will be a boss of Hei Sunhao, thinking for a long time, and come up with a bad idea, saying to the headless and ferocious: "Sacred King, I know a kind of The way, you can see you again."

No head and fierce first asked: "Who is Woer?"

Immediately, the memories of Sun Hao recalled in the memory of Sun Hao, and said in his mouth: "I will not forget the children, dogs, and talk about how to see Woer again."

In addition to the spiritual spin of Sun Hao’s cultivation, Bianmu sought a mountain, and the dog’s paw pointed. Wang Wang cried: “The Holy King can build a sacred mountain in the mountain, build a sacred tribe, and wait for the tribe. When the time is right, Woer will naturally meet and see each other. At that time, not only Woer, but also Su Yue will reappear..."

Ever since, the headless savage began to scream under the command of Bianmu.

The requirements for border grazing are high, and it is not allowed to destroy the forest. It must be changed gradually with the existing environment. It is vowed that only this will take effect.

In the first few years, Sun Hao’s headless and savage body was busy alone, and the sacred mountain of the Hehe tribe began to take shape in the cave of the heavens.

After a few years, after the three goddess and other monks were freed from the white clouds, Bianmu ran to the **** Wang Liubo, and secretly exchanged for a long time, then brought three goddess to return to the holy king to help.

Several monks on Wanxue Island eagerly rushed to help, and were rushed away by the side of the animal husbandry. The dog screamed and screamed: "You are all big masters, doing things carelessly, while going, going to the three goddess Just fine..."

A few monks on Wanxue Island want to tell the side animal husbandry. In fact, the white blood witch Bai Jie is notoriously numb, right, if he is not careful, he will be careless.

The holy mountain was gradually built under the joint efforts of the three goddess and the headless and ferocious.

In the tenth year, the **** Wang Liubo and the **** Wang Baichen were also liberated.

Bianmu rushed to see the lively white morning, let the **** Wang Liubo also participate in the construction.

At this time, the Zhengyuanzi refining and gas transportation ship has reached a critical moment.

At this time, it is also the time when Sun Hao’s resources are gradually exhausted, and it is time to explode.

On this day, the headless and savage Masaru Knife sits on the sacred mountain that he made, and looks at the huge cyclone that hangs over the head of the deity. I don’t know why, the feeling of regret in my heart is like what a great project can’t be done. I can only hope to sigh.

At this time, there was a light rain in the sea of ​​clouds.

The raindrops lingered, falling in the mountains of Wanli, the thin blue smoke rising, the green hills and greenery, a fresh, headless fierce body slightly shocked, a pair of huge emulsified eyes revealing a silky doubtful expression.

A little bit stunned, he seems to have come to "Yunmeng of the Clouds" and saw a magnificent scene with magnificent scenery.

After the light rain, everything is full of vitality, a fresh, quiet and natural.

Headless and fierce, he couldn't help but stand up straight and stood up on the foothills of the holy mountain. Looking down, he was relaxed and happy.

Feel the scenery that makes people feel at ease in the mountains, and the body and mind gradually sink into it.

It seems that I have been carefree, strolling in the sparsely populated mountains, looking at the vast mountains and rivers, feeling my spirits, my thoughts drifting, as if there is something happy to come.

When I looked down, I didn’t see anything. When I looked up, I found an unusual scene. I saw a wonderful woman standing beside me.

Looking far away, the clean sun rises like a rising sun in the morning glow; nearly, it looks like a new lotus blossoming between green waves.

She has a moderate body, a high degree of shortness, a narrow shoulder like a cut, a thin waist, and a beautiful neck with a fair skin.

Her gestures are elegant and feminine, her manners are gentle and quiet, her mood is soft and smooth, and she stands out on the river beach, picking up the black cedar grass flowing by the water.

Seeing this peerless beauty, the headless and fierce eyes suddenly showed a hint of tenderness, and the belly button whispered, "Xiaohe."

Yes, the headless and savage saw the white dress and white dress, the elegant look of the Wo He, the veins of love, falling and looking at himself generously.

At this time, Woer, like a crane, shouted a light body, such as flying and not flying; and stepping on a path full of pepper and aroma, walking through the cuckoo grass to make the air flow. Suddenly, I grew up to express deep thoughts, and my voice was mournful and long.

He is dignified, beautiful, full of richness and warmth.

No head and fierce feelings, I am completely fascinated, appreciate the beautiful scenery, feel relaxed and happy, take a big step, no head and fierce go to the past, instinctively hope that I can hold the children into my arms, a consolation The bitterness.

Come to Woer and gently stop Woer.

There was a pink cloud in the air.

A white cloud bed, lying in the clouds, a light gauze, full of body, as if you can see a glimpse of black jade man lying on the cloud bed, a pair of big eyes can drip out water, gentle and teasing Look at yourself.

The headless and fierce pair of emulsified giant eyes flashed through the doubts, and instantly thought of it, the mouth of the navel eyes spit out two words: "Moon."

At this time, Su Yue was on the gums, boldly teasing himself, and whispered in his mouth: "Sacred King, come, I miss you, come, Su Yue is waiting for you."

There is no head and savage body, there are two squats, one is 勥禾, the second is Su Yue.

Hehe is cold and noble, and Su Yue is bold and bold.

The reason why the headless savage was able to wake up Sun Hao was because of the thoughts of Qihe, but in the same way, there was no head and fierce body, but there was an instinctive reaction to his two women~www.wuxiaspot .com~ An instinctive desire to rise from the depths of the headless and savage simple heart, an impulse to break out rushed to the headless and ferocious mind.

At this moment, if Sun Hao’s deity is not busy, or is not so nervous, he must have discovered that it is wrong, and may still prevent the next change.

But at this time, Sun Hao’s deity is nervously and eager to absorb all aspects of the aura resources, and strive to do his best to make his first development of construction wood better.

The headless and ferocious without the restraint of the deity is an unscrupulous existence.

At that time, the headless and fierce savage was in the vain department, but it was really fierce and arrogant.

The custom of the barbarian kings of all the barbarians is not a joke.

That's really done.

Hehe’s holy face showed a faint blush, softly said: “Adult, take me there, I don’t want to be surrounded by people...”

No head and fierce belly button said a good mouth, a big hand waved, picked up the grass.

Su Yue said with a grin: "The Holy King, I want too."

Headless and ferocious said very casually: "Then come together."

I do not know when, the second generation of the barbaric woman also gently came from a distance, said softly: "Sacred King, let us rest with us."

Hehe touched the head and savage belly button and said: "French, you are now too masculine in the body, do not know that there is a lot of violent gas accumulated, Woer is also not clean, your dog Not reliable, but it is a bit right, you need us to serve together."

Headless and ferocious seems to have returned to the past, as if I had heard similar words in the past, the navel and mouth said: "I am not happy."

He Er white eyes beads turned over: "obedient, husband, very cool..." (to be continued.)

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