Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2117: Mid-term fit (2)

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Yin and Yang combine Dafa.

The true combination of yin and yang, the imperial avenue of the emperor.

After the driving of the treacherous war, the top of the holy mountain, the weather is tens of thousands, the yin and yang are the same, the dazzling fairyland, in the thin clouds, brilliant bloom.

After the combination of yin and yang, the majestic Yuanyuan gave the most powerful help to Sun Hao Dantian.

Of course, because Sun Hao is currently cultivating the key moments of building seedlings in the body, the practice is also predatory. In a short period of time, it does not drive any yin and yang integration to the outside world.

The result is that the Holy King killed the Quartet, and the three goddess and the goddess of the gods took turns to take turns, and they were still killed and overwhelmed.

After driving the yin and yang to merge the Dafa, the body of the criminal squadron perceives the energy craving of the subject consciousness and suddenly understands the great significance of doing so.

Instinctively, I don't plan to stop.

In the eyes of the war, there is nothing wrong with it, and there is nothing right or wrong. Most of the time, it depends on instinct to act.

Once the violent mode is turned on, it will not stop at all.

Liu Bo is not far from the hills, his face is always very rosy, his mouth is not squatting, he keeps shaking his head, his body is cool, but he is firmly suppressed on the holy mountain shrouded in a strange atmosphere, not completing Dafa. It is not coming back.

Liu Bo feels that the ability to split is in a big recession, as if it has been deprived very badly. Although it is not enough in a short period of time, it is inevitable that the power will be greatly reduced.

The body of the incense, the body of the incense, is really powerful.

Sanchao did his best to help the avatar and could not resist it.

The weaker Jin Jin was unwilling to lash, and after three days, he fainted.

Wan Xue and Jiuwei are slightly stronger, but they are also completely conquered.

Thinking of the strength of Sancha, which is comparable to his own, Liu Bo did not shake his head and sighed. The agarwood is really agarwood, and his ability to do things is extremely powerful.

I can only sigh by myself, a man, who is compared in this respect, can only touch the nose, and it is worthy of being a drooling man.

Sun Hao sits cross-legged and relies on the sudden help to stabilize the standings and continuously input the true elements of Jianmu sprouts to ensure that their first development can grow stronger.

I don't know how long it has been, and the sudden help has gradually emerged. However, at this time, the Jianmu sprouts still only complete 90% of the seedlings, and there are still a few shoots, like thin thin velvet. The ceiling is in the sea of ​​Sun Hao's Dan, how can I not finish the last seedling.

No matter how many real yuan is absorbed, it stays at this level, and it is always a little worse and can't be completed.

Sun Hao gradually understands that this is not the true Yuan replenishment can complete the transformation, it is very likely, the lack of wood attribute source energy.

In other words, if you want to completely complete the seedling cultivation, you may need to cultivate and cultivate for a long time. Of course, if you can find a strong enough species of the heaven and earth, use the vein network to repair the secret method. It is possible to promote the construction of seedlings quickly and quickly.

Jianmu is extremely magical. It is just the seedling stage. It has already reached the strength of other spiritual woods. Its majesty has even exceeded it. With Sun Hao’s current cultivation, Sun Hao’s now wide and wide meridian and Danhai are It has been filled with seedlings of Jianmu, which shows the magic of building wood.

This level of seedlings, in fact, has exceeded the demand for Sun Haomai network branch refining, and the excess has reached the great perfect effect of the pulse network.

In other words, the predecessors who created this mystery did not expect that the monks in this world could get the construction of the wood, and they will grow and grow in the body.

What is Jianmu? That is the world’s first **** tree. It is the most powerful and least likely **** tree in the world. The predecessors who created this method have never really thought about it. Once a monk has built a wood cultivation network, it is a network of branches. What will be the end result.

Sun Hao doesn't know what he will eventually cultivate, but immediately, Sun Hao knows that the results after his cultivation may exceed his imagination.

The first development of Jianmu seedlings was completely completed.

The absorption of the real yuan gradually became full, as if it was full, Sun Hao was relieved with a slight sigh of relief, and was waiting to seriously observe the various situations in his body.

Sun Hao did not think of it, his own Danhai sea, those hanging wood branches and leaves began to drip suddenly, began to be small drops, hey, drop Danhai.

But in a moment, it dripped up and turned into a rustling sound. Then, the downpour rain fell from the sky, like a water scoop pouring down the water. A lot of real yuan liquid fell from the sky and fell to Sun Hao's Dantian.

Almost at the same time, in the depths of Sun Hao Danhai, the roots of those cobwebs are also bursting with real yuan.

Danhai, which has almost reached the bottom, began to rise in an instant.

One by one, flying fast, the real yuan really keeps going up.

The condensate empty tower in the real Yuan rain water, began to bloom golden light, it is quite exciting, the body of the gods bathed in the real yuan, it also appears to be spiritual.

Sun Hao’s heart is slightly stunned.

This is similar to the development of normal vein network branches. Looks like other kinds of spiritual trees, should there be such a rapid real yuan feedback?

Almost Sun Hao did not react much. The real yuan in Danhai has already passed the normal water level of Danhai, and he followed the path of Sun Hao’s meridians, that is, the newly formed Jianmu seedlings. .

Jianmu seedlings retain the most powerful characteristics of the vein network, which is that it does not hinder the rush of the real yuan. Sun Hao’s meridians still play their own powerful guiding role.

The real yuan that rushed to worship, one wave after another, rushed to Sun Hao’s limbs, various acupuncture points, and various meridians.

The real yuan in the Danhai is still insane. In less than a moment, the condensed empty tower has already floated. The body of the **** has been very dignified, constantly refining the true yuan and strengthening itself.

Sun Hao’s heart burst into a sudden, and the dark road was not good.

Jianmu is also too fierce. The speed of this real yuan feedback is a little beyond its own level of tolerance. Danhai can't accommodate it a bit, and the meridians can't stand it.

Do not dare to neglect, Sun Hao's all means are urgently called up, but this time, instead of providing Jianmu with real elements, it is frantically absorbing the excess real elements in Danhai and reducing its own pressure.

燚神炎,息壤,冷霜重水,水立方, two golden lungs mobilized together, the ghosts hold the tombstone, continue to let Miha help themselves.

Under the command of the treacherous war, the flesh also took urgent action to help the deity to overcome the difficulties of real expansion.

Sun Hao is fully committed and sinks into the cultivation, but his heart is vaguely understood. The conditions for the construction of his own building are quite strange, not only the product of the pulse network, but also his own five-wheeled spirit. product.

More importantly, Jianmu has always been born in Mudan. Mudan is the crystallization of his own cultivation for many years. The powerful wood property energy does not know how many years have accumulated.

This time, I have invested so many resources in my own cultivation. Only a large number of spiritual threads have surpassed ten. This massive amount of real elements has promoted the need for the growth of trees. However, after the construction of the trees, they follow the five elements of the wheel. When the practice of 诀 began to give back, the problem came.

Mudan's strong accumulation, the magic of building wood, created the Sun Hao meridian, do not know how much real energy contained, and now it is a landslide.

Even if it was just created by Sun Hao, the meridians reconstructed by Jianmu seem to be unable to resist the powerful real-life impact of the real yuan, the real life of the building trunk, the wave of the waves, the wave network The branches gradually resisted and began to infiltrate the true Yuan liquid, and more and more.

Strong accumulation, even if Sun Hao is fully committed, still can't digest.

At this moment, the micha of the tombstone spirit is very surprised. The time of this cultivation is really long enough. It has been more than ten years before and after. In the first ten years, it has been very hard, and every time I have been pumped in, peeled off. The feeling of the wolf is open, and it can only be hardened by the scalp.

But now, the feeling of being evacuated disappears, and the feeling of being exploded is in the mood.

Under the driving of the yin and yang combination, the pure real element of the surging and rushing into the body, the mouth screamed: "Xiao Hao, what kind of ghost you are doing, the old lady is fighting with you."

One turned over and pressed against the sneaky, and Miha sucked up desperately.

Xiaohao is definitely hard to accept now, and he can’t fight it. (To be continued~^~)

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