Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2119: Mid-term fit (4)

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Although the heart is very different, but Sun Hao did not pursue too much, Zhang Liu Jin is the most typical representative of his own body repair, his first gas and body can be combined with the six gold body, it is considered to be overfulfilled The task is not enough, the problem is not big.

Sun Hao is now in the midst of breaking and unbreaking, and the perception of the whole person is also a very peculiar state.

Broken and unbroken, knowing and not knowing.

At this time, Sun Hao’s deity consciousness knows what his body is doing, and instantly sees his own body in the practice of cultivating yin and yang to help him through the difficulties of cultivation.

However, Sun Hao’s deity consciousness is completely in that state of ignorance at this time. It is very mysterious and does not know or remember the magical state of not paying attention to the flesh.

It’s like a person is doing a good job to concentrate on one thing, coming in alone, screaming at random, and he doesn’t know who is coming in, or even a magical state that comes in and is not sure.

This is the most fundamental state of practice during the practice period.

Only in this state can the various practices of the monks be better integrated into the flesh. If you can't enter this kind of practice, the monks must practice the various kinds of fits.

To put it simply, this state of practice is equivalent to the epiphany of cultivation, and the usual water mill is equivalent to daily accumulation.

Among the feelings of Xuanzhi and Xuan, the real elements in the Sun Hao Danhai and the meridian air pockets permeated, gradually merged with the Zhang Jinjin body, and the golden light of Zhang Liujin body gradually integrated into the whole body.

Sun Hao sits cross-legged, and the golden light shines on the mountains and rivers.

All Terran monks were alarmed and looked at Sun Hao’s practice from afar, and his heart was full of surprises.

The mystery of Aquilaria is so powerful that it has been repaired for more than a decade, and now it is even more like a god.

The light of the golden body makes people feel the urge to pay homage, and the secret technique of adults is afraid that they will soon be successful in cultivation.

In this state of broken, unbroken, golden light, Sun Hao sat for a few months.

Until this day, with a bang, Sun Hao felt that his Danhai had expanded a lot, and the water in the Danhai fell sharply. At the same time, the whole body was flying fast between the wooden branches. The ground is running.

At about the same time, Sun Hao fell out of Xuanzhi’s mysterious cultivation.

The first feeling is that the real element of the whole body is like a wild horse that is dislocated. It is running in its own meridians, Danhai and the real body.

this is?

Sun Hao’s heart suddenly moved, and he quickly understood that he should have completed the gas and bodywork initially, and as he completed this crucial step, he did not know that his body was strong and the real yuan soared. Unconsciously, on the road, I took a big step forward.

From the early days of the fit, he jumped forward and achieved the mid-term monk.

Mid-term fit.

Actually, I entered the middle of the fit so quickly? Sun Hao feels a little unbelievable, and his heart also has boundless joy.

I haven’t been so hard to climb for so long.

I didn't think about it. When I arrived, I went straight into the middle of the fit.

Sun Hao is full of golden light and shines. It is not the same thing at first glance. However, whether it is Zheng Yuanzi or other human race monks, he will never think that Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang will advance so quickly to the middle of the fit. That's incredible.

Sun Hao himself feels incredible.

Thinking about the road of cultivation along the way, Sun Hao suddenly has a feeling of sleepwalking. After his advanced stage of integration, he has accumulated a strong accumulation of distraction, which can be said to be triumphant.

When I was not careful, I advanced to the beginning of the fit, and I accidentally advanced to the middle of the fit.

This speed of cultivation is definitely beyond the imagination of other monks.

Ordinary monks have to take this step, fearing that it will take tens of thousands of years to calculate, and for themselves, the millennium will not arrive, will it be too fast?

Sun Hao sits cross-legged and realizes himself. His face has a faint smile. This is a big chance.

I was thinking about it in my heart. A thing that made Sun Hao feel very strange happened.

On his own head, there was a dark cloud, and there was a silver snake flying inside, hiding the thunder and fire, as if eager to try, ready to fall on his head.

Robbing the clouds?

How is Sun Hao’s first reaction possible?

I am only in the mid-term of the promotion, and there is no breakthrough in the cultivation of the big class. According to the truth, there will never be a catastrophe. How can there be a robbery cloud?

But right away, Sun Hao’s knowledge was swept away and he had already understood what was going on.

The expression of laughter and laughter came to the face of Sun Hao.

It is no wonder that he received great assistance from the flesh at the crucial moment, but it turned out that this ridiculous thing happened. The sorcerer of the sorcerer actually ran out and used his own methods to ingest the true elements needed to cultivate the buds.

Presumably, at the crucial moment, I will provide myself with a steady supply of real yuan. It should be the three empresses and the gods of the Witch God Palace.

When they were almost blasted, they were helping themselves to vent their floods.

In a word, for a moment, Sun Hao suddenly did not know how to deal with this mess.

This is contrary to Sun Hao’s principle of being a man, not the wish of Sun Hao, especially, seeing the **** of the air in the air, Liu Hao, Sun Hao’s heart is incomparable, a big man’s avatar, actually engaged It’s a woman who doesn’t say it, and she’s got it. What’s the matter?

The king of Liu Bo’s avatars is very rich in accumulation, and he has been helped by his own yin and yang combination, and it is logical to advance the fit.

The day of robbery is not to rush to yourself, but the king of the world, Liu Bo, advances to the world.

However, the cyclone of his own cultivation is very large, and the **** Liu Bo is just advanced under his own cyclone. Therefore, the robbers will cover themselves.

Moreover, because he is a fit and power, standing under the robbery, he is regarded as a provocation against the robbery of the heavens. In addition, he has the traction of the heavens and the earth in the middle of his own integration, and it is estimated that the difficulty of this robbery can be I don't know how many times it has been added.

While Sun Hao stabilized his own advanced training, he paid attention to the **** Liu Liu.

At the same time, Sun Hao also began to search for the memory of the criminal day, to see what happened during the time of his practice.

According to the truth, the criminal sorcerer will not run out of his own. Without the command and command of the deity, he will run away with his own distraction, but there will be problems.

In addition, Sun Hao is also very strange, why the two deputy souls do not prevent the criminal sorcerer from leaving the post.

Soon, Sun Hao found the answer from the sporadic memory of the sorcerer.

There was a secret in the mouth: "Dead dog", Sun Hao's heart was a little this guy actually couldn't go to teach him to distract himself to do bad things, come up with so many things, let yourself later I don't know how to face the monks of East Kunlun. It seems that we must rectify and rectify the family style, so that the pastoralists can remember.

In the middle of the advanced fit, Sun Hao needs a lot of time to steadily improve, especially this advanced, which is a quick success, many hidden dangers and deficiencies, and Sun Hao needs time to polish.

Jinguang is restrained, and Sun Hao is still sitting cross-legged. It seems that there is no movement at all. Zhenyuanzheng is slowly driven by Danhai and the meridians under the driving of the gods. Sun Hao does not move to see the **** Liu Bodu.

In general, Liu Bo’s day robbery was many times weaker than Sun Hao’s robbery.

However, because of Sun Hao’s provocation, even if Sun Hao has now converged his own momentum and golden body, the heavenly robbery is still aggravating a lot.

Far beyond the difficulty of the advanced fit monk advanced.

Above the white clouds, Zheng Yuanzi, who was able to recover the gas carrier, was deeply frowned and worried about the **** Liu Bo.

There are five mines in this world: "Silver Thunder, Jin Lei, Tian Lei, Shen Lei and She Lei."

The normal monk's digressive combination is usually "golden thunder, thunder to", and the golden thunder is generally not particularly strong.

When Sun Hao advanced into the body, it was a direct "Tianlei", and it was still very strong, and the top of the thunder began.

When Zheng Yuanzi advanced, the first thunder was only the most common, just "golden thunder."

Now, the first Thunder of the **** Liu Bo has reached the apex of Jin Lei, very close to the gods.

Zheng Yuanzi really doubted that the sinister Wang Liubo could hold a few times.

This guy who is filthy **** is doing bad things and is going to be retribution... (to be continued.)

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