Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2121: Fu Junwei

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The three maidens were shocked and stunned. When they came over, they suddenly discovered that the white light flashed in the headless and fierce hands. Liu Bo’s **** was much better, and his injuries were quickly restored.

In the past, Liu Bo shook again.

No head and fierce look, he shook almost, and his hand flashed white.

The three maiden faces face each other, and their expressions on the face are relieved. At the same time, they also sigh with incomparable sighs. The means of the scent of the scent of the scent of the scent is truly magical and amazing.

The intensity of Ziwei Shenlei is always controlled within the limits that Liu Bo can endure, and the spirit of Liu Bo’s body is constantly being transformed.

If it is other gods, Sun Hao may not be able to do so easily, Ziwei Shenlei is one of the gods that Sun Hao can easily control.

Liu Bo is not at all dangerous.

Shen Lei released the Thunder Power in Liu Bo's body. After half an hour, Wei Neng gradually dispersed. Above the sky, the Thunder dissipated and began to show red fire.

Under the control of Sun Hao’s deity, the headless and ferocious body threw two white radiances on Liu Bo’s body, completely recovering his injuries, reaching out and grabbing the remaining thunder, and taking a navel and a mouth. I swallowed it.

Silent, if nothing, digested the Ziwei Shenlei, the navel and the mouth of the mouth said: "You are safe in this robbery, this seat is watching on the side, rest assured, no accident."

After that, the big hand waved, grabbed three goddess and maiden, and fell to the holy mountain below.

Da Ma Jindao, sitting on the holy mountain, threw a few white light to treat the three goddess, no head and fierce, this is to look at the sky, observe Liu Bodu.

Above the sky, Liu Bo’s heart is full of feminine sighs. He’s admired the means of Sun Hao’s means, and he has nothing to do with the kind of concern and tenderness in his heart.

However, in any case, seeing the stalwart body above the sky, Liu Bo’s heart, inexplicably settled down, gathered courage, sat cross-legged in the air, greeted the second disaster, the fire of the industry.

The demon repairs pay attention to brave and daring, and all the way is the dragon and tiger method. Many methods are big and dry. The fire of the fire is also quite dangerous for the magic repair. If you are not careful, you will be entangled in the fire. Turned into fly ash.

All Terran monks look at the red clouds rolling over the sky, and their hearts are speculating. What is the incredible feeling of anti-roath of Shenxiang adults?

In order to gain the richness of the gods, Liu Boxiu, after Sun Hao treated the injury, he showed very tenacious resistance, and the skyfire raged and fell, and he was blocked by four of his life.

Until the fifth day of the fire, this showed a state of support, and the three goddesses and the human family, Zheng Yuanzi, waited for the monks to stand up together.

Unablely, I looked at the tall, headless and ferocious.

In the eyes of a pair of breasts, the golden light is revealed, and the belly button of the navel is said: "Sure, calm and cultivate, and the other handed it to me."

In the voice, the big hand stretched out, a huge palm print appeared in the air, caught in the sky, the fire, the blasphemy, the gods and the gods at the same time drive, the air is waiting for the anger of the fire inexplicably stabilized, grasped by the huge palm , caught in the palm of my hand.

The fist was clenched, and the fire was written by the big hand. It was placed on the head of the **** Wang Liubo. A little bit, squeezing water, squeezed out of his hand according to the limit he could bear.

This is too much too fierce?

Zheng Yuanzi is so speechless, is this still a fear of a tiger?

How did you get to the hands of Shen Xiang, so obedient?

The three goddesses looked at each other and saw the surprises and worship in each other's eyes.

The nervous color on the face of Wanhui Witch White Jie finally dissipated completely, his body fluttered slightly, and he fell on the thick thigh of Sun Hao. He raised a small fist and gently slammed it up. He said softly in his mouth: The husband is fierce and the slave is convinced."

The headless and ferocious glanced at her, and said: "The lady is relieved, the little lady is fine, the deity is here, and the physical robbing is natural."

The subject consciousness is helping Liu Bo to rob, and the sorcerer of the sorcerer has come to such a sentence to the waning witch, and Sun Hao is a little bit dumbfounded.

In the heart of the sorcerer's day, the following three goddesses and Liu Bo in the air are all women.

The waning witch giggled and said to the following: "The big sister and the second sister are all coming to serve the husband..."

The two goddesses flew up and landed on the body of the sorcerer's shore, and kneaded it.

Sun Hao’s deity is crying and laughing.

The punishment of the day is very enjoyable.

The audience, there are two reactions.

The magician monks have a big heart and feel very good. Liu Laoda’s family is very good with Shenxiang adults. Later, if East Kunlun does not receive extra care, at least it will not be suppressed by Shenxiang adults.

Zheng Yuanzi and other Taoist practitioners are shaking their heads in unison. The magical road demon woman is really not shy and innocent. In public, they are not guilty.

See no evil, no evil.

Liu Bo’s complex robbery itself is very fierce, and it is even more disturbed by Sun Hao’s interference.

The day fell red lotus, the fire of the fire also fell down seven.

Sun Hao used the combination of 燚神炎 and 燚神 determined to forcibly pick it up, and entered it into Liu Bo’s body. After finishing it was two white lights, which were sprinkled on him, allowing him to fully recover and greet him. The third disaster, the hurricane.

This disaster, Liu Bo's resistance is stronger than the resistance to the industry, and fully resisted the sixth, which reached the limit.

Live up to expectations, Sun Hao once again shot strong, weakening the strength of the seventh hurricane, helping him through the world.

This time, Sun Hao used the agarwood sword, the sword played the eight winds and fixed the field, constantly interrupting the intensity of the hurricane, let Liu Bo bear the last difficulty a little bit.

The strength of the incense and adults makes the hearts of every individual monk in the war, which is full of incredulity and deep expectations.

Especially those who are distracted and perfect, such as Bai Chen, this time looking at Liu Bo in the air, the heart is full of envy.

Liu Laoda has escorted by Shen Xiang adults, and finally forced to cross the world and robbed, advanced fit.

This kind of opportunity is really enviable.

Compared to the price he paid, there is no doubt that a fit is enough to make up for everything.

The strength of Sun Hao suddenly suddenly made people understand that a person can only stick to the incense of adults, as long as they can follow the pace of the adults, then as long as they can find a chance to fit, then the success rate of the advanced There is no doubt that it has increased many times.

In the history of Zhongxu for so many years, like the adult of Shenxiang, it can help people to cross the sky, and it is really rare.

The body of that stalwart was instantly immersed in the hearts of all human beings and could not be shaken.

Just when everyone thought this was the final result.

Sun Hao once again demonstrated his ability to surprise them.

The criminal sorcerer screamed in the set off, one-handedly, lifted up Liu Bo, jumped from the holy mountain, the body vacated, straight into the air has not completely dispersed Among the thunderclouds, he said in his mouth: "Heavens are nectar and suck."

Liu Bo instantly understood that he sat down on his knees and had a huge attraction. He madly absorbed the nectar in the air and stabilized himself.

At this moment, the tall punishment of the sorcerer towered in the thundercloud, silver light walked up the body, and some parts of the body also ignited a raging fire.

However, Liu Bo on the palm of his hand, without any loss, happily absorbed the nectar itself.

Under the sky, the human monks looked at their hearts and minds.

Bai Jie Jiao laughed again and again, shouting in his mouth: "The husband is mighty, the husband is mighty..."

I don't know if she is a grandson, but Liu Bo.

After three hours, the thundercloud above the sky completely dissipated. Liu Bo really became the third companion of the Terran after Sun Hao and Zheng Yuanzi.

Sun Hao’s Sense of Consciousness moved, and the criminal sorcerer stepped in the air, stepping out from the direction of Sun Haozhang’s six golden bodies, and quickly descended on the body of Sun Hao’s body, turning into the form of Sun Hao’s deity and integrating into the golden body. Begin to consolidate the mid-term cultivation of its own.

Above the sky, calm down.

All the monks were quiet, and the three goddesses also sat down on the knees and digested the proceeds of this practice. This time they were repaired with the sorcerer's day, and their repairs also improved a lot, and it took time to consolidate.

Zheng Yuanzi also shifted his attention and began the final recovery of the gas ship.

But what is not calm is the passionate heart in the hearts of the monks, and today they witnessed the birth of a fit and power. The process is so magical, so incredible, so inspiring.

The Terran has an agarwood adult, and it should be a big leap. (To be continued.)

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