Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2127: Zheng Yuanxin

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The rainbow is the waist and the white clouds are the deck.

Thousands of miles, proud of the world.

The ship is divided into two layers, the upper one, a piece of snow white, seriously to see, the clouds linger; the lower layer is green, bright and atmospheric.

Among the white clouds, a lot of Xianju Mountain Houses have been looming, and the heavens and the earth are very rich, and the monks can practice in them.

The Qiyun Tianjian is also the most important spiritual sanctuary of a race. The rich aura is enough for the monks practicing in it to make rapid progress.

The gas transporter finally got out of the air.

In the forest of the cave, the rainbow is full of colorful light.

The entire spaceship looks sultry and radiant.

However, at this time, Zheng Yuanzi’s recovery of the gas transporter’s ship was still the last step, collecting the nuclear power of the gas transporter’s ship, which is the drive and control center of the gas transporter.

At this time, the gas-powered spaceship is still in the wild state that has just been born. If the Terran wants to get his approval and help the Terran to suppress the race, it needs to be surrendered by the nuclear power of the air, or it is recognized.

All Terran monks sit on their knees and continue to infuse the real yuan into the rainbow, maintaining the shape of the entire airship.

Only after Zheng Yuanzi truly recovered the nuclear power of nuclear transportation, this stereotype is truly completed.

The reason why the airship of a race is silent, the reason why it will disappear, is that the biggest reason is that when the shipowner of the previous generation died, he failed to pass the nuclear power of the ship in time.

This kind of inheritance, when the ship owner is in, can be slowly adapted by the monks to try to adapt, slowly transforming, usually, only need to distract the above, you can gradually complete the recovery through the long-lasting polishing.

This situation is slightly different now.

Silently, I don’t know how many years of gas-powered ships will be quite unruly. The shipowner does not have two brushes, and simply can’t hold the core of air transport.

If everyone can accept it, maybe Liu Qi and Bai Chen will not be in the same position as Zheng Yuanzi.

Under normal circumstances, similar to this kind of re-recovery in the wild state, it is generally better to play in person.

At this time, at the crucial moment, in order to become a new generation of shipowners of the gas transporter, Zhengyuanzi must brighten his muscles and demonstrate his own ability.

Zheng Yuanzi sat kneeling between the white clouds, erected with one hand, and had words in his mouth. The sky was flying in the air and turned into a huge iron ruler. He slowly pressed down to the depth of the white jade in the middle of the gas ship. .

In order to recover the nuclear power of the air transport, the first step is to force the core of the air transport to force it out.

After years of refining, Zhengyuanzi has mastered the law of the operation of Feihongshan in the cloud, which is to find the core of the air transport.

Nowadays, the direction in which the measuring ruler is pressed is the hidden position of the nuclear power.

Below the measuring ruler, the clouds roll up and change different body types from time to time. It seems that there are hundreds of beasts, and they are very unwilling to be crushed by the sky.

The huge amount of Tiantie ruled down in an inch, and the sound of Zheng Yuanzi’s clear and awe-inspiring spread throughout Tianyu: “Feihong, the ship of your own nationality, nowadays, adhering to the trend of the human race, I am forcing you to come out. I just hope that you can adapt to the world and re-create the glory of my people."

The rolling white clouds seem to have a weak spirituality. After hearing these words, they are quiet.

The measuring ruler pressed down a few more points. Zheng Yuanzi was righteous and shouted loudly: "Feihong, you have appeared, sick..."

The measuring rod suddenly trembled and pressed down a few minutes. A small piece of colorful clouds seemed to be squeezed out. It rushed out from the edge of the measuring ruler and floated quietly in the air.

Zheng Yuanzi breathed a sigh of relief and finally forced out the nuclear power of the air transport. Next, as long as he recovered this colorful cloud-like nuclear power, he could control the airship and ship the sky. From then on, the combat power increased greatly, maybe Can be compared with Agarwood.

The strong rise of Sun Hao has made Zheng Yuanzi feel gratified at the same time, but also has a faint envy, and has a strong taboo.

In those years, the Zhongxu people were all the world of Zhengyuanzi, and all of them were Zhengyuanzi. With the rise of Sun Hao, Zhengyuanzi found that he had no ability to speak.

The strength is much weaker than Sun Hao.

Sun Hao raised his hand and killed several prestige powers, and Zheng Yuanzi was frightened.

Once Sun Hao is dissatisfied with the status quo of the human race and raises objections to his own governance, Zheng Yuanzi really does not have much ability to refute.

If you can recover the gas transporter, then Zhengyuanzi will have the ability to talk to Sun Haosun.

The gas-powered spaceship is no better than the extension-class spaceship. Momosoltian relies on the extensional spaceship to resist the magical law of Sun Hao, but it cannot resist the combination of the magical law and the golden body.

But he is the son of Yuan Yun who can sail.

The biggest difference between a gas-powered spaceship and a Tuoyu spacecraft lies in the huge difference in the source of combat technology.

The key to the fact that the gas transporter can be crowned with the word "air transport" is that a gas-powered day ship can compete against a fit and power, and a gas-powered day ship with a fit and a big power can have a higher resistance. The power of the level fits the power.

The extension-class spacecraft is capable of developing powerful attack capabilities such as real-powered cannons and extinct cannons.

However, these attacks are routine attacks. They are equivalent to a single unit. The average soldier can master the moves. However, the higher the level of the flying ship, the higher the proficiency of the move and the greater the power.

After the air transport of the ship, there will be a huge change, each air transport ship will produce unique combat capabilities according to the different construction of its own structure.

The air transport Tianyu Feihong, among the people's classics, has recorded, it is the car of the ancient famous Feihong ancestors, the epic-class airship, the legend, at least three characteristics record.

A glimpse of the flying rainbow blade; two rainbow trouts;

What kind of power is there, the history is ominous, and it is very powerful. When the fit is strong, it can force the late monks.

In the heart of Zheng Yuanzi, I am full of expectation. Although I will not be awkward with Shen Xiang, I have a certain ability to speak with the Feihong, so I am more comfortable.

The measuring ruler is still pressed on the colorful clouds. Zheng Yuanzi’s hands stretched out forward, and the big palms were erected on top of the colorful clouds.

The colorful clouds were isolated from the cloud sea by the big palm, and suddenly they were restless, and above the sky, they floated slightly and rolled, trying to return to the white clouds.

Zheng Yuanzi said softly: "Feihong, you are the human race of the people and guard the heavenly ship. It is the patron saint of my people. Now I sincerely invite you to return. I believe that our people will respect and protect the air as always. rainbow."

The colorful clouds understood the words of Zheng Yuanzi, and they settled down a little. Zheng Yuanzi’s heart was overjoyed, he urged the secret technique and stepped up to recover.

But at this time, the accident was suddenly born, and it was taken into the storage bag by Zheng Yuanzi. The gas spoon that he got from the auction suddenly took out not waiting for Zhengyuanzi Interception, has quickly rushed into the colorful clouds.

Zheng Yuanzi is slightly stunned.

The colorful clouds instantly swayed a lot, and a small colorful man emerged from it. The voice of the old tree He Yutian’s murderous voice came out: "Zheng Yuanzi, you are countless, I didn’t expect Laozi to stay. One hand, hahaha, you are not refining the key to this gas, I see how you collect the nuclear power of the air..."

Zheng Yuanzi sneaked a sigh, and his mouth screamed: "He Yutian, what are you doing?"

The colorful villain is just a sacred will of He Yutian. Naturally, no answer can be given to Zheng Yuanzi. In the sound of Zheng Yuanzi’s screaming, the colorful villains blasted open and fell into the clouds, disappearing. .

Almost at the same time, the nuclear power of the nuclear power began to violently sway, and it kept swaying and rolling, and it could not stop.

The two big hands of Zheng Yuanzi moved around with the nuclear power of the air, stopped him from letting him go back to the white clouds, and kept screaming in his mouth: "Feihong, you don't want to be provoked by the villain, you are my human town. The things of the family should be used by the human race."

The colorful clouds are not taken care of, and the four are scattered, turning into a blue smoke, falling below.

In the middle of the gas-powered day ship, the huge colored rainbow flying like a streamer slammed up, and the human race monks who were holding the rainbow suddenly felt more pressure, a little crumbling, and could not stand the feeling of standing.

Zheng Yuanzi hands left and right, the heart is not good, the **** tree people, dying will be bad for me, this time the recovery of the gas ship will be a failure.

At this time, Sun Hao’s voice came out from under the clouds: “Feihong, obedient, or else, this seat has destroyed your source of flying rainbow, letting you completely silence, never leaping...”

A rainbow of ribbons, a moment of great anger. (To be continued.)

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