Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2129: Hao Anyi (2)

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The air transported flying rainbow ship slammed into the sound of the cave.

Zheng Yuanzi slowly landed the Feihong ship and stood at the head of the ship. The Terran monks appeared in Qi.

There is a bright smile on his face. Zheng Yuanzi said: "Agarwood, I am going to get Feihong into Danhai. If you have a subordinate monk who wants to go to practice, please come at any time, I will try my best to arrange it."

The level of aura concentration in the air transport flying rainbow ship is indeed much higher than the average level of the air-cured empty tower, and higher than the east and west Kunlun Xianshan, and it is really possible for people around them to use it.

Sun Hao is also welcome, nodded and said: "Well, I will let them go to you when necessary."

Zheng Yuanzi nodded and said good, and looked at the witch **** Liu Qi. He said in his mouth: "Liu Qidaoyou, East Kunlun, I promised to be able to enter the monks within five hundred. After you go back to pick, let them come to me."

The air transport celestial body is over a thousand miles long, and the width is over a hundred miles. It is horizontally in the air. It is really a huge flying continent. Even if a million monks enter, it will be quite loose.

Under normal circumstances, the conventional air transport celestial warrior configuration will not reach as many as one million, but it will reach more than 100,000. Zheng Yuanzi only gives 500 yuan to East Kunlun, but it is a bit less.

Liu Qi slightly frowned.

Zheng Yuanzi said slowly: "You five hundred monks can not bear the daily maintenance of the Feihong ship, there is no terrible enemy, no need to participate in the battle, you can specialize in practice."

Although Liu Qi feels that the quota is a little less, but the air transport Feihong ship is in the hands of Zheng Yuanzi, he will be earned by Dan Tian, ​​but it is normal to not worry about the East Kunlun monk.

After glanced at Sun Hao, who had no quota restrictions, Liu Qi felt a faint smile on his face and said: "Oh, that's it."

After reaching the intention, Zheng Yuanzi drove the nuclear power of the air transport, and the air transport Feihong ship entered its own Danhai.

Only Dan Hai, who fits the monk above the monk, is likely to receive a huge airship flying rainbow ship. If it is a distracted monk, he can only command his own monk to run around, and don’t want to carry it with him because it is normal. Danhai, which is a great monk and completes a monk, will not exceed a thousand miles.

Dong Tianzhi is in the midst of the gap between the East and the West Kunlun. Zheng Yuanzi has collected the Qiyun Feihong ship, and everyone has reached the time of parting ways.

This time, the Tiantiansen’s gas-powered spaceship battle finally ended with a human race victory, and the series of struggles experienced during the ups and downs experienced the ups and downs of the process, so that every monk felt a lot of joy, while the heart was happy. The most is still the shock and reverence of Sun Hao.

The experience of the cave of the heavens makes the family's top-notch battle force clearly and clearly recognized. Today's human race, the strongest Optimus one column, is already Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

The power of the incense and adults is earth-shattering and unparalleled. With the rise of the incense and adults, the Terran is bound to prosper in the midst of the emptiness and prosperity. It is just around the corner.

At this time, Zheng Yuanzi did not dare to lean on the old and sell old in front of Sun Hao. After collecting the airship, he looked at Sun Hao and said with a smile: "Agarwood, what arrangement do you have next?"

If Sun Hao is willing to appear in the Terran, Zheng Yuanzi will naturally convene the core layer of the Terran to launch Sun Hao, let Sun Hao debut and get the status he should have.

Sun Hao smiled and understood the words of Zheng Yuanzi. However, as Sun Hao’s heart once doubted, the Terran did not take a big ride in the town, and the Flying People must have it. Sun Hao did not want to be stared at by peerless people. I feel that the current low-key is better.

After sweeping away the blood-blooded witch, Sun Hao said with a smile: "You are pleased to be a senior of the Yuanyuan. You, Daoyou, Aquilaria still needs time to sneak up and fix it. For the time being, I will not meet other monks. Now, I am going to go. A tens of thousands of blood magic island, in exchange for a thing, and then go to the Jinshishi room to touch the edge, you friends best when the incense has not appeared."

Zheng Yuanzi gave a slight glimpse and understood that Sun Hao was ready to continue to repair the world. He nodded: "So good, the Terran is now in the ascendant, and has not reached a certain height. Everyone is low-key and forbearing, but it is better."

A few of the human races were able to say goodbye to Sun Hao and follow Zheng Yuanzi as if to fly.

After the monks of West Kunlun walked away, Liu Qi’s face smiled and looked at Sun Hao. He said, “Dafujun, East Kunlun, how do you send me another 500 monks to enter the airlifting Feihong ship?”

The blood-stained king feared that the world would not be chaotic, and shouted: "Yes, yeah, the whole Wushen Palace has become your second room of the Agarwood boss. You can't leave it. The cow nose gives me 500 yuan here. You have to give us the master. ""

Sun Hao looked at these two guys, and his heart was quite speechless.

If it is not necessary to exchange the phoenix phoenix tree species, Sun Hao will not go to East Kunlun to find trouble.

Gently snorted in his mouth, Sun Hao said with a low voice: "The predecessors said that they gave five hundred, that is five hundred. I will give you more than ten people at most, don't expect too much, but, Zhengyuan seniors I didn’t say how long the 500 people were rotating. You can do it flexibly.”

Liu Qi’s eyes turned, and I didn’t know what a ghost idea I thought. I said it in my mouth: “The doctor is wise, and I know how to do it.”

Seeing Liu Qi like this, Sun Hao did not come from a bit of chills. He felt like a sore goose bump and coughed. Sun Hao said with a low voice: "The witch **** is just right, it is a combination of power, don't be surprised. , East Kunlun, you are the master, I will not, Zheng Yuanzi will not interfere."

Liu Qi felt a sigh of relief in his heart, his face bursting with a look of resentment, an orchid in his hand, said in his mouth: "Dafujun, you can't eat dry and don't accept the account, and you are still waiting for your favor."

Sun Hao was not right, and he said to the blood-blooded witch in his mouth: "Go, take me to Wanxue Island."

After that, the big hand pulled over the 10,000-blooded witch, and vacated, and went to the East Kunlun.

Together with Liu Qi, who has been scummed to the slag, it is simply impossible to communicate. Sun Hao is afraid of him, and it is not a fight. If he can kill, when he fits, he will let the slain die.

I can't afford to hide.

Sun Hao screamed at the screaming **** witch, running ahead.

Liu Qi looked at Bai Chen, and Bai Chen was awkward and said in a loud voice: "Boss, don't look for me, your doctor is an agarwood adult."

Liu Qi haha ​​laughed, chasing after Sun Hao, and also flew to the East Kunlun, his mouth cried: "Dafujun, wait for me, the slave can't catch you..."

Jin Hao and Jiuwei also smiled and then chased them up.

Several monks on Wanxue Island face each other.

Bai Chen shrugged and whispered in his mouth: "The things of the cave of the heavens, everyone should forget, remember the words of agarwood, when he did not appear, Liu Laoda's business, that is his family affairs with agarwood ~www Whoever can lick the tongue, I can't save you."

Behind the monks, Qi Qi said, "I understand."

Bai Chen took the lead and turned into a large cloud of blood, and also flew away to the East Kunlun.

After January, Sun Hao has arrived at Wanxue Island with Bai Jie.

At this time, the Wanxue Demon Island was not during the auction period. The surrounding chain was not open to the public. Of course, with Bai Jie leading the way, everything was not a problem. It didn’t take long for Sun Hao and Bai Jie to stand in the blood. Inside the island's **** strange room.

The jade finger pointed to a small box in the secret room. Bai Jie said with a crisp voice: "This secret room is the top secret that has been passed down for many years. The small box is a special space device specially designed for delivery tasks..."

At the moment of entering the secret room, Sun Hao felt a very strong space atmosphere, and also felt a faint spiritual level of pressure, and could not help but feel a little stunned. There is no doubt that this is probably the monk who released the mission that year. The handwritten pen.

That Hao Anyi's powerful means, after a long period of time, I don't know how many years, still have such a mysterious secret, but I don't know if I am still alive, and whether the task can be delivered.

Just at the moment when Sun Hao entered the Chamber of Secrets, Wei Xinbing, who was sitting cross-legged in the Jin Gang Palace, suddenly burst into white brilliance, and Hao Anyi appeared in front of Wei Xinbing with a surprised look.

Wei Xinbing opened his eyes curiously: "Boss, how did you run out yourself?"

Hao Anyi’s face showed a quirky expression, and his mouth said: “Someone entered my room.”

Wei Xinbing: "Halo, isn't your room the mirror? Who, why didn't I see it? Hey, hello, where are you going..."

After the words were not finished, Hao Anyi had turned into a white light, and suddenly disappeared. (To be continued.)

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