Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2131: Hao Anyi (4)

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The fifth one, no doubt, chose Mahayana Dan.

These exchange items opened by Hao Anyi are amazed, and each one is worthless, so that Sun Hao is very excited.

At present, the most urgent need for Sun Hao is the first species of the phoenix phoenix tree, which is the first species that can benefit Sun Hao directly. After refining, it can save thousands of years of practice time and make up the original source of the wood.

In the long run, it is very important to have a three-in-one and a big-time Dan.

Only at this time, with Sun Hao and the waning witch deceiving several things in succession, the box has already noticed that the box is not right, the speed of spitting out things is slow, and the power of sucking the dead charcoal is increasing. Can be replaced by Mahayana Dan.

The expression of the waning witch is also dignified.

Seeing Sun Hao’s goal and thinking of Sun Hao’s powerful strength, the Wanxue Witch suddenly understood that his doctor was a great Mahayana. Then he could help him take the Mahayana Dan anyway. Knowing that the husband wants to take advantage of Dan, he chose to give up his second item.

Sun Hao calmed down and said in his mouth: "Xiao Jie, let's get started."

The blood-blooded witch quickly chose the option of Dacheng Dan, and looked at Sun Hao, indicating that it is OK.

Sun Hao flew quickly and reached out inside.

The blood-blooded witch almost did not have any delay, and quickly clicked on the Mahayana Dan again, indicating the confirmation of the transaction.

The box was deceived four times in a row. This time, I finally learned the fineness, stuck in the Mahayana Dan, and kept it all the time. However, there was tremendous power to pull the dead charcoal in the hands of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s hand was pulled into many, unconsciously, and he was pulled in for a long time. At this time, Dacheng Dan rose from the bottom of the box.

The eyes of the Wandering Witches are bright, and they frown in an instant: "French, you need to hold on for a while, and wait for the Mahayana to rise again, I can take it."

Sun Hao nodded: "I try to be", the strength of the box pulls, the grandson's golden palm is getting longer and longer, and the powerful force seems to exceed the limit of Sun Hao.

The rise of Mahayana Dan is still not slow, and the blood-blooded witch said: "If you can't pick up the Mahayana Dan, the original yin thing will go, the Mahayana will suddenly sink back. After all, we have already exchanged it. Four pieces, the deal has already been overfulfilled."

Sun Hao whispered: "I try my best, everything goes with it. If it doesn't work, don't force it."

Just as Sun Hao felt that he could not hold the original Yin charcoal, and Dacheng Dan was always out of the line and could not get it.

Deep in the bottom of my heart, Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei, the two great gods said in unison: "We can help you."

The strength of the golden palms grew instantly, and the original yin charcoal was tightly held.

On the wall, it was making a secret in the dark. Hao Anyi, who had to pull the original yin charcoal into the box, gave a sigh of relief, **** it.

Dadan Dan has already flown out of the box.

The waning witch whispered, and floated away, and took it to Dacheng Dan.

Sun Hao’s hand was loose, and the original Yin charcoal fell into the unknown space deep in the box.

Just in the heart of Sun Hao, he breathed a sigh of relief. When he looked at the blood-blooded witch, there was a cold cry in the room. The body of the blood-blooded witch swayed, and a squat in the air, fell down, and passed away with Dacheng Dan.

A white light was drilled out of the wall.

Hao Anyi grabbed Dacheng Dan with one hand and stood up in front of Sun Hao and Wanxue Witch. He said in his mouth: "Two little guys, you are too greedy, and again, again and again, this The seat has been intolerable."

Sun Hao saw the coming, and he couldn’t help but blurt out: "Hao Anyi, is it really you?"

Hao Anyi rolled his eyes and said in his mouth: "Is it not me, saying Sun Hao, you know that I am next to the little soldier, actually still lie to my baby, you are too bold to be?"

Sun Hao laughed twice and felt awkward in his heart. There was a feeling that the thief was caught in the current situation. He said that Sun Hao rarely did this. Once he did it once, he was caught. It was really a bit of a self-confidence. Said: "I didn't expect it to be you, I thought it was a heavy name. But with the little soldier, took my ride up?"

Hao Anyi's face is slightly red, and she blames the true woman. She has suppressed herself for so long, and she really owes a few small people to Sun Hao.

At this time, the Wanxue Witch had stood by Sun Hao, listening to the conversation between the two, watching the Mahayana Dan in the hands of Hao Anyi, the eyes kept turning.

Just after Sun Hao said a few old words, the blood-blooded witch giggled, facing Hao Anyi's slight blessing, it was a courtesy, then said crisply: "Predecessors, you finally appeared, our auction house but waited You have been more than 100,000 years."

Hao Anyi said with no anger: "If I don't show up, you still can't lie to my trades?"

The blood-blooded witch smiled and said calmly: "The seniors laughed, I just operated according to the rules of the auction house, and the predecessors should not be jealous."

Hao Anyi holds Dadan Dan in his hand, in front of him: "The little girl, everyone is getting what you are, you are still still arguing? Isn't this evidence?"

Wanxue Witch saw a look of awkward Sun Hao, blinked, said in his mouth: "Predecessors, you are wrong again, this bottle of Mahayana Dan, should be the reward of my husband Jun Shenxiang adults, you should return to the original master is ""

Sun Hao stunned.

Hao Anyi stayed in a hurry and smiled anxiously: "Little girl, do you think that my ancestors are bullying? Is it actually a deer in front of me?"

The waning witch said with a smile: "You are not safe, please listen to me."

Between the words, the bloodsucking woman's wrist stretched out, took out a roll of paper, turned it over a few times, threw it into the air, and threw it to Hao Anyi. The mouth said: "Predecessors look at Article 137. ”

Hao Anyi suspiciously looked at the past one hundred and thirty-seven, and saw the content, the body could not help but feel a little stiff.

Sun Hao is very curious about what this article says. The blood-blooded witch quickly gave the answer: "This is the basic content of the agreement signed by the auction house for all historical missions. Article 137 is such a Principles, historical missions According to their difficulty in completing, the auction house has the right to adjust and increase the bargaining chips. The things that the predecessors need in the heavens and the earth are too rare. They have not appeared for more than 100,000 years, so... ”

Hao Anyi has a headache. When I looked at the agreement, I really didn't pay much attention to this article.

The blood-blooded witch has said with a smile: "Therefore, according to the provisions of Article 137, our auction house adjusts the remuneration for each 10,000 years and adds one-time remuneration. Therefore, until now, the predecessors need the heaven and the earth. Things, the transaction price has become ten for one, that is to say, everything in the box, it should be my husband now..."

Sun Hao stayed Xiaojie is too embarrassed, and the extortion is too fierce.

This is really a story that is not surprisingly endless.

Hao Anyi also stayed, look at the Mahayana Dan, then look at the agreement, a bit dumbfounded.

The Wanhui Witch smiled and said: "The auction house can't find the predecessors to trade, and in order to ensure that my husband's interests are not damaged, so I can only make this decision. How can the seniors say that the auction house is guarding themselves? Now, Since the predecessors were present in person, then things would be easier, and the seniors were asked to hand over ten auction items to my husband in accordance with the rules of the auction house."

Sun Hao is speechless, but this is really a black saying, but it is also plausible and well-founded.

Hao Anyi is speechless, co-authored, and ran out. Not only can he not leave Dacheng Dan, but he also has to hand over the remaining pieces of auctions.

The blood-blooded witch said with a smile: "The predecessors are highly respected, but they are the ancestors of my family who have lived for 100,000 years. Shouldn't they be rebellious and not trustworthy?"

Hao Anyi feels that he has been very uncomfortable with these words. He took Dacheng Dan, took a look at Sun Hao, and looked at the Wanxue Witch.

Sun Hao said: "Predecessors are the ancestors of the human race. They are absolutely fair and fair. Today, with the predecessors alone, Sun Hao has no objection."

The waning witch is a blessing: "I also ask the predecessors to make decisions, but I am tens of thousands of years of credibility, gold signs, and also pity the predecessors."

Hao Anyi said, I am jealous, you are so badly bald, and you still have a golden sign, and you are not angry in your mouth: "I have done it, I know, little girl, you are reasonable, I will not pursue you." The crime of offense does not take back the traded goods you took. This Mahayana Dan, Aquilaria is also used, give him, but don't miss the rest of Laozi..." (To be continued.) )

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