Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2138: Guess Dove

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Sun Hao sat cross-legged and waited quietly for the final image. If he couldn't get an accurate answer, he was afraid to run a sneak peek and explore the immortal silver city.

Sun Hao went to the Jinshi Stone Room and sat for a few years.

Xiao He is outside, and his heart is full of curiosity.

It is sighing that the adults finally touched the Jinshishi room. The adults are not the pride of the sky. For thousands of years, the adults were the first to touch the existence of the Jinshishi room.

Curious is that the adults have touched something that is unacceptable, and it is only a few years to sit.

In the case of inheritance secrets, under normal circumstances, the ordinary secret technique, within the Jinshishi room, can be done in less than a month.

Only when it comes to grades, the high-end goods with a large amount of information will take about a year.

And more than a year of inheritance secrets, it is very against the sky.

Of course, if it is more than a decade, it means that this mystery is unparalleled in the importance of a race. It is a powerful inheritance that can alarm the power of race.

The top-notch Jinshishi room inheritance is said to take twenty years to complete, and after that, it is enough to shock the Zhongxu. In the legend, it is a powerful magic that can make a strong race rise.

Over the years, the spirit of the human race has been passed down, and the Jinshishi room, which is the will of the ancestors of the human race, has been hidden. What kind of secrets are hidden in the end, no one can say clearly.

It is just mysterious and mysterious.

The most powerful one that has ever been seen is said to have been more than a decade. After that, the Terran had a Mahayana monk and led the Terran to live a glorious time.

After that, after the opening of the Golden Stone Chamber, the time of comprehension did not exceed one year.

This time, Shen Xiang adults directly reached more than six years, there is no tendency to stop, that is, do not know what type of things adults get.

At least, the level should not be low.

The information in the Golden Stone Room is varied and it is said that different people will get different inductions.

In history, the biggest oolong event that occurred was that there was a personal ability to stay in the Jinshishi room for more than ten years, and realized a very powerful Xuan Tian Ling Bao refining technique, and it was very suitable for his body cultivation. It is a pity that the spiritual materials needed for the refinement of Xuan Tian Fabao are too rare, and the requirements for the refiner are too high.

In the end, the spurt of three liters of blood can only hope to sigh.

However, historical records, this genius was finally refining the imitation of Xuantian Lingbao, and at that time, it was once prestige.

Xiao He is very curious and expects what it is for Shen Xiang adults to understand and how long it will take.

It has always been honestly guarded in front of the Jinshishi room, during which only Zhengyuanzi was informed: "Adult, Shenxiang adults have touched the Jinshishi room, and have not come out for five years."

Zheng Yuanzi returned three words: "Know it."

The eighth year.

Xiao He is still quiet and quiet in front of the Jinshishi room, the assistants of the collection holy place are all opened, he personally guards.

On this day, his assistants couldn’t stop the man from running to understand the Jinshishi room.

A flying sword came from the air, and a monk shouted: "Small river, what happened? I have to come in and realize that the Jinshishi room is not perfect?"

Xiao He immediately stood up and stood in front of the people. He said respectfully: "The disciple Xiao He has seen the sage, and he has not seen it for many years. The sage is more and more advanced."

Wan Jian Supreme, one of the three ethnic monks who followed the Yuan Yuanzi and swayed through the cave of the heavens, was distracted, and ranked in the top three in the position of the human race West Kunlun, to enter the Jinshishi room, usually not Limit the number of times.

Of course, if it is not necessary, he will not run to the Jinshishi room.

Who knows that this time, I was told that Xiao He personally guarded the Jinshishi room, and no one should be acquainted.

When did you become a hacker?

When Wan Jian’s lord stood in front of Xiao He, his heart was slightly unhappy.

At this time, see Xiao He Gu, who is in his heart, and his heart is even more uncomfortable. He said: "Is the Jinshishi room occupied by people? Or what secret order did Zhengyuan adults have, I can't go in and enlighten?"

Xiao He didn't know that Wan Jian's sage knew the existence of Sun Hao. He hesitated a moment and pointed his hand at the Jin Shishi room. He said in his mouth: "The sage, there is indeed a monk in the stone room, and if the adult wants to go in, But it is necessary to wait for him to come out."

Wan Jian Supreme took a look at the Jin Shishi room and said in his mouth: "That line, I am waiting for this month, waiting for him to complete the enlightenment, I will go in again."

After that, the big model was large, sitting down in front of the closed Jinshishi room, his eyes hanging down, and he did not take care of Xiaohe, and he went to self-cultivation.

Xiaohe stayed, didn't talk, and sat down beside him calmly.

A month later, Wan Jian's sages blinked on time, looked at the Jinshishi room, closed it again, and went to practice.

Two months later, blink of an eye.

After three months, blink.


One year later, after Wan Jian’s eyes blinked, he did not practice immediately. He said in his mouth: “Small river, is there really someone inside?”

After the Jinshishi room was touched, the outside could not see the abnormality, but the guardian monk knew that because the person did not come out.

Xiao He said: "There are people, and they have been in for nine years."

Wan Jian Supreme stayed.

Going in for nine years? Who is this? I have been in it for so long, but I haven’t come out yet, but it’s going to be in the tenth, it’s going to be faster, so let’s wait.

The tenth year is waiting.

In the eleventh year, I am still waiting.


In the 20th year, I have waited.

Wan Jian Zun was unable to hold his breath, blinked, Zhang said: "Small river, is there really someone inside? According to what you said, it has not been more than 20 years, how is this possible?"

Xiao He said calmly: "The Sayādaw, indeed, someone who has gone forward in 20 years, Xiao He has been waiting here for twenty years."

Wan Jian Zun's brow wrinkled: "Who is it? It won't come out after so long? It won't anger the Jinshishi room, hanging directly inside?"

Xiao He thought for a moment, regardless of whether Wan Jian or his acquaintance knew it or not, said: "It is the adult of Shen Xiang, I don’t know if you have heard of it."

Agarwood adults?

Wan Jian Zun stood up from the ground and raised his hand to give himself a slap and sighed: "You crow mouth."

When I finished, my face showed a splendid smile. I said in my mouth: "Is it early that the agarwood is not finished? Tell me, I have not only heard of it, but I have also seen the incense of adults. You can't imagine it."

Xiao He’s eyes lit up and said: “Zheng Yuanzi’s adult has been there. I have seen Shenxiang adults, honors, and see their tone of voice. Has the agarwood adult been fit now?”

"Synthetic?" Wan Jian Zun smiled and patted Xiao He's shoulder and whispered: "Let's stop, look at you as a disciple of Zhengyuan adults, I will come to tell you that the incense of Shen Xiang adults is amazing ~ www Anyway, I have to wait for the adults, and I am idle."

Xiao He whispered: "If you have something to do, you can go to work first. After the agarwood is out, I will call the Sayādaw again."

Wan Jian's head shook his head quickly: "If you are not busy, you have to wait for the incense and adults to go out. If you say Xiaohe, guess what the fighting power of Shenxiang adults is?"

Xiao He groaned and asked: "Look at the statue of the sage, the agar man is very powerful?"

Wan Jian Supreme turned his eyes: "Isn't it amazing for you to guess? On the same day, I followed the Zhengyuan adults to smash the heavens and the roots, and encountered the old tree He Yutian, the Morgan Protoss Momosol and Momo Soda. Yes, one in the early and mid-late period, the Terran side is a fit and great power of Zhengyuan adults. At that time, seeing the kid of the Witch God will be trampled to death by Momoso, and the agarwood appears, well, the story is Tell you about this, you give me a guess of the fighting power of Shen Xiang adults."

Xiao He looked at the face of the sword with a look of excitement. The heart said, "You are no doubt that you are saying that the incense is very powerful, blocking the Momo cable days, I can’t guess, then it’s really The pig is gone.

Without hesitation, Xiao He said with a smile: "I feel that the fighting ability of Shenxiang adults must be at least equal to that of my master. Deterrence to the Morganic Protoss and the rescue of the old boy of the Witch God."

Wan Jian Zun erected a thumb: "Small river, yes, you are exactly the same as my original judgment. When Shen Xiang adults came out, I think so."

Xiao He stunned.

Wan Jian’s thumb turned to the next finger, and said in his mouth: “But the facts are quite different. The agarwood adults are much more than this. You guess again, let you guess three times...”

More powerful than this, can you guess three times?

Xiaohe is a little dizzy, won't it, a little beyond his imagination? (To be continued.)

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