Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2152: Goodbye

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After the monks of any race have cultivated to the level of distraction, cultivation will inevitably slow down.

Even if it is a powerful, talented race, such as a dragon, such as the Titan Protoss, after a certain level of cultivation, the speed must be slow.

Otherwise, the number of distracting powers among the imaginary people will not be so small.

Relatively speaking, Sun Hao's cultivation speed is already vast and ancient, so fast in the middle of the fit and has a strong fighting strength, has broken the historical routine.

After this level, Sun Hao really needs to polish it in the next time.

As for the level of cultivation of Sun Hao, the time seems to be no longer a problem. As far as the mid-term monk is in the mid-term, as long as there is no accident, there are hundreds of thousands of years of life.

Sun Hao’s practice for tens of thousands of years is actually quite normal.

If you don't say anything else, you can say that gas and body fit together, and you need to completely complete the expansion of more than 300 acupuncture points. Under normal circumstances, it will take more than 30,000 years.

In order to complete the journey into the soul, let your own seven sisters and two souls fly freely in the wooden space, it is estimated that there will be no tens of thousands of years to come.

Any fit and power is a eternal blame. This is no exception.

As a new-born fit, Sun Hao does have time to practice. Sun Hao can also fully affirm that he can fully advance to the next stage before his life is exhausted, and successfully enter the late stage of the fit.

In Sun Hao’s prediction, as long as his own qi and body are completely completed, and God and body are mostly completed, then he can advance to the later stage and begin to really prepare for his perfect fit.

The time to complete these two cultivations is about two or three thousand years. This is a short time for Sun Hao’s long-lived Shouyuan.

Sun Hao calmed down completely and began to walk around the world and unswervingly advance his own practice.

But the so-called tree is quiet and the wind is not endless.

Sun Hao walked quietly in the Terran area for less than a hundred years, and the situation of the Terran changed again.

When Sun Hao walked into the Hanggai Prairie, it was his time to merge and the human race was very prosperous.

Such a gas transport has ushered in an opportunity to open up the territory.

At that time, the extension of the border area, Sun Hao in the Hanggai big grass carp encountered a void beast, under the power of the gods, the extension of the domain.

Under normal circumstances, there is not much chance of a virtual beast in a side-domain extension. At that time, Sun Hao suffered one and defeated, and the pressure in other directions of the Terran is relatively light.

Although Sun Hao did not participate in the battle of the extension domain in more directions, the success of the extension domain was still very good. The extension of the domain in all directions of the human race was no less than 100,000 miles.

The Terran has pushed the site outwards to a very large area.

Over the years, the Terran is still digesting these gains.

It is reasonable to say that the time has not yet reached the millennium, and the opportunity for the Terran Extension should not come so fast.

But in fact, the Terran once again ushered in the opportunity to expand the territory.

The reason is that the Terran has won two airships in succession, and the air transport of the people has been reached.

In particular, Sun Hao’s last won the immortal silver ship is even more high-ranking, and the air transport is the longest, which directly triggered the extension of the Terran domain for hundreds of years.

The sky of the human race has emerged an unconventional blue, which looks far away, as if there are bursts of ripples.

Within the Sun Hao Dantian, the airborne immortal silver ship floating above the Danhai began to rotate automatically, bursting with a faint silver light, as if it was eager to try and participate in the aerial extension of the domain.

At this time, Sun Hao is still strolling among the large ethnic groups.

The East and West Kunluns are really busy.

This time, the border of the wilderness field has become very fierce. Even the space of the Terran has appeared in the sky, which means that the Terran will have more opportunities to expand the human race to the periphery.

Zheng Yuanzi urgently summoned the main monks and deeds of the Kunlun Mountains in the east and west, and arranged the tasks of the border areas.

The last time the extension of the domain, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang has been born, but hiding on the side, just happened to meet a virtual behemoth, was picked up by Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, to ensure the interests of the Terran Extension.

However, Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang did not seem to have the intention to appear immediately. The Terran had to expand the domain and did not know where to go.

Sun Hao Sun Aquille can't rely on it.

After Zheng Yuanzi and Liu Qi discussed, they were also full of confidence in themselves, and the border areas were only extended, and they did not necessarily need agarwood.

The Terran now has two major fits, and also has an epic-class airship, the strength is unprecedentedly powerful, at this time, it is the time to expand vigorously.

The East and West Kunlun divided the areas of the border areas, and sent the powerful monks out to perform their tasks. The goal of this time is to comprehensively surpass the last extension area and expand the area of ​​the human domain. More than 100,000 miles.

After two consecutive successes, the area of ​​the Terran area will be expanded by a quarter, which is about 70% of the territory of the human race.

The Terran is finally showing signs of great prosperity.

Sun Hao did not receive any task of expanding the border area, nor did he get the letter of help from Zheng Yuanzi. He knew that Zheng Yuanzi did not want to alarm himself. Sun Hao could not ignore it. However, the change of the immortal silver ship, But let Sun Hao's heart faintly guess.

Perhaps this border region will have inextricably linked with itself.

Or, the biggest opportunity for this border region is that the biggest challenge will be confirmed in itself.

Thinking about the last encounter in the Hanggai Prairie, Sun Hao thought that it might not be accidental that the Void Beast appeared on the outskirts of the Hanggai Prairie. It is likely that he was dragged by his own breath.

After a little thought, Sun Hao followed the induction of the immortal silver ship in the body and flew away in the direction of the Terran.

When the last time the border was extended, the place where it appeared was the endless prairie. It was a place with a high altitude. Hanggai meant the place with blue sky, white clouds and grasslands.

This time, when Sun Hao marched in the direction of the immortal silver ship, he saw another very different and equally distinctive landscape.

Flying and flying, Sun Hao saw the snow fluttering in the sky.

A small piece of snowflake is as light as a smoke, jade is as pure, silver is as white, fluttering and swaying, and it rises from the sky. In front of Sun Hao, there is a snowfield.

The snow here is overwhelming, and the world is vast.

Among the heavy snow, there are still traces of human activities.

In a stone house covered in heavy snow, I was angry with the smoke from the cooking, and the snow fluttered in the sky.

A large block of Gobi Snowfield, a person flying high, Sun Hao realized what is called the vastness of the snowfield.

Adventure, mystery, and hot life...

In the dialogue between the herdsmen, Sun Hao knows this, one of the border areas of the human race, Kanas Xueyuan, where the life is the branch of the human race, the Hemu Tuwa.

The majestic snowfield, the crystal clear birch smog, the snowy icy lake, the village in the snow, and the Tuva’s horse-drawn sledge constructed the winter Kanas Peerless snow scene.

On a tall, towering snow-capped mountain, Sun Hao felt the power of the border.

The Kamalayi Snow Mountain is soaring like a barrier, connected to the sky. On the side of the mountain is the snowfield of the Hemu Tuwa people, and the side of the mountain is the hidden endless void.

According to the records of the tribes, even in the period of the Terran of the Terran many years ago, the margins outside the Kamarai Snow Mountain have not been expanded. The tall snow-capped mountains have become a natural barrier, and the Tuva people have been blessed by the void. The hidden monster invasion has blessed the peace here.

Floating in the air, and far away from the towering snow-capped mountains, Sun Hao also perceives a very familiar atmosphere.

With his arms slightly stretched, Sun Hao fell to the snow-capped mountains and slowly walked forward, his face showing a faint smile, and his mouth screamed: "The rain."

At the top of the snow-capped mountains, seven or eight monks took a look at Sun Hao.

Several monks shouted loudly: "Who?"

Only in the middle of a white fluttering, the veiled woman's face burst into a bright smile, and the mouth gently screamed: "Agarwood, you are coming..."

Although the female repaired the veil, but at the moment of the smile, the snow and ice on the entire snow-capped mountains seemed to bloom like flowers, full of vitality and vitality, very beautiful and brilliant.

Yaotai Peak, a few women who repaired Qi Qi, looked at each other and felt sighed at the same time as the fairy goddess of the rainy fairy. It was also full of doubts. Who is this monk named Shen Xiang? How can I make the rainy fairy show such a bright smile?

Also, at the crucial moment of the extension of the Terran side, how did the monk ran over?

What can he help?

At this time, the rainy fairy said a sentence that made their face change: "Sisters, Aquilaria is the road to the rain..."

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