Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2178: Real fire

Above the sky, Sun Hao's body leaped high, standing on the head of his own magical law, with his hands on his back, looking at the front, the movement of the gods, the sound of the magical law in the middle of the sky spread across the sky.

"Hundreds of coalition forces, invading my Terran territory, lasted for more than two hundred years, my people's generations died and wounded countless, drunk and drunk, heaven and earth are indignant, today, my grandson Sun Shenxiang for the heavens, for my people, hundreds of millions of souls of death, Find a word..."

Without waiting for Sun Hao to finish, Momoso Law has been violently screamed: "I can’t say a word, eat me a seal."

The giants of Sol were throwing their hands, and the prints in their hands flew up, turning into a mountain in the air, and slamming down to the three-headed six-armed god.

The magical law is one-armed, and the stick is lifted up. When it is heard, it is at the bottom of the big print.

Da Yin Qing Guang masterpiece, violently aggravated, it is necessary to crush the stick.

Sun Hao’s mouth screamed: “Roll!”

The Stickman trembled fiercely, one hand went up, and the hill-like treasure was instantly turned over and flew back.

Zheng Yuanzi screamed loudly: "Agarwood is careful to fly arrows."

The grass green light flashes, a thin arrow is silent, fast, and the naked eye is hard to shoot at the body of Sun Hao.

The magical power of the mother-in-law, the magical weapon, is the arrow of the distance, the speed is extremely fast, and it is instantaneous.

Almost at the same time, the giant face with a mask, the mouth violently opened his mouth, biting a head of the magical law.

It seems that there is no three-headed mysterious snake that reveals the magical powers of the gods. It also suddenly launches a sudden attack. A snake head slams out the snake letter and drills into the other head of the three heads and six arms.

The four complexes are all generations of tyrannical giants. Every battle rhythm is quite well grasped, and there is no psychological burden that can be hanged on the face of the siege. At this time, at the same time, it is necessary to reinvent Sun Hao’s three-headed six-armed magical law.

In the middle of the screaming, violently open his mouth, biting the grass green fine arrow from the air.

The sword of the ancient sacred sword was lifted high, and the air crossed an arc, and it was blocked forward. It blocked the giant mouth of the giant's law, and the slap in the clear, the mask was cut off, and the air kept falling. Fall, like the wood chips that the wood is made of.

Perhaps it is the feeling that the mouth is being cut, and the giant face is quickly retreating.

The last mysterious snake snake letter can not break Sun Hao's defense, the three-headed six-armed gods and the common law are slamming together, and the snake snakes are scattered in the air.

Sun Hao's three-headed six-armed magical system is unhurried, clear and simple, and directly breaks the four major magical laws.

Zheng Yuanzi couldn’t help but see his eyes brightly on his side. He cheered in his mouth: "Good! Aloes good means."

In the Kunxu Palace, the monks who watched the battle, at this moment, no one shouted loudly, and the heart only slowly raised hopes.

How many years have passed, their hopes have risen again and again, and they have been shattered again and again.

How many years ago, I was forced to leave my hometown again and again, and the wolverines retreated. I saw how many heroes and heroes, and the Terran patriots fell into the siege of the Baizu coalition forces.

Not long ago, the anger of King Kong’s glory, King Kong’s magical law, was also under the siege of the enemy, turning into a light spot.

I don't know how long it takes for Shenxiang adults to stay under the siege of the enemy.

The huge face above the sky, the big seal of the chapter, and the green bow of the grass, but the artifacts that were not used by the adults of the Yuanzheng, did not know that the incense adults could not stand.

I hope that the adults of Shenxiang can save hundreds of thousands of monks in the fire, but they are afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Terran, is there hope?

The little dry rain whispered: "Northern Grandpa, Shenxiang adults are more powerful than Zhengyuanzi adults, are you?"

Bei Guozhen told her that Zheng Yuanzi is the patron saint of the Terran.

But now the patron saint is defeated, and a big brother looks like an agarwood adult. In her little heart, she doesn't know who she should worship.

Bei Guozhen swept a few eyes in the air, and said in his mouth: "I don't know, maybe Shen Xiang adults should be even more powerful."

Little and dry rain asked with hope: "Northern Grandpa, Shen Xiang adults can defeat the enemy and drive them out?"

Bei Guozhen’s voice is hoarse and low: “It’s hard to be...”

Contrary to the loss of confidence in Bei Guozhen, when Sun Hao stunned the magical mind and opened his eyes, the four monks in the opposite side of the magical system were horrified.

What is this kid doing?

The magical law itself is the **** of the gods, and the power of the magical law is closely related to the monk's true spiritual cultivation and the level of the gods.

The magical law that Sun Hao displayed is completely beyond their cognition. Not only can the six arms be used, but the three ends are not furnishings.

At the time of the war, Sun Hao’s magical method of biting fine arrows and smashing the snake’s letter with both palms showed a basic fact that Sun Hao’s Sun Yuanxiang’s true Yuan Xiu was enough to deal with the two people’s fit. Powerful and not at all.

Qiao Dan is most familiar with Sun Hao's situation. Just because he is familiar with it, he can't imagine how long it would be that Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang would grow so fast in such a short period of time.

As a result of this kind of battle, he can't reach Jordan. Can it be said that Sun Hao's current cultivation has surpassed himself?

The Moro Law took a deep breath and said in his mouth: "Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang, may I ask, how did my family, Momoso, fall?"

Sun Hao said faintly: "There is a death by force, all the avatars, I am jealous."

Momo's law stayed in his mouth, and said in his mouth: "It turned out that I knew that the human race had such a powerful monk as Aquilaria, but the Morgan Protoss did not provoke it. It is no wonder that no matter how stolen the Morgan smuggling technique, The human race is so prosperous, the dragon of the human race is even reborn in the last moment, and the real evolution is completed. It turns out that it is not the reason of the virtual, but the Zhongxu people have a scent of Shen Xiangzhu. ""

He Musheng asked in a low voice: "How did my family Yutian fall?"

The strength of Sun Hao, the mind of the besieged monk thought that this battle may not be able to decide the outcome in a single day, just ask the first question before starting the fight.

Sun Hao looked at He Musheng under the wonderful tree, and said in a faint voice: "The gods took the tree and died. I gave him the opportunity to let him go. He found his way..."

Speaking of this, Sun Hao’s voice has improved a lot, and the voice is full of sorrow and murder: “But today, the monks present, don’t want to leave, you’re too much, your hands are bloody, you have succeeded in angering me. Your sins can only be washed by donating blood."

Joe Dan screamed: "That's why you have the ability to take it, you friends, we join forces and destroy the enemy in one fell swoop."

Sun Hao’s face was cold, and his mouth said: “Three bonfires are sent from the position, a thunder is coming from the earthquake palace, a few friends, my family has a real fire, the name is three, the agarwood is really hot, and you are also invited. Taoist tasting."

In the knowledge of the sea, Sun Hao’s gods opened their eyes.

There was a word in the mouth, and the flame pattern in the middle of the forehead of the gods began to burn. The sacred flames in the heart flew in and fluttered on the three heads of the three-headed six-armed magical system, fierce Going to the sky, Qi Qi forwards a mouth, a large piece of real fire of the color of the gods, and rushed to several gods.

Sancha really fire?

Several of the attacked combined powers failed to perceive too many abnormalities, and it felt like nothing, but in order to be safe, they still launched their own defenses to resist the three fires.

Zheng Yuanzi heard a slight stay.

He has heard of the name of the real fire of Sancha, that is, he does not know what kind of magical effect this claim is the most powerful real fire of the human race.

The huge treasure of the Saul giant descended from the sky and turned into a high wall in front of the sea of ​​fire.

At the moment when the fire was burning, the face of Momosofa suddenly changed, and the treasure was quickly stowed and flew backwards.

A small amount of flame has been stuck on the treasure, and with the back, I did not wait for Baoyin to return to the Sol giant, and a small amount of flames on it had already started to shine again, actually lit the treasure.

The mother-in-law gave a shot, and the three fires instantly ignited the arrow.

The giant face gods did not dare to move, but drifted away, avoiding the three fires.

The water curtain spouted by the three-headed snake was burned in an instant.

The treasure of the Moro's law is directly smashed to the result of the three fires.

Momo's law did not dare to collect the treasures into Dantian, fearing that it would be burnt to Dantian by this strange three-fired real fire. Instead, he took some fire-fighting methods and wanted to extinguish the three fires.

But no matter which kind of method, the effect is general. For less than a moment, the treasure mark that Mosuo Law has placed high hopes has been completely burned into a fly ash by Sanzhen.

What is even more horrifying is that the other three gods are too big to be fully defensive, and they are all ignited by the three fires, and the sky is burning.

The **** three 昧 true fire.

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