Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2184: 1 Shi Feitian (2)

"The vines are entangled" and "prisoned in the sky", these are two very typical wood attribute spells, the effect is limited and imprisoned. ??

The wooden sword formation is a powerful wood attribute attack spell, which the tree people call "the jungle star."

First trapped Sun Hao and the immortal silver ship, and then force the sword to attack, at least can also shoot Sun Hao into a sieve.

The powerful prisoner's area is very wide, so that the immortal silver ship can't move at all. The vine twists and entanglements are even more costly to smash a piece of darkened magic vines and densely wrapped space.

Looking up from the ground, a huge green light group hung in the high sky.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang and his immortal silver ship have completely fallen into the siege.

The human race monks are worried again.

The wooden sword that hits the water like a water, is even more frightening for the people of the family. I don’t know if the adult can still hide.

To be honest, the repair of the Terran monks is not enough, and I really can't understand the current fighting pattern.

Even Zheng Yuanzi still can't see what the battle is.

Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang showed that the ability to fight in the ordinary, can be an enemy 10, can be in the battle, have attack and defense, but also account for a certain amount of cheap, for example, defeated the other four magical laws, has let Everyone was very surprised.

But after all, there are too many opponents, and they say that the tree is a human race. But that is the three fits and the eternal spaceship. Can adults really pick them up?

In the hearts of the human race monks, it is hard to be safe.

Seeing that Sun Hao was surrounded by a large spell, his heart suddenly felt uneasy.

Immortal silver bird head, Zhang Liujin body golden light, Sun Hao's face showed a faint smile.

The arm was slightly shocked, and the incense sword appeared on the hand, and the arms were lifted up. The Zhang Jinjin body and the Shenxiang sword suddenly burst into glare, and the silver beak went up one by one. Sun Hao’s body leaped and leaped. , rushed out above the sky.

Above the overwhelming green cage, a golden light was suddenly shot. I don’t know how many layers of green cages were broken by golden light. It was like a cloud over the sky, covering the sun.

But the sun finally penetrated the dark clouds, and it was on the black clouds, blooming and glaring, illuminating the dark clouds.

Under the golden light, there was a silvery golden light.

When Sun Hao was holding Shen Xiang Jian Wei and standing in the air, at the foot, the immortal silver ship followed up from the hole that Sun Hao used to wear, and the silver bloom stopped directly under Sun Hao’s body.

Looking into the sky, I saw Sun Hao, who was like a **** of war, and then looked at it by the immortal silver ship. Those who are unwilling, want to rise to the sky, once again surround Sun Hao’s, black vines, humans For the first time, the monks began to build confidence in Sun Hao’s victory.

Many monks have once again raised their long swords and shouted.

Can't stand it.

He Musheng and He Shuisheng brow slightly wrinkled.

At this time, the wooden swords that had entered the cage of heaven and earth rushed out.

These wooden swords were paused in the air, and they flew again and turned into swords, like a stream and burst into Sun Hao.

Flying fast and close, seeing the silver sphere of the immortal silver ship, these wooden swords suddenly disappeared out of thin air, as if they rushed into the space of different degrees. When they appeared again, they had already rushed into the air and rushed to the back of the golden sun.

This is a very strange way of fighting the tree and the human body. The whole body is turned into a wooden sword, which can gather together to explode.

It also preserves the will of the monk and moves in the middle of the attack.

Sun Hao in the air did not seem to respond, and was instantly attacked by the wooden sword in front of him. He bumped into the wood sword for a moment, and slammed on the sparks of Sun Hao’s Zhang Liujin.

Sun Hao’s golden body, under the impact of a stream of creeks, drifted to the rear.

Just drifting back less than three feet, Sun Hao's cold voice was uploaded from Tianyu: "District semiconductors, actually dare to hand the sword in front of me, hehe..."

He Musheng and He Shuisheng were shocked, and He Musheng yelled: "Come back!"

But it is already late.

Above the sky, Sun Hao Jin Jinguang flashed, the big hand went forward, the wooden sword flowing like a stream was instantly caught by the big hand, and it was pinched into a round ball in the air.

When the mind moved, Sun Hao opened his mouth and gently spit it out. The sacred spurt rushed out and threw himself on a ball made up of different wooden swords.

Sancha really fire!

It is not only the magical law that can display the three real fires, but the deity can also directly vomit and fight. He Musheng and He Shuisheng suddenly became shocked.

With a brush, the green longbow reappeared, and the two tree-man savvy monks bowed their arrows and shot at the wooden sword ball wrapped in the sacred gods in front of Sun Hao and Sun Hao, trying to rescue their companions.

Sun Hao snorted and slammed his feet. The immortal silver ship shook and shot a silver glow, instantly forming a silver world, completely enveloping the area around Sun Hao.

The arrow shot by the Eternal Tree only entered the halo, and suddenly lost the power of advancement and turned into a spot of light.

He Shuisheng screamed: "The immortal sanctuary, you actually opened the immortal sanctuary!"

Sun Hao did not care for him, and the gods knew that he was urging the flames of the flames and violently burning.

The tree-man semiconductor that was wrapped in a ball was finally unable to hold it.

In the sea of ​​fire, the Tree Terran Semiconductor has re-emerged as the body of the ancient wood, constantly struggling to roar.

However, the strong power gap has made this tree-man combination in front of Sun Hao dare to feel what is truly desperate.

Struggling, roaring, continually writhing, screaming and burning, half a fragrant martial arts, the tree Terran semiconductor has been completely turned into fly ash, Sun Hao hand forwards, 燚神炎落落指Sharp, shining and shining.

The tree is a human race, and the fit can fall.

This is also the first companion power of the fallen after the Terran and the Hundreds.

He Musheng and He Shuisheng are very angry in their hearts, and they are also extremely jealous.

The tree Terran has actually fallen into a fit and power, and the strength of the race has once again been hit hard.

The strengths of several fits who are attacking the magical law are not in vain.

Carefully driving the ship for thousands of years, the three fires really hard to resist, and accidentally caught the move may be really troublesome.

At the same time, Sun Haozhang's six golden bodies battled the eternal tree on the eternal tree. At the same time, the headless and ferocious has been on the tree of eternal, everywhere to destroy.

The giants break the hammer and each shot falls. On the huge hull of the eternal tree, there will be a large number of land that has been stationed by the Shuren monks. Uprooted, many of the tree-man monks are directly destroyed in the violent shock wave.

Its powerful destructive power also shocked the hearts of the two tree people.

At this time of the fierce battle, the two remaining talents of the Shurens suddenly appeared, whether they admit it or In fact, they are not opponents of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

The Tree of Eternity can't beat the immortal silver ship.

The three fits are not the opponents of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

Looking at the fingertips and screaming at Shen Hao's Sun Hao, He Musheng suddenly screamed: "Several friends, I tree people try to entangle him, you still need to destroy his magical law as soon as possible, and then come to help."

The roar of loud voices shows the fact that they can't win, they can only drag Sun Hao.

The soldiers of the Baizu coalition forces rushed in their hearts.

The Terran monks, Qi Qizheng shouted: "Agarwood, agarwood."

A singular flying, golden light, facing large-scale spells, facing the three major combined powers plus a gas-powered eternal spaceship, no fear, under the frontal storm, killing the tree people a fit and power.

The Terran, who has been bullied by the Hundreds of People, finally recovered the first blood debt.

Perhaps the Terran has lost a lot.

Perhaps the Terran has been hit hard.

However, when Sun Hao killed a tree and a human being, the loss of the tree was even more serious than that of the Terran.

A fit and power is the protection of a race.

You must know that Zheng Yuanzi does not know how many years he has been in the town.

Nowadays, the tree people are losing money, and the tree people are afraid of it, begging for help.

In the heart of Kunlun, Kunxu Palace and Wushen Palace, the hearts of hundreds of thousands of elite monks, rising up a desire, a hope, a great hatred, a strong excitement in the light, a little bit of eyes Wet, the hand holding the sword, a little trembling.

A singer flies to the sky and shoulders the shoulders of the ancient and modern.

In front, the Momo cable method of the three-headed six-armed gods and the law of the monks and other monks can not help but shake the heart.

The tree is not an opponent, and the magical law is not so good. What should we do? 8

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