Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2199: The first year of Shen Xiang (2)

When Sun Hao chased He Musheng and the flying man Joe Dan, the great changes within the human domain have gone away, shocking the imaginary and shocking the people.

The first year of the aristocratic incense, forever in the history of the emptiness.

The first year of Shen Xiang.

A very far-reaching year for the influence of the Middle Ages.

This year, the explosion of the Terran domain has lasted for hundreds of years.

It’s horrifying and unbelievable.

Let the Wan people be shocked and shake the result of the virtual.

At the beginning, I didn’t know what was going on. The Baizu monks who attacked the Terran Holy Land in Kunming Palace lost their letters, lost contact, and disappeared.

The latter are guarding the important areas of the Terran, and they are arrogant and arrogant. The hundreds of monks who are pretending to be good fortune are not named. After waiting for a while, the Terran and Kunlun Holy Lands have killed the elite monks, and the three major companions can personally lead the team. Come clean.

The Bai people stationed in the monks were Qi Qi.

Shouldn’t the human race be suppressed in the Kunlun of the East and West?

Where did the Baizu army go?

Also, how come out two Zhengyuanzi?

The strength of the Bachelor monks who are stationed is not particularly strong. Under the elite offensive of the Terran, it is really unstoppable. The remaining strength of the Baizu coalition forces can only be repelled and retreat to the outside of the Terran.

It’s just that the things of the Baizu monks are born.

The more peripheral Bailian coalition monks returned to the borders of the Terran, encountering a strange, powerful and undead monk ambush.

The vast boundaries of the human races, the elite lichs, the elite undead black warriors, and the iron barrels, like the iron barrels, encircle the human race, the monks and monks moths are fired, and they are buried in the net of the undead monks. .

At the beginning of the attack of the Terran of the Baizu Allied Forces, the military power was prosperous, the momentum was rampant, the morale was extremely high, and the battle started, and the battle was invincible.

In the first year of Shen Xiang, the Baizu coalition army was like a dog who lost his family. Cangjie fled, but he was attacked before and after, and he could not escape much.

All of the Terran lands have fallen, and lasted for more than two hundred years.

Every time before, the Baizu coalition forces encountered the tenacious resistance of the Terran monks. When they arrived in the first year of Shenxiang, there were still many guerrilla groups of the ethnic monks within the territory, like the mouse, and survived tenaciously.

When the elites of the Terran army counterattacked, the Hundreds of the Allied Forces fled the wind and fled. Only after more than 20 years, the 100-member monks who could run, ran to the periphery of the Terran, and were taken by the undead monks. The benefit of the oriole.

After these years, although the Zhongxu Wanzu still does not know the accurate information within the Sanctuary of the Terran, it has been very taboo, and vaguely knows that the Terran has a strong peak and fits the power, and has destroyed the Baizu Coalition. , destroyed the four complex powers, and chased the three triads.

A strong human race fits in.

The seven major fits, the four-member coalition led by the four airships, finally only escaped the three fits.

I still don't know how the three triads are doing.

The peak of the human race is the great power, called "Agarwood Adult", the human race, the year when the family of Aquilaria was born, called "Shenxiang first year."

With the aristocratic family, the morale is like a rainbow.

The remnant monks of the Baizu are like the dogs of the family, and they flee.

In the battle of the Terran, the Aquilaria adults did not participate.

However, it is like the Shenwei of Shenxiang adults, shocking the world, even if it is a very unreasonable undead, do not dare to be in the human domain.

Extinguish the hundreds of monks who escaped to the borders of the Terran, and when the elite monks of the Terran were killed from the Great Fields, the undead monks who surrounded the Terrana disappeared out of nowhere, and did not stand in line with the Terran.

After thirty years or so, the Terran, all of them recovered and entered reconstruction.

The Kunxu Palace and the Wushen Palace were fully moved, and the monks were organized in an orderly manner, and the Terran fire was spread throughout the Terran.

After the restoration of all the human races, Zheng Yuanzi opened the cave of the heavens, releasing a large number of Terran mortals and low-level monks hidden in them, and distributed them to the vast areas.

Even if there are many people in the sky, there are many people and people, but the population loss of the entire Terran is still huge.

After the simple statistics, the population loss of the Terran War has reached more than 50%, and a large area of ​​the large area has a wide and sparsely populated scene.

What is even more embarrassing is that in this war, the monks of the Terran lost more and lost 70%.

The main battle is more than a supernatural monk, and the loss is as high as 80%.

In this World War I, when the Terran has won a total victory, the loss is also extremely huge. It can be said that it is a broken bone and it takes a long time to recuperate and recover.

Fortunately, the Terran is one of the most ethnic races among the imaginary people.

The large ethnic group, without affiliated races, is composed entirely of monks and their own monks. Although the population is less than 50%, the volume is still not small, and the total amount is not less than three billion.

Based on this population base, it will not take long for the entire population of the Terran to recover.

The life of the Terran is not long. The ordinary mortal life is hard to live a hundred years old, but the mortal of the Terran only needs 20 years to grow an adult. Therefore, the recovery of the total population should not be very difficult.

Taking a country with a population of 400 million, it takes only 50 years to reach 1.5 billion people. That is to say, as far as the population is concerned, as long as the human environment is stable and the human race can recuperate, it will take only about 50 years. Restore and pass the level before the war.

Relatively speaking, the trouble is the cultivation of monks.

Especially the cultivation of high-level monks, it is not a one or two years to complete.

The invasion of the Bai people has also dealt a heavy blow to the various sectarian factions in the Terran area. A large number of Zongmenshan gates were destroyed, the inheritance was severed, and the monk system was broken.

Fortunately, Kunzhen Palace and Wushen Palace were safe and sound after the appearance of Shenxiang adults. The inheritance of the Terran was not damaged.

After the Terran began to rebuild, the Kunxu Palace and the Wushen Palace established the Kunxu Hall and the Witch Temple in the slightly larger city of the Terran in accordance with the opinions of Sun Hao, and initiated the monk training program.

Some excellent young people can be selected through layers, and they will enter the two halls from an early age.

Some of the basic practice methods within the two halls, even facing the full opening of the descendants of the human race, include the basic exercises of his heart and mind system pioneered by Sun Hao, which are integrated into the system of the two temples and spread out.

No matter how powerful Sun Hao’s means are, no matter how powerful he is, the most basic fact is that the higher monks are still not cultivated in one or two years.

According to the level of cultivation of the Chinese people, a Jindan real person needs a growth time of one hundred to three hundred years. A Yuanzhen Zhenjun needs about five hundred years, and a **** needs thousands of years, the more up, the time The longer it is.

It takes only a few decades for the Terran to restore the total But to cultivate the distraction, the time required is tens of thousands of years.

After the Chinese people found out the status quo of the human race, they were relieved a little.

The time when the Terran is recuperating and living is afraid that it will still last for 10,000 years. What will happen during this time is really hard to say.

In 10,000 years, the best strategy of the Terran is to recuperate, not to open the war easily, then what will happen in the past ten thousand years, who can make it clear.

Even if Shouyuan’s long-standing race is not built to a certain height, it will be difficult to live for 10,000 years.

Then, at what time, what will happen, and have little to do with yourself.

Within the imaginary, relatively tense, it is the hundreds of ethnic groups who attack the Terran, especially those affiliated races, and even more treacherous.

Just when the Terran began to rebuild, it was too late to settle with the Baizu. When Sun Hao was still chasing the flying man Joe Dan and the tree man He Musheng, the clever race had sent messengers to the Kunxu Palace to plead guilty and be willing to bear war compensation. To help the post-war reconstruction of the Terran Dao, and expressed their willingness to attach to the Terran and become a vassal of the Terran.

Zheng Yuanzi is not allowed.

Liu Qi, this guy, took the opportunity to extort money and take advantage of it.

As a result, within the large ethnic domain, a large number of cities and towns are being rebuilt by the aliens. All the Kunxu Hall and the Witch Temple are produced by different ethnic groups.

Zheng Yuanzi did not have any promises. Liu Qi patted his chest and promised: "I can rest assured that I will give you the great achievements of the incense, and I will not say that the top 30 races with the best performance, I can guarantee that absolutely nothing. ......"

The Baizu had to fight and compete for performance, and they were all fighting for the top 30.

The battle report shows that within the human domain, Shen Xiang adults are now fighting the squad, Jordan, chasing the tree man He Musheng, the battle is continuous, once the results of the battle are divided, it is the moment to try the Baizu, who dares to naughty? 8

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