Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2226: 0 years of war

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao said leisurely: "The two predecessors, Shen Xiang's future practice, please ask a lot of staff."

Sun Hao’s feelings at the same time, Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei are actually deeply touched. As a superb power, they are also like Sun Hao. The higher they go, the more lonely they are. In the end, when they are high, There is no one around to talk, no friend who can discuss.

Looking back, I feel the same.

Almost at the same time, the voices of the two people rang in Sun Hao’s heart: "Well, discuss more in the future."

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile.

Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei are all old-fashioned monsters. They are well-informed and experienced. They will help them in the future. On the road of monasticism, they will no doubt go further.

It seems that I know the thoughts of Sun Hao’s heart. Dao Tianji said leisurely: “Xiao Hao, the sacred and physical technique that you have created now, its efficacy may be against the sky. Once it is successful, you may become the only one in history. A perfectly fit monk can foresee the roots of the world after you enter Mahayana."

Luo Pengfei sighed: "I am really convinced with your nose. I didn't expect you to really open the door today. I now have reason to believe that in the future, you will really become a corpse, let me And the cow's nose will be reborn, and there will be any difficult problem in the future. Let's find a solution together."

Sun Hao stood up and sighed in the air, whispered in his mouth: "Thank you for the two friends, everyone progress together and join the road."

Dao Tianji finally solved the happy knot, haha ​​laughed: "Xiao Hao, from today, the heaven is the old, the old is the heaven, hahaha, regardless of each other, the will and the mind are finally completely unified."

Sun Hao’s heart burst into joy, and sincerely said: “Master, welcome you back.”

Daotianji laughed: "I still call you Xiaohao, you will call me a friend in the future."

Sun Hao laughed and laughed.

Luo Pengfei said loudly at this time: "I will soon be in the middle of the emptiness, Aquilaria, and the three of us will work together to teach the three guys."

Sun Hao said loudly: "Well, simply, don't do it all, let us leave them completely under this sky."

Tian Tianji said: "The lesson is ok, but it is impossible to defeat them."

Sun Hao "oh" and asked: "Why?"

The **** of heaven said, "The secret can not be revealed."

Luo Pengfei laughed and laughed: "Niu nose, you are coming again, Shen Xiang, ignore him, what is going on, I will know when I fight."

At this moment, a slamming, immortal silver ship crossed the void passage.

Sun Hao’s figure flashed and appeared in the sky above the immortal silver ship.

This is still a huge airport. The powerful races of the Zhongxu and Wanzu have set up outposts here. Every once in a while, there will be races to the next generation to meet the outstanding young generations of their own freshmen.

Today, however, it is destined to be a day of shock to the imaginary people.

Four broken-domain flying ships have rushed out from the void channel. Above the higher sky of the airport, four behemoths are facing each other and the battle is on the verge.

The four ships are in different forms.

A black lacquered, quaint and vicissitude, calm and atmospheric.

A golden body, full of extravagance, like the emperor's car, magnificent.

A boat is like a mountain, strong and majestic.

Finally, the ship that confronted the three preceding flying ships was like a huge silver flying saucer, which burst into a silvery light and gracefully floated in the air.

The four spaceships hovered in the air, and the momentum became more and more prosperous.

The fit and sorrow of the Wanzu Township Airport has been a must, flying up and shouting: "Four, four, can you stay away?"

In this war, the airport was damaged, and who am I going to accompany?

Tota Devil’s heart was unhappy, and his mouth screamed: “Roll...”

Take a look.

The giant body that was flying in the air was shot in the palm of the hand, and fell from the air. The mouth screamed: "Tota Master, you can beat me, don't fight here, Wan It is not easy for a family to establish an airport. The true demon and the aliens need to pick up the younger generation from this."

Mosang Klang said: "Sun Hao, dare not come over to fight."

Sun Hao did not fear, and responded with a loud voice: "At any time."

Mosang can scream: "Well, we quit 80,000 miles and fight again."

The four flying ships vacated and flew away. On the high sky, they turned into four huge black spots and disappeared into the distance.

Among the airport, the monks of the Wan family face each other.

Someone asked in a loud voice: "Adult, who are just right, who are you?"

The shot down of the fit was able to fly up, and the air said loudly: "If I didn't read it wrong, it should be the real devil's Tota demon, the true god, the alien angel, Mosang, and the stone giant, and the battle of the aristocrats. Ancestor..."

The Wankong monks in the airport stayed together.

Terran agarwood ancestors! Who is it? Such a powerful, actually able to fight the famous three ancient real powers of the monks.

Some monks said loudly at this time: "Looking at their posture, it should be under the vain to destroy too much, and have to return to the imaginary war, saying, who knows what happened to the earth-shattering event, actually hurts a few adults so much ""

The fitter can look at the direction of the human race, with a smile on his face, and asks in his mouth: "Chen Yuandao, do not know why the virtual is going to war?"

A distracted monk came up in the air and smiled on his face. He said in his mouth: "There was a message from the people before the sin. It seems that there are three gold bands in my family, four blue belt heroes, collectively called seven. Sword, they sank the temple in the cloud of the giants and destroyed it..."

Big event!

The Wan people were shocked.

The four ancestors were in the midst of a void, playing dark and dim.

The earth-shattering momentum makes the weaker monks simply not close to the battlefield, let alone watch the war.

Above the high void, the blasting sound of the rumble, the powerful real yuan storm, let the whole imaginary appear to feel the shock.

This battle has been going on for hundreds of years.

Even if it is Sun Hao, I never imagined that this battle would last for so long.

The three middle-aged and old-fashioned complexes are powerful and strong, and each has a seated airship. Everyone has a powerful magical system and a powerful distraction.

Within their airships, there are also more powerful monks sitting in town.

Throughout the centuries, various forms of fighting have emerged.

Sometimes, it is the four gas-powered day warships that show their powers, and each of them breaks down the power of earth-shattering. Sometimes, it is the relative defense of the gods, and sometimes it is the magical transformation of the gods.

Three powerful old-fashioned fits and support each besieged Sun Hao, giving Sun Hao tremendous pressure.

At the beginning, Sun Hao was once firmly suppressed. It was only the power of parry and no effort to fight back. If it wasn’t for Tian Tianji and Luo Pengfei to help each other, it would be hard to say whether Sun Hao could hold his foot.

Sun Hao knows that he is actually a little careless.

The combination of top-level power and the ability of the epic air transport ship, three dozens, is enough to make yourself extremely uncomfortable.

Tota Tianmo's airship is an eternal black tiger airship. Mosangco's ship is an immortal eight-armed boy. The only ship that throws stone giants is relatively weak, but it is also an extremely powerful air movement epic. Boulders.

The eternal black tiger air transport skyship has a ship warfare technique "Tiger Tiger Roar", there is an eternal sanctuary "Black Tiger Netherland", there is a powerful full-fight combat form "Black Tiger Xiaotian".

Really fighting, the Eternal Black Tiger Skyship was very violent and attacked, so Sun Hao had to deal with it carefully.

The immortal eight-armed boy's air-powered spaceship has the same effect as Sun Hao's three-headed six-armed gods. After the war, eight powerful attacks of great power can be erupted in the air, collectively referred to as: "jihad", with snowy days, There are special styles for each of the tricks, such as the gale, the water, the Jinshan, the Qingguang, and the defense.

The immortal eight-armed boy and the airship ship also has an immortal sanctuary, an eight-armed star field, a sacred field, and a sky star. The eight stars are like eight arms, and they are connected to the real starry sky.

The full-scale state of the immortal eight-armed boy makes Sun Hao see the power of the immortal level after the development of the spacecraft to a very high altitude.

The immortal eight arms are not only fully imaginable, but also can be turned into a stronger "eight-armed war" form than the ordinary.

At the time of the war, Sun Hao, who was not prepared enough, almost ate the big loss of the eight-armed soul.

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