Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2229: Who is the power (3)

Above the sky, nine golden dragons danced in the air, and hundreds of colorful phoenixes hovered. A huge seven-color long bridge straddles the plane and extends toward Sun Hao. ?

Gege Xiaohe picked up: "Welcome meets, Baifeng worships, I am dizzy, and the big squad, the status of the big master of the hill, is also a bit high, no, the emptiness king, the female rites come in person. Up..."

is not that right?

At the other end of the Caiqiao, the strongest lineup of the male and female witches, the most luxurious lineup, all come out and greet the hill master.

To be honest, when seeing this kind of squad, Geer Tiger also stunned. This is the more his understanding, the face of Master is too big.

It’s not just the witches and the maids, but even the Panhe Grand Master personally came to meet with the pharmacists and masters who had their own eyes above the top.

The Kelman Dragon Field is a grand welcome.

Far away, Gexu Wang’s hands arched and said, “A long time, the hills and the road friends returned again, but it’s really lucky for my male and female witches, Xiaodao friends, please.”

Gewang Wang really, in the attitude of the ordinary, is welcoming Sun Hao.

Everyone understands people.

Sun Hao rises up to the Terran, and his fighting power is unparalleled. The headless and fierce battles are more than once in the world. With the intelligence system of the male and female witches, it is impossible to know the origins of Sun Hao.

The aristocratic incense of the ancestors, now the most powerful monk in the imaginary, that is the former barbaric, this big face with a thick face and a smile, smashing the hill!

Sun Hao visits the male and female witches as the hills, and everyone can understand and be confused, but the necessary etiquette can not be less.

Geerhu and Gege Xiaohe, who know the monks who know why they are, are really looking dumbfounded.

Ok, I didn’t expect the status of the great master of the gods to be so noble.

Sun Hao’s face showed a thick smile. No way, it’s not that Sun Hao deliberately laughed. It’s really his faint smile on the honest face of the barbarian warrior, that is, the smile that is so thick.

Slightly against the emptiness king, Sun Hao said in a mouth: "The Witch King is polite, the hill is a member of the barbarian, practicing the witchcraft, and has a headless blood and blood, returning to the male and female witches, but it is a matter of course, and The hill has been studying for thousands of years in my witch life, and there are so many concerns. The Witch King is not so polite."

Panhe Grand Master haha ​​laughed: "Good, refreshing, hill, when you come back, I feel a lot of enthusiasm, saying that since you left, I can't find a personal study, you come back. It’s just right. I have accumulated a lot of questions in these years. Let’s discuss and discuss together.”

Sun Hao’s heart is slightly moving. Pharmacy and alchemy have similarities. Some of the things that Dan and the body have to do are difficult to understand. They should also be able to communicate with the Panhe Grand Master.

The whole imaginary, the pharmacist of the Grand Master level or the alchemy teacher should not be much!

With a thick smile on his face, Sun Hao said with a smile: "I want to ask, I don't dare to ask, I have a lot of questions about the predecessors of the Panhe River. I just want to communicate with you. Everyone really can promote each other."

Panhe Grand Master smiled heartily: "That's good, then good, hill, you can come back, I am so happy."

The bridesmaid looked at Sun Hao and said with a smile: "The hill is still as real as it used to be. Let's go, let's walk and say, remembering that year, it seems to be vivid, hill, you grow really fast..."

Sun Hao smiled at Queen Viña, Prince Galman, Pangu, Gellin and others behind Gewang Wang, nodded, said hello, and then, under the crowd of everyone, along the Rainbow Bridge Going into the core area of ​​the Kelman Dragon Field.

After a few steps, Sun Hao looked around and smiled at the Queen of Viña. He whispered, "How can I not see Xiaolan? Is her soul filled up? Or is she retreating?"

When Sun Hao swayed the devil, one of the purposes was to equip Gerland with pharmacy. Later, when Sun Hao returned to the Terran, he still gave up the refining pharmacy to the sinful case. Gewang Wang.

It can be said that Gerland is rare. There is no real heart for Sun Hao. The kind of friend who is very simple, that is, with the help of Gerland, Sun Hao has passed through the period of his own, the weakest period. .

A great purpose to come to the Kelman Dragon Field is to visit Gellan. I also want to know if I enter the land of Gerland’s retreat and live with Gelland. Will it be born now? .

If there is no special situation in Joelland, knowing that he is coming back, he should come to meet immediately.

Did not see Gerland in the welcoming team, Sun Hao naturally asked.

The Queen’s face showed a bright smile, and his mouth said: “The feelings of Erlang and the hills are really good. I remember Xiaolan’s first day to make up the soul. The first sentence that wakes up is, how about the hill brother? Where have you been?"

Sun Hao touched his head and seemed to see Gerlan's embarrassing expression.

I remember that at the time, Gerland was really, very dependent and trusting himself.

The bridesmaid said with a smile at this time: "After Xiaolan got your refining potion, he filled up the soul, hill, you really do your best for Xiaolan, the effect of refining is surprisingly good, Xiaolan is not only a disadvantage. Completely make up, and the cultivation is also leaps and bounds, you may not know, in these years, Xiaolan has completed the third-level jump, becoming the new talent of my male and female witches."

This is really a bit more routine and faster!

Sun Hao was slightly surprised and said with pleasure: "No, it’s so powerful, this is really a big surprise, then Xiaolan must be firmly repaired now?"

Vigna smiled and shook his head: "No, Xiaolan's repair has long been solid."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "That is to say that Xiaolan is not in the Kelman Dragon Field now? She went out to find opportunities?"

The mask of the bridesmaid shook a few times, and chuckled in her mouth: "In half, he is not in the Kelman Dragon, but he is not going out to find a chance, but going to the top."

After that, the female rites stretched out and pointed to the sky.

Sun Hao, who is walking on the Rainbow Bridge, suddenly stunned his body and said: "Isn't it? Is she going to the middle of it? Isn't it necessary to have a fit later? Is Xiaolan's repair so high?"

Gewang Wang smiled and said: "The hills don't know. My male and female witches are the races in the heavens and the earth. The virtual witches have a magical blood communication spirit. We can only have a modest monk. If you meet certain conditions, you will be able to perceive the illusion in advance, and you will be taken away. Xiaolan is a genius that my family has rarely seen in the past few hundred years. Just in the early days of integration, it has been taken to the top. Going empty."

Sun Hao exhaled a long breath and said in his mouth: "It turned out that Xiaolan was able to make up the soul. I was relieved. She was able to improve so fast, and it really surprised me..."

At the same time as these words, Sun Hao’s heart was filled with incredible thoughts, and there were also bursts of doubts.

Originally, Sun Hao thought that the male and female witches could see Xiaolan. The biggest possibility is to go into the holy place of the witches and live with Xiaolan for a while to complete the picture they have seen.

But now, I learned that Xiaolan has gone to the virtual!

That is to say, the biggest possibility is that he can no longer meet with Xiaolan in the cultivation of the holy land of the witches.

How could this be? Up to now, Sun Hao has clearly remembered that the magical power of the day and the rapid flow of time into the future has told me that this is something that will be born in the past.

Now, this matter is impossible to regenerate!

On that day, the big man said a lie? Who is that power? Why do you tell lies?

However, Sun Hao clearly perceives that the power of the day did not tell lies, and that it was true and true, and the most important truth.

Moreover, now I think of it, when the great power of the day let myself see this future, there is a state of deep anxiety and fear of being unable to remember.

When I seriously distinguish it, I can’t understand why this is.

More importantly, it is impossible to be born. Can you tell your future that it has not been regenerated because of some special circumstances?

Or is it that there are countless possibilities for your own life trajectory? The monks of the day did not predict the accuracy, what was wrong? 8

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