Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2233: Positive and negative cycle

A divine light flashed through his eyes.

Sun Hao has a surprise in his heart, and he has a sigh.

I don’t know how many years have passed. I don’t think it’s going to be less than a few decades. I finally realized the first stage of Dan’s integration with the body, that is, the cultivation of the nine major cultivations into a medicinal cultivation technique. Come out.

After completing the first phase of enlightenment, Sun Hao’s Dan and his physical understanding reached its peak.

Dan and the body, in the end is to take Sun Hao's all cultivation as a spiritual medicine, to refine themselves into Dan.

Sun Hao divided this step into two major stages.

The first stage is to take all the medicines as medicines and take them.

Before this stage is completed, what kind of characteristics will be configured in the liquid medicine, and the effect of the drug is not very clear.

Now to think about how to synthesize the liquid medicine, it is too early to say that the correct method of cultivation should begin to practice Dan and body.

There is also a practice, Sun Hao actually needs to learn or comprehend.

In theory, the practice of Sun Hao is a high level of cultivation. In fact, he has already qualified to go to the virtual.

How to go to the virtual?

In the past, Sun Hao really never thought about it. After all, Sun Hao is too young for most of the fit.

Young is not like words.

If Sun Hao is willing, he can rule the very long years of the illusion, and he can deeply imprint his name into the bones of the imaginary people.

However, just a short time ago, Sun Hao played against the top three companions and powers, and witnessed them smashing away. After going straight into the virtual, the heart was a little itchy.

There is no reason why three monks who are weaker than themselves can go astray, but they can't do it.

I believe that as long as I am willing to work hard, find the appropriate way, and enter the virtual, there should be great possibilities.

The cultivation is already in place, and I don’t know what other conditions are there.

Sun Hao has learned a lot of knowledge from men, women, witches and human races, but so far, Sun Hao has not been able to find any words about how to get into the virtual. This should be a relatively secret information of all ethnic groups. If you want to come, you must also be able to access the information after reaching a certain height.

The focus of Sun Hao’s current practice should be the first stage of Dan’s integration with the body. At the same time, he has to think about ways to enter the virtual.

Relatively speaking, Dan and the first phase of the practice of physical fitness can be carried out immediately.

And when you enter the virtual method, you can slow down.

It’s not that Sun Hao doesn’t want to go to the virtual. If Sun Hao tries hard, he may go in faster.

But in fact, it is a bit irresponsible for Sun Hao to go to the virtual now.

Do not say anything else, the people in the virtual family, 50% have used the people of the incense year, as a result, this year has not been used for a long time, you ran to the virtual!

What is this?

In addition, Sun Hao now has a lot of time to lay a solid foundation in the middle, and there is a lot of time to lead the Chinese people to become more powerful. At this time, going to the virtual, it wastes the rise of the Chinese people. good chance.

It is estimated that Sun Hao’s suggestion that he wants to break away at this time will be vomiting blood.

In order to protect the health of Zhengyuanzi, Sun Hao can only suspend going to the virtual, first think of ways, complete the first stage of the practice of Dan and body, and then carefully polish his own cultivation, and wait for the Chinese people. After the strength is strong to a certain extent, it is time for Sun Hao to go astray and sway.

Want to repair Dan and body, first repair the nine pulse **** medicine.

Sun Hao combines the nine cultivation systems into a single agent, called the nine veins.

If you want to repair the nine-pulse medicine, you must find the corresponding nine medicines, and the Zhongxu is also very rare.

Qi medicine cited, ancient star nucleus; Shen medicine cited, normal phase crystal; body medicine cited, Jin Gang relic; soul medicine cited, sun bodhi; heart medicine cited, spiritual rhinoceros crown; array medicine cited, mini array of Pu; Tianxian vine; Fu medicine cited, nine veins; Dan medicine cited, Dan vanilla.

Nine major contexts, using the nine Tianbao to take medicine.

With the nine major Tianbao seduce the nine major cultivation systems gradually figurative, integrated into the real yuan, the achievement of nine veins of medicine.

After the refining of the nine-pulse **** medicine, it is the achievement of Jiumai Xiandan, which is the true, perfect combination of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

The ranking of the nine Tianbao is very particular, it is the beginning of the medicinal herbs, with the end of the medicinal herbs.

In this order, the entire cultivation can be completed, which can greatly improve the success rate of the nine-pulse medicine.

The nine-pulse **** medicine uses the real element as the solution, and the gas medicine is used to lead the head, first forming the bottom liquid, then adding other medicines and then integrating into other cultivation systems to complete the first step of Dan and body combination.

According to this cultivation idea, the first thing Sun Hao wants to find is the ancient star nucleus and the crystallization of the law.

Even if Sun Hao read a lot of books in the books of the Terran and the Witchcrafts of the Maharajas, at this time, he did not find too many clues about these two things.

Ancient star nucleus, in the legend, after the fall of the true intelligent life of the stars, the will is immortal, and the eternal yin and yang are formed together, and the strong stars of the five elements are complete.

The law phase crystal is based on the fallen and combined power system, which is rare and inevitable.

Sun Hao couldn't find too many clues. After thinking for a while, he closed his eyes and the subject consciousness moved. He appeared in the sea and said softly: "Two friends, please come out and tell."

Above the sky, two stars representing the deputy soul shine, and soon after, a light blue star in the voice of Luo Pengfei: "Agarwood, what?"

Sun Haowei smiled and said: "Two friends, Sun Hao is now looking for a few vital treasures to complete the first stage of my Dan and body. These treasures are extremely rare. I want to see if the two predecessors are Not some clues"

After listening to the nine Tianbao, Dao Tian suddenly suddenly brightened and asked with concern: "Xiao Hao, have you successfully created the method of Dan and body?"

Sun Hao said: "Yes," a simple and clear introduction to his achievements, and finally said with a smile: "The two friends, you are ancient power, the resources for the virtual should be clearer than me. I want to ask now where I can find these two vital treasures."

Dao Tianji gave a thumbs up to Sun Hao.

Luo Pengfei patted his palms and shouted loudly: "Agarwood is good, you have created this method, you must be shocked, shocked the people, and benefit the people. I am looking forward to it, then Shen Xiang, what kind of medicine do you need to find now? lead."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The nine great treasures are the gas medicine, the ancient star nuclear; the **** medicine, the law phase crystal... These things, I have basically not seen too many records, can only ask two friends. ”

"Good secret technique", Luo Pengfei sighed: "Agarwood, I have to be convinced now, you just had a fit period now the secret of cultivation, you already need to use such a treasure, I really can't imagine it."

Tian Tianji also said leisurely: "I thought that Xiaohao you haven't had a tens of thousands of years, it is difficult to understand the skills of Tongdan and body. I didn't expect Xiaohao to be so fast, the old devil, you think, Xiaohao wants to find these kinds. Something, where should I go?"

After Luo Pengfei was silent for a long time, he said in his mouth: "I have been sleeping for too long, and I am not familiar with the situation of Zhongxu. However, as far as I know, the devil is the domain of the devil or the gods. Inside, there should be ancient star nucleus, and there is a lot of great power in the fall of the war. The chances of appearing crystals will be great."

God is the devil? Sun Hao’s heart is moving, do you want to go through it again?

At this time, Dao Tian said: "The devil does not know, there is a special time for the demon to open, but it is not easy to get in."

Luo Pengfei said helplessly: "Then I don't know where there are these two things."

Tao Tianji squeezed a strange gesture in his hand, and he had a word in his mouth. After a long sound, he said: "There is a reincarnation, the gods are not dead, Xiaohao, you should go to the undead domain to try the chance."

Undead domain, among the imaginary tribes, the race of living alone, the place where the undead live.

The monks of the tribes are mostly living and unrecognizable, but they happen to be a peculiar race generated by the dead monks who have been given the opportunity of immortality.

The celestial machine has a very powerful ability to capture the secrets.

Since he said that Sun Hao’s chance is not to die, then Sun Hao really needs to go in and out.

However, when the celestial **** peeks into the celestial plane, what is the special meaning of the two words "revolutionary and reincarnation, the gods are not dead"?

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