Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2243: 10 big yin

On the 4th, the Emperor was insatiable, and he indulged his repeated shots, killing more than a dozen Sun Hao's subordinates. ??

Sun Hao swallowed his voice and looked like a gas bag.

The front of the Sanyin Emperor also came out to mediate. After seeing Sun Hao, it seems that there is not too much reaction to this, and he is too lazy to come into trouble.

The difference between the three and the fifth, the fourth emperor is like this.

Anyway, Sun Hao is on the periphery, and it is not particularly troublesome to catch a ghost to supplement the loss. A slight loss is not a big deal.

Over time, everyone will get used to it.

For a whole year, Sun Hao’s grievances have become more and more obvious, and Sanyinhuang is still blind.

However, in the past year, Sun Hao still used some of the yin attribute resources that were hunted and harvested from time to time to honor the three yin dynasties, but gradually established a good relationship with the three ghouls.

I don't know how many subordinates Sun Hao has been destroyed.

The subordinates of the No. 4 Yinhuang have become accustomed to seeing the subordinates of Sun Hao, and they are used to the soft eggs of Sun Hao and not playing.

Only this day, the situation has changed.

The three subordinates of Sun Hao accidentally drifted to the middle position.

The subordinates of the No. 4 Yin Emperor immediately rushed down and handed their paws to Sun Hao’s subordinates.

But who knows, this time kicked the iron plate.

The three ghosts are quite fierce, three to five, and the five singers of the four yin dynasty are smashed down on the spot.

When I finished, I immediately ran back to Sun Hao’s base camp.

The fourth emperor was defeated by five elites, and his heart was unhappy. He jumped out and asked the sin.

Sun Hao was careful and said that he had a big idea at the time. He did not restrain his subordinates. At that time, he went to practice. He did not know who gave them such bad things.

Of course, Sun Hao also said: "Big Brother, your men have already killed me no less than a hundred people? I am only five, no need to make a fuss?"

The three eager to see the Yin Emperor deeply.

On the 4th, the Emperor said that he was greatly dissatisfied, and he roared, and Sun Hao had to give a statement.

Sun Hao would not give it to each other, and the three yin emperors came to mediate, and they all thought that the fourth emperor was a little unreasonable.

This matter will eventually be lost.

In a few days, things happened again.

The place where the two sides bordered each other, they played again. This time, the No. 4 Yinhuang several people hated the strength of the subordinates, and actually killed the Sun Hao base camp not far away, chasing a few escape ghosts.

Who knows that the fire of Sun Hao's base camp is elite, the fourth yin dynasty killed, no less than twenty ghosts subordinates, one did not run away, all were killed by Sun Hao's elite on the spot.

Losing 20 elites in one breath?

On the 4th, the Yin Emperor was furious and personally led the subordinate Chen Bing’s border, screaming to the Sun Hao team, and screaming to destroy Sun Hao.

Sun Hao couldn't bear it, and he had an angry wave of thought: "Come on, come to war, there is a kind of everyone to open the pattern of death and hate, let's fight..."

The so-called model of death and hatred is a way of fighting between the ghosts, representing the endless death.

On the 4th, the Yin Emperor was furious: "If you hit it, you will die of death and hatred. Whoever is afraid of it, there is a kind of you coming up."

In the view of the 4th Yinhuang, he and the Sanyin Emperor have been together for many years. At this time, when they want to open the dead battle mode, the Sanyin Emperor should stand on his own side, or come forward to mediate, everyone is like the past, It’s just a matter of each other.

Who knows, what surprised him was that Sanyinhuang collectively expressed his silence at this time. The three Yinhuangs felt that the Yinhuang No. 4 was really unreasonable, but it was not known.

There is no death in the battle of death. Anyway, I have no relationship with my own half-money. I am happy to watch the excitement.

On the 4th, the Emperor of the Yellow Emperor was riding a tiger, and his conscious strength was not weak. He simply did not do two, and took the lead in attacking. The death battle officially opened.

At the beginning of the battle, the No. 4 Yin Emperor showed a strong impact, leading his own army to suppress the team of Sun Hao and launched a siege.

Sun Hao’s troops seem to be very difficult to resist.

The strength of the 4th Yinhuang is also like a high level, suppressing Sun Hao, punching and kicking, and thinking waves also fully prevail.

However, to make the three warriors more surprised, the new generation of the Emperor has a very tough fighting ability.

It is crumbling and never falling.

The battle lasted for a whole month, and Sun Hao actually stabilized his position and began to counterattack gradually. The troops of the 4th Emperor began to weaken, and the 4th Emperor himself began to be suppressed by Sun Hao.

At this point, the three Yin Emperors began to hesitate whether it should come out to mediate.

Originally, the 4th Yinhuang was an ally of all of you. At this time, the allies fought unfavorably, and everyone should come out to help.

However, the Sanyin Emperor thought of the unreasonable troubles of the No. 4 Yin Emperor in the past year, and thought of the many gifts that Sun Hao gave to everyone, and finally decided to stand by.

After Sun Hao gained the upper hand, the battle continued for ten days. The number of the Yinhuang No. 4 team was less and less. On the tenth day, there was little left, and the No. 4 Yin Emperor wanted to escape.

Sanyinhuang also wants to stand up and mediate, and prepare to suggest that Sun Hao replace the status of the No. 4 Yin Emperor, but don't rush to kill.

Sun Hao violently spurred the thought wave, did not give the opportunity to plead for the three yin emperors, forcibly disintegrated the fourth emperor in the air.

The fourth emperor turned into a light spot, and most of them flooded into Sun’s forehead crystals according to the special rules of the Yinshen Mountain.

The spirit of Sun Hao is one of the vibrations.

After killing a Yin Emperor, Sun Hao was truly recognized by the Ling Tomb and became one of the top ten Yinhuangs. He had the opportunity to practice at the spiritual tomb and practice at the root of the tomb.

The spiritual aura of the spiritual tomb has a great help to Sun Hao's practice.

After being ranked among the top ten emperors, Sun Hao had a better understanding of the Yin Emperor who was leaning in front of him. They had some perceptions about their habits and characteristics, and more importantly, Sun Hao was able to perceive The spirit tombs that are located above the tomb of the tomb and form a snowflake with the tomb of the tomb slowly rotate, and their subordinates are all high-powered generations, giving Sun Hao’s own powerful threat of nature. .

Without much thought, Sun Hao already knows that the Golden Crown Yinhuang, which is ranked above the tomb of the spirit, may have suppressed the incarnation of his own silver crown.

Sun Hao has reason to believe that as long as he gives his time, he will soon reach the height of the Golden Crown and eventually climb to the peak of the spiritual tomb.

If you go from normal procedures, this time may not be too short.

It is not too easy for each opportunity to reach the height of cultivation of the combined power. Every opportunity may require a lot of time to accumulate. Otherwise, why is the strength of the combination with a long life still difficult to progress?

Sun Hao became the Yin Emperor, and there was no coronation ceremony. The Ghost Mountain is still operating according to its own rules.

The three yin emperors also swayed for a few days for the experience of the No. 4 Yin Emperor, but soon after, they recovered their calm.

The six golden crowns of the Yin Emperor did not pay much attention from the beginning to the It doesn't matter if it is high.

Sun Hao started his own Yin Emperor career very low-key.

After becoming a Yin Emperor, Sun Hao began to analyze the true cultivation of the Yin Emperor according to some of his own performances, as well as some peculiar abilities.

After entering the Ghost Mountain, especially after approaching the Tomb of the Tomb, Sun Hao's fit is subject to strange rules. If he is not forced to drive, he does not know how powerful he can be in the vicinity of this spiritual tomb.

Nowadays, it is ranked among the top ten Yinhuangs, and Sun Hao began to seriously examine himself.

After more than a year of observation and understanding, in the end, Sun Hao still had to regret it.

In this state of the present, the state near the tomb, with his own practice, with his own cultivation, is completely incomparable.

Not a direction at all.

The rules are completely different and simply not good.

To make a metaphor, a country chooses talents and chooses two types. One is a monk with a fighting power group, and the other is a scholar with profound knowledge.

Monks and scholars, both of whom are leaders in their respective fields, do not have a set of comparable composability at all.

This is the most obvious feeling after Sun Hao became the Yin Emperor.

However, as far as Sun Hao knows, in the field of undead gods, the ghost is only one of the sources of the great system. If this is the case, then the ghost will still become a member of the power system, that is, you don’t know the top ten After getting the normal power system, what will be the strength.

Of course, it is very likely that after the Yin Emperor gets the normal power system, it will be turned into a completely different form, for example, an undead hero with a magical spell system that has become a cultivator.

Most likely, that's it.

Sun Hao sank into the tomb of the spirit, not moving, strengthening the practice, while secretly observing, speculating on other Yinhuang. 8

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