Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2245: Ghost storm

Under normal circumstances, once the silver crown of the tomb in the tomb is stable, it will not go out at will, because once you go out, you will fear that your status will be replaced.

But the recent four Yin Emperors are completely different. After many years of silence, the four Yin Emperors began to go out for hunting. Near the Ghost Mountain, the strong ghost king was eliminated by the four Yin Emperors.

The crown of the four heads of the Yin Emperor is also in this kind of hunting, and it is getting closer and closer to the Golden Crown.

However, it is probably the relationship of the position of the tomb. Sun Hao and his three disciples are always a little worse than the Golden Crown.

To achieve the Golden Crown, it may not be achieved by practice or accumulation.

It is very likely that you will need to wait for the opportunity to enter the top of the tomb to become a snowflake petal.

The four silver crowns, the Yin Emperor, have indeed been replaced by Sun Hao.

The disciples of Sun Hao have already practiced the technique of the soul, and the soul of the butterfly king Xia Chuan is quite brilliant.

After the sea of ​​ghosts and sorrows, the pure yin and the high-quality ghosts also made Sun Hao’s disciples rise to the idea of ​​practicing the ghosts. Just as Sun Hao needs his disciples to help, let’s sit down. The disciples stepped in from the periphery of the sea of ​​ghosts in accordance with their own mode of the year.

The yin emperor with butterfly tattoo on the forehead is the butterfly king Xia Chuan; the forehead has a dog's yin emperor is the easy road lamp, the easy road lamp violent army, there is the Tiangou team, one of the mutant Tiangou is extremely powerful The easy road lights rise up and turn them into their own branches. The forehead tattoo is the symbol of Tengu.

Finally, the Yin Emperor who entered the Ling Tomb was to Daewoo. He had a rabbit on his forehead. This is not the embodiment of the split, but it is precisely the performance of the Han Yu Jin.

In fact, in addition to the three powerful disciples who have separately built their own branches into the Yin Emperor, on the periphery of the Ling Tomb, several disciples of Sun Hao, Zhu Dezheng, Wu Xianlang and Xiaoyu Feitian have each practiced ghosts. Distracted.

Nowadays, they have become the powerful ghost king.

In the past few years, everyone has been hiding in the spiritual tomb, and they have all become powerful ghosts and distractions. Although they are helping the masters, they are also likely to be one of the opportunities of everyone, especially Zhu Dezheng and Wu Chuanglang, who perceive the ghost king. After the level, I think that the ghost king will add to his future practice.

About a hundred years have elapsed. More people around Sun Hao have practiced as ghost kings outside the spiritual tomb and have practiced for a long time.

Finally, I felt that the time was ripe and I began to attack the core of the real spirit.

On the periphery, no less than ten ghost kings mobilized the army to stand by, and Nei, Sun Hao led the other three emperors to gradually approach the spiritual tomb.

On this day, the tomb of the tomb was turning, a crown wearing a golden crown, and on the wrist, a golden crown with a string of skull-like bracelets approached the lowermost area.

Sun Hao has a heart.

With the cooperation of the three major emperors, Sun Hao himself dominated and moved together.

Sun Hao’s body, rising from the fog, rushed to the Golden Crown and launched a sneak attack.

The three major emperors sprayed the fog from three directions in an uninterrupted manner, trying to delay the perception of other golden crowns.

To be honest, for hundreds of millions of years, the rules for the birth of the Golden Crown to the Emperor’s Tomb have been step by step. They are all the gold crowns of the previous generation, or they have become the strongest silver crowns. .

Since the beginning of history, there has never been a situation in which the Silver Crown challenged the Golden Crown.

Sun Hao’s ups and downs were really out of the expectation of the Golden Crown.

The attacked Golden Crown Yinhuang has not been able to make too many reactions, and has been forced into the fog by Sun Hao.

The tomb of the tomb was lightly shaken, and the surface of the tomb that slowly turned like a clock suddenly stopped.

In addition, the Golden Crown Yinhuang where the five snowflakes are located stayed for a while, and nothing happened.

What happened to the tomb, how can it stop?

The Golden Crown Yin Huang was puzzled, and immediately felt that the shackles of the shackles were not proper. Because of his movements, the operation of the tomb was stopped.

The five golden crowns of the Yin Emperor instantly discovered the problem, and also perceived that the silver crown Yinhuang is challenging his companions.

This kind of provocation, that is a kind of violation of the vulture upgrade system, instantly caused the strong dissatisfaction of the Golden Crown Yinhuang.

Together with the Yin Emperor, who was covered by Sun Hao, the six emperors broke out and began to clear the new generation of Yinhuang who tried to violate the rules.

The Yin Emperor, who was entangled by Sun Hao, drove the crown of his own head, bringing the suppression of his own order, trying to expel Sun Hao.

Sun Hao practiced the ambition of fighting the sky, but he was really not afraid of the suppression in this order. In fact, Sun Hao has formed his own power after successive battles. Although it cannot be applied on a large scale, it is also Not afraid at all.

In the confrontation, Sun Hao also clearly perceives the special role of the Shantou bracelet. This special bracelet has a very strong Yin spirit, can produce a peculiar role, and confronts this Yin Emperor with a mental exhaustion. , the feeling of dizziness and sleepiness.

If it is not his own strength is strong enough, there is still the characteristics of boundless fighting spirit. At this time, I am afraid that it will be a bit unstoppable, at least it will be awkward.

Among the wills, Sun Hao and Shantou Yinhuang broke out one after another against each other. In a short time, it was difficult to decide the outcome.

The bodies of the two ghosts have also been entangled together, starting with the unique way of the Emperor.

At the same time, the tombs on the tomb of the tomb were all over the place, and the remaining five golden crowns were so powerful that they killed the Zheng Ya and the Shantou Yinhuang.

Sun Hao’s layout was also shown at this time.

Under the tomb of the tomb, there are several great ghost kings trained by Sun Hao.

The five golden crowns are also drunk.

In normal times, the Golden Crown Yinhuang is the real king. Few gold crowns are easily disturbed by other ghosts.

Now it’s good, and it’s actually designed by the ghosts who are much lower than themselves.

The number of ghosts is really quite a lot, and it appears densely around the tomb, a siege.

As the leader of the ghoul, he was attacked by his subordinates. The golden crowns of the golden crowns were furious, and they burst into flames. All the golden crowns and the golden crowns roared.

The golden crown yelled and snarled, and Sun Hao instinctively, gently swaying the sneaky body, revealing a faintness in his eyes.

The Golden Crown Yinhuang actually gave himself a strong sense of worship. The Golden Crown Yinhuang formed a huge suppression of the silver crown from the order.

This is still the case, and the combat of several disciples is a bit weak.

The greatness of the Golden Crown Yinhuang is far from knowing this aspect.

The Golden Crown Yinhuang screamed screamingly, and the periphery of the tomb and the tomb of the spirit suddenly became a huge battlefield.

Sun Hao has not been able to defeat the Emperor Yin, and has found that with the roar of the Golden Crown Yinhuang, the entire Yinshen Mountain has completely fallen into the chaos outside the Ling Tomb, instantly creating a huge ghost storm.

Countless ghosts, perhaps the ghosts of the entire ghost mountain whistling and rushing from the periphery to the spiritual tomb from all sides.

Ten huge tornado storms appeared above the sky, and they boasted to the spiritual tomb. They carefully observed that these tornadoes were all composed of ghosts.

The roaring ghost was spinning at high speed, turning into a tornado and rushing to the tomb.

It can be said that this is a change that Sun Hao did not expect.

It is difficult to fight the six golden crowns of the tomb of the tomb. I did not expect it to be so difficult.

When the fierce battle is opened, it is necessary to face countless ghosts in the entire ghost mountain.

Sun Hao thought that he was well prepared. With more than a dozen teams of ghosts and kings, the four silver crowns were enough to fight the Golden Crown.

Who knows that when the war begins, there has already been an embarrassing situation in which the enemy is attacked.

Above the spiritual tomb, the six golden crowns of the Emperor completely suppressed Sun Hao and the three silver crowns.

On the periphery, the outer army of the ghosts formed by the monks around Sun Hao suffered a huge ghost storm.

The fierce battle mode is turned on.

Even if Sun Hao is well-trained, the strength of the ghost king around him is strong, and it is also defeated under the attack of the endless ghost storm.

Fortunately, after years of painstaking efforts, Sun Hao’s own strength is already strong enough. After the sneak attack on the Golden Crown, the effect is still quite good. Before his disciples completely rushed, they barely forced the thoughts of the Golden Crown to be defeated.

At this time, the ghost team of the monks around Sun Hao has been left in the battle, leaving only a few elite, surrounded by Sun Hao.

Things out of Sun Hao's expectations, Sun Hao defeated the enemy, became the Golden Crown, but the ghost storm has not stopped, and there is a growing trend.

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